What do you want for/in Pokémon Switch and the berry possible Gen 8?

What do you want for/in Pokémon Switch and the berry possible Gen 8?

a revamped combat system, ditch the boring who wants to be a millionaire format and I'll be interested

To exist

And not run like shit

And maybe have have a battle frontier or wifi plaza or join avenue, something like that.

Please refer to megaman X7 and paper mario sticker star if you think change for the sake of change is a good idea.

>he still thinks a new combat system would be good idea and wouldn't alienate the huge majority of the fanbase
Not gonna happen, Pokemon is too big and GameFreak is too incompetent to implement a better battle system.

You gotta admit the style has gotten pretty stale. A new style would change things up and be a good change. I feel like fans are getting tired of the mediocrity of the series, especially with X/Y and S/M

To be the Dark Souls of Pokemon games

they made some pretty big changes to the formula with sumo, and the nips wrote the book on continuous improvement, the battle system will be up for review at some point, maybe not the next game, but itll change

Go back to the pixelart style. It fixes the lifeless animations that pokemon have in battles now, and it works for Gamefreak because even they can do that style without fucking it up.

Not him, but I don't have a problem with the gameplay. It's fine for what it is. It's just generally unbalanced right now.
The REAL issue with modern Pokemon it trying too hard to have a "serious" plot and hand-holding and rail-roading players.
Now I'm not asking for an open world game as that genre is pretty shitty, but the option for real challenge would be great.
Yes and SUMO is one of the most decisive games in the series. The biggest complaint about that game has nothing to do with the gameplay, it's the story and how much it crams it down your throat

This. Make it first person. Make it a shooter. Make all the pokemon nazi zombies. Make it realistic. Add bricks and brown and bloom. Also add a 4 hour campaign mode. Add some lootboxes which we can call pokeloot. Make it f2p. Make it on ps4 xbone and pc too since exclusives are gays and give it to blizzard

I haven't gotten sick of it yet, it's consistant so you don't have to re-learn the entire game after the last one, like in fighting games.

Nah, they should just do what the other console Pokemon games did like stadium and Colosseum and just make the animaltions more dynamic and interesting.

Real question though: Why don't the special edition Switch have a different color console like this mock-up does?

I'd buy a neon pink/green/splat switch or a red switch if the actual console itself was a unique color to go along with the controller joycons.

Thats a problem with the game as a whole and not from the combat standpoint. The battles are still solid.

A combat system that incorporates something more interesting beyond what we have now. Something like how Original Sin 2 has armor types or Octopath/Persona use weaknesses to gain extra turns or something like that.

Hell, even just make the default type of match a 2v2

I find most pokemon games to have fairly boring combat in 1v1s, which is what the majority of the story gives you.

Make the next one like Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness, BOOM done. 10/10

I hope they don't listen to this fag.

They should make battles default to double instead of single, there isn't much strategy in one to one battles.

Make the battles a lot faster. All of the loaded animations make the combat feel really slow and like a chore



That post was already shut down on /vp/, do you want that to happen again, here?

I don't even like Pokemon gameplay, I'm just being selfish. Sorry guys.

The PSS from Gen 6 and not the stupid online hub from Gen 7.

>The biggest complaint about that game has nothing to do with the gameplay, it's the story and how much it crams it down your throat

Fucking this. The Z-moves are alright and the new mons were pretty decent. I couldn't even finish this game because of how the game itself flowed. I tried twice to beat this and found myself just putting down the game and never having interest in playing again about halfway through.

Funny thing is I just picked up XY again last week and it feels way better to play. Story isn't perfect, but it's not annoying or draining either.

Give me a Colosseum type game with no fast traveling, one that has an actual map, towns, fields, etc.

For something realistic, further the visual style of XY and SM now that they have hardware to make or use better shaders in their pursuit of making the games look just like the Sugimori art.

I'd like them to shift gears with how they handle the plot. Less one big heavy narrative, more isolated little arcs for each town and the people in them that overlap some for a bigger picture. Stuff like XY's Looker Bureau, kinda. If you want, you can ignore them and just focus on beating the Gyms or Trials or whatever and advancing through the world, though you may have trouble keeping up with the level curve if you do that, and some side areas and the items or Pokemon in them may need you to go back and do those arcs to unlock. The evil team and Legendaries would be dealt with through stories like this, too. But I don't see them doing that. Because it's not just enough that they feel the need to have grand plots as graphics improve and they can better depict them, but everyone has to experience them so not a second of development "goes to waste".

Also let me nickname event Pokemon and swap out the Poke Balls I've caught things in.

How about instead of changing the shit that works, they fix everything that's fucking broken?

national dex
PSS back
less than half the cutscenes of SM
6vs6, single battle for official battle mode


I care more about getting Pokken DX DLC or a Sequel then an actual mainline pokemon game desu