user, please buy our game.
User, please buy our game
>girl (male)
I see what you did there.
liked and subscribed
more cup girls pls
Only once it's on sale.
Eh, not feeling them.
Looks too generic.
>they don't both have bowl cuts
shit pic
It's like 20 bucks.This isn't Danganronpa V3 that's a full priced game for a fucking Visual Novel.
There's two girls, but where's the cup?
>ponytail > bowl cut
I have a huge backlog of other things to do. Not like I have to rush to play a single player game, so there's no sense spending extra money.
Ill buy you eventually
Don't sully the beautiful art of cuphead with this generic schlock.
>don't sully generic schlock with generic schlock
>Tugjob and Cumshot
nothing generic about cuphead's art.
I pirated it and to be honest is not that fun.
I guess I've just have not been in the mood for cuphead.
It's literally meant to be a blatant copy of that style of cartoons.
>Draw anime girl
>Throw a straw in there
>Call it Cuphead
It’s in the name for fucks sake.
I pirated it and it's fucking great. The run n gun levels are generic shit though.
>draw felix the cat
>give it a cup head
>call it cuphead
Yeah, i kinda hated the run n gun levels.
They’re not calling him Felix the fucking cat now are they?
Yeah that's how art works dude.
A person says "I want to draw A except as B", so they they draw a B with enough traits from A to make it recognizable as A while still being B.
If everyone followed your autistic, no-fun-allowed standards for art then all drawings would just be traces of the original thing over and over because changing anything is bad apparently.
It would be generic if it was made 100 years ago. When was the last video game that was hand drawn in this art style?
I mean, I just cleared the first ink island in a little over an hour and this fountain guy said I've died 7 times so far.
Then I killed the candy queen on my 3rd try.
The game is challenging I'll give you that but I just feel tired instead of excited.
Sasuga master race.
>starts another cuphead thread
Not him but no, the designs are lazy as fuck, they're generic bimbos with straws attached, a creative design would incorporate more of the original material's elements. The artist clearly did not give enough of a shit or was not inspired.
Cuphead is one of those games you can't play for 10+ hours straight at full blast, but rather every once in a while. Take your time.
What do the gooks over at 2chan think of Cuphead?
it's called futa retard
>with enough traits for A to make it recognizable as A while still being B
Okay, you have the straw. What other trait is there to make you think “that’s cuphead and mugman”? The logo in the corner isn’t a character trait if you were wondering.
>incorporate more of the original material's elements
Like what. There's not a lot to either of their designs. The artist got the straws, he got the color schemes. To make them any more similar you'd have to make them not look human, which defeats the point.
Yeah we get it dude. You hate art. Nobody should ever be allowed to do anything original ever. All fan art of cuphead should just be traces of this image over and over again because changing things is wrong.
Futas aren't boys.
Peacock from skullgirls
Name one thing in the universe that isn't generic according to your standards.
my dick lol
Thats the joke.
Hey guys what do you think of my fanart of Cuphead and Mugman as dogs?
At first I tried drawing a pair of cartoony dogs with expressions and colored collars designed to mimic the original drawings of the characters except as dogs, but then I remembered that's the wrong way to do art, so I replaced the dogs heads with a cup and a mug just like the originals. Then I remembered that still wouldn't be good enough for angry autistic people on the internet, so I also replaced the dogs bodies with cuphead and mugmans bodies. Then I remembered cuphead and mugman don't wear dog collars, so I replaced the collars with their original outfits.
I hope it meets your standards now.
I did a version of them as cats too. Ran into the same problems but luckily was able to fix them thanks to advice from the always friendly and knowledgeable folks on Sup Forums.
This ones my favorite, I drew them as a badass pair of giant firebreathing dragons, and by keeping Sup Forumss advice in mind, was also able to keep them recognizable as the original characters.
Sorry user, you confused ‘hate’ with ‘disgust’. I don’t ‘hate’ the art, the art ‘disgusts’ me. I’ve heard typical traits of autism are spurts of anger and inability to read social interactions so I don’t necessarily blame you for this outburst. You can let it go user, you’re just as much of a random retard on the internet as I am.
And I've heard typical traits of being a little bitch are getting btfo, having no response and resorting to baseless insults.
Drawfag here, what elements from the original designs would you suggest to add?
is this autism
What's the filesize for Cuphead and Hat in Time? Maybe I'll grab them next sale.
Still no answers, just insults.
I made the post 3 times because I knew you had no answer and it's fun to rub it in with how stupid and wrong you are.
teacup dlc when
>buy game
>finish game
>100% game
>talk about game
>watch other people talk about game
>masturbate to the games characters
Some call it obsession. I just call it the way I enjoy a game to its fullest.
She looks really nice, i'd like to draw her.
doing what?
Stop making anime versions of everything
No bulge
No buy
>gets butthurt at another cuphead thread
dunno, probably generic anime shit like in OP
that's all i can do lol
Rubberhose rule 63 is better than anime rule 63
>not drawn in a classic style
Gayest shit I have ever seen.
effin waifu fags
anything > anime
yes and
What's that supposed to be?
one of the bugs from starship troopers
Is that Hackairiot?
>stocking with exposed heel/toes
decent but still kinda generic
I don't think so, their faces look pretty weird in comparison.
>grasping at straws
You are doing the oposite.
I was curious about cuphead, but not i am totally pissed with your spam posts and i dont even want to see it.