>The PS4 is 5 years old
>still has barely any good exclusive games
Why? What happened? The PS4 is a small speck compared to the PS2 and PS3's library.
The PS4 is 5 years old
Other urls found in this thread:
i had my pS4 for like 3 yrs and own less then 6 games while i had a massoive libary for my PSS3
this anime is so fucking stupid
Most anime is
Dunno what console your playing. There was at least one good exclusive almost every month this year alone.
Basically, we are in the stage wher the market is too over saturated with shit games.
The video game industry will crash soon. I predict it will crash after Miyamoto dies.
All anime is stupid.
>PS4 gets exclusives
>cry about it
>PS4 doesn't get exclusives
>cry about it
Blah blah blah... Shit games...
Blah blah blah... Industry crash soon...
Sup Forums Ladies and gentlemen, every year since 2007.
i can only think of gravity rush 2 and that wasnt amazing and of course shitty horizion
Yakuza 0
Purse Owner
>Persona 5
It's on PS3 though
>The video game industry will crash soon.
>tfw most of Sup Forums was too stupid to get other hobbies and will probably off themselves
Eh, whatever. I just dropped by and I'm not loyal to the PS4.
>hating an entire art medium
I bet you think weaboos are just people who watch anime.
>video game industry crash meme
this has been said since 2010
PS4 has tons of exclusives. You're probably a return that discounts a big chunk of them with
>muh i don't liek them so they don't count
Fuck off.
>Best year for video games in well over five to six years
>The video game industry will crash soon.
If the 360 failure rate and the PS3 launch disaster didn't crash the industry I don't think anything will.
Games are too expensive to develop nowadays, a single game takes up ten times the resources they did a decade ago.
It has so much great worldbuilding and lore, but they couldn't help but throw rotting diarrhea shit into it
Look, I'm not being a negative faggot or anything of the sort but come on, it's been 5 years already.
Don't you people feel at least a bit disappointed with the PS4's performance? About how bad TLG was? Or how Bloodborne was the awesome exclusive the PS4 had in years?
w>Yakuza 0
Okay i guess
not exclusive
>Purse Owner
not exclusive
Nintendo hasn't been relevant for at least ten years.
Semi-competent-to-competent low-to-mid-budget games the PS2 had by the truckload were killed by rising dev costs and mobile, PS3 wasn't very good either
Just like the ps3, ps2, and ps1
The same could be said about the Xbone, and the switch. I guess PC is the only answer. or you know, own mutliple systems
We live in a time where exclusives don't really matter. Sucks but it is what it is. I bought my PS4 for Gravity Rush 2 and Bloodborne so I'm still in it for their pull but the times are changin'.
The Wii was on fucking fire 10 years ago. To the day, hype for Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros. Brawl were out of this world. Don't know what rock you were living under.
my back log is so large the industry will have reset it self from the crash by the time I finish.
nice whats gettin broke off
is it a piece of her kid kat bar
Why is there no game that let's me explore an enormous hole in the ground that's 10 miles deep?
The current market "oversaturation" isn't even comparable to the shit being made circa 1983-84.
Well that shit sure ain't fun.
>exclusive games
god you consolecucks are so pathetic
What else does a console have to define itself by?
>Sup Forumsirgins only care about triple-A and indie FoTM games, meaning they miss out on a lot of the smaller exclusive titles
>ports of releases are easier and cheaper to do than ever, making the number of games exclusive to a system much lower
>a lot of Japanese games that would otherwise be exclusive this gen were either ported to the Vita or PS3 (DQ:Builders, Gravity Rush, Project Diva F, Persona 5 etc)
>Sony has put a lot of effort into remastering older games which has meant a) less resources put into NEW releases and b) less releases by Sony that are """truly""" exclusive
That said I think the PS4 is a pretty good system and it has a good library of games. I prefer to get physical copies of my games so Steam ports may as well not exist imo
isnt that the entire premise of the roguelike genre
animeonlyfags are the worst
Who gives a shit. Just buy the console that has the games you like or most of your friends have.
There are some mining-based games out there besides Minecraft. Most recent example I can think of Steamworld Dig 2, it's a fun game.
Nintendo is going to be the company that survives the crash. I doubt Miyamoto retiring will change the current course of things much at all.
What is going to happen is that the big AAA are going to become ever more reliant on microtransactions to pay their bills and support their content. Everything that isn't a huge blockbuster is going to fall off the face of the earth.
Eventually even the most ignorant of casuals will start to realize that the companies that do survive have stopped improving. This has already happened with COD to an extent, but I expect games like RDR2 and Halo to follow the trend that has been set in recent years. Where companies, desperate to fuck over their customers for a quick buck, alienate them further and further.
Marvel Vs Capcom Infinite is quite possibly the most recent example.
Psycho Pass
Welcome to the NHK
Elfen Lied (at least most of it)
Full Metal Alchemist
Ghost in the Shell
There are plenty of exceptions to everything, user.
I'll go ahead and replace that with Serial Experiments Lain for you.
It's like the doomsday prophets.
It's going to happen someday and they're going to scream "told you so!"
Anime powerlevel?
I don't know, I'm having fun with mine. Really looking forward to taiko in a few days.
Plenty of great exclusive games, you just don't like them and claim they're shit when they're recommended so people stopped bothering.
I love my PS4.
you forgot that you seen 20 anime so that makes you an expert.
Cowboy Bebop
Samurai Champloo
>Elfen Lied (at least most of it)
>Elfen lied
are you fucking retarded
shit taste as always Sup Forums
>this anime is so fucking stupid
All anime is stupid
I never said I was an expert, I simply gave examples of what are good animes in my opinion.
>you have shit tastes
>I wont post what I like though
What's "good taste" to you?
Let me guess, it's probably moe and ecchi garbage you're into.
>"I watch anime" starter pack
Then gtfo of Sup Forums and go back to plebbit.
>user, gimme a break
i only watch good anime like fooly cooly
>I only watch really obscure animes that don't even have subs.
>Elfen Lied
Good if you're a 13 year old going through an emo phase. Everything else on this list is fine. Also, Made in Abyss.
>Serial Experiments Lain
Never heard of it, I'll have to check it out. Is it also Ancient high fantasy?
Haven't seen that but the rest are also great examples. Samurai Champloo engulfed an entire two weeks of my life from morning to morning.
No, but I do have the capacity to look past minor flaws as long as most of the substance is there and well displayed.
So what would you consider "good" taste?
>he doesn't
Japan gave up on consoles in favor of smartphones.
What a cutie
>"oh wow, psycho pass and nhk? good taste-"
>elfen lied and inuyasha
why did you have to bait me
>There is nothing good about popular or well know materials of a medium
>Elfen Lied (at least most of it)
Come on
>Good if you're a 13 year old going through an emo phase
>Also, Made in Abyss
Can't deny that.
I only have 4 PS4 games pls help
I want a lewd bond with bondrewd!
Last gen was full of people complaining about exclusives, why would anyone try to make exclusive games this gen? Blame console war threads like this.
>series has Serial and Experiments in the title
>asks if it is high fantasy
how many times did your mother drop you as a baby?
did nothing wrong
>ancient high fantasy
I don't think you could come up with a description that's further away from what Lain is. Like, polar opposite end of the spectrum.
Cost of developing games is an order of magnitude higher today than the PS2 days. On top of that, games take longer to make and require bigger teams than they used to too.
That's a big reason why a lot of Japanese devs went from PS2 right over to PSP instead of PS3. Way lower costs, dev team sizes, and development time.
>posts a list of shit anime
Well, you tried.
Gaming consoles are dying thanks to PC. Consoles no longer have to worry about being sustainable and easy enough to develop for. Now they need to cram as much housepower as possible.
Also, thanks to PC the "mainstream" genre today is FPS. Most non-muricans don't care about FPS,
Ironically, the PC master race doesn't realizes that once consoles die, so will the PC.
Haha you guys fell for it XD
S1 of Psycho Pass, NHK, and GITS are fine. FMA's alright if he's talking about Brotherhood.
I only enjoyed FMA from this list.
The main appeal for me was how fast the show would turn a casual or friendly encounter in to a "everybody loses their limbs now" episode. the hires assassin was decently written and although I hate that the main characters are incestual teenagers and a girl who acts like a cat, the gore and serious nature it takes on at times totally makes it worth it for me.
>First episode
>"I can't do anything right" girl gets executed in front of her crush
Shit makes me laugh
I really don't see why those are the only two that everyone hates here, I think Inuyasha especially has plenty of interesting lore and combat attached to the story. Inuyasha is a dick but he becomes likeable as the show progresses, so I became invested in his brotherly squabbles.
Read above
>The PS4 came out in 2012
>haha gore is so funny I'm so edgy
shit taste, idiot
when do we get to see bunny guts
I want Sup Forums to stay
>Sup Forums tries to discuss anime
There's no Sup Forums here, only offtopic Sup Forums. Offtopic Sup Forums is always best Sup Forums.
Are there any Anime based games on PS4?
manga >>>> anime
Dumb fag, we have enough old games to play for ages. Even if a crash happened I'd have plenty to play before the vidya industry picks itself up again, and by the time it happens I still probably wouldn't have finished my gargantuan backlog.
ass too large
skin too white
PCs will never die because pcs and the parts of the pc that are good for gaming are also good for many other things that are not video games. We will always have pcs.