Did anyone buy it?

Did anyone buy it?


than talk about it smart a**...

At least 4 people.

"Too many choices." - Kotaku

Yes, I did and I've been playing it for at least a couple hours every day.

pic related is mfw. Does Kotaku even try anymore, or have they finally fully embraced being the shitty dumpster fire everyone has told them they are for the last decade?


Bought that shit Day 0.

X2 is muh Gundamfu, but trying to acclimate to og fat boi, FAZZ as well

Falling in love with Nena due to Stockholm Syndrome.

>I'm a real gun damn fan
>I don't know what suit to pick
>Oh no I could have unlocked a different emblem if I picked something different wahhhhhhhhh wahhhhhhhh WAAAAAAHHHHHH

There saved you looking it up.

Gimme some Miashei smut.

I have been dodging the purchase because I'm afraid I wont play it much. If only I had friends to play with.

I don't what else I expected really.

I might have some Gundam sluts. But not all of them user.

Fuck no. Nobody in my country would buy it and the netcode is possibly the worst in existence. In the Beta trying to play 1v1 with japs resulted in it running at

>liking nena at all
kys yourself

i got it from gamefly.

so..its pretty much either AI pvp or online pvp ?

Pretty much. There's no Story mode or anything like that.

>no G Gundam at all


Since WHEN did muricans and EYOUS favorite gundam show was g gundam?!?!?!?

What is this meme?

Didn't even know it had released already.

Fixing that shit right fucking now. Need some gendum to play, been bored with Breaker 3 for months.

It was popular on Toonami. Came on right after Dragon Ball if I remember right.

>Loran, Sochie, Kihel
>two liter whos
What in the tarnation is this?

They're not actually wrong and yet they're also wrong. The game has about 110 too many strikers than there is any use for but they act like unlocking anything but those matters. It has a bunch of useless filler MS but they don't really understand the issues around that.

All designed by the artist you retard.

Join one of the communities on PSN and you'll always have a game.

The same character designer did Turn-A, G-Reco, and MS Saga.

None of which were good.
Huh, funny that.

Yea, wished more people picked it up tho. I'll admit its one of my personal favorite games of this year.

Why do people like G Gundam? Are they just completely unfamiliar with the super robot genre? I mean the show is fucking awful. I just don't understand.

they enjoy the high quality gundam designs

Just imagine it. It's burst could be just pushing people really far.

>$85 base price
>5 DLC mecha at $6 each
>Gusion and G-Self are among them
Nah, fuck off Bamco.

>Be a poorfag
>Can't afford games
>Whine about it on Sup Forums (with incorrect numbers, no less)
Nah, fuck off user.

g-self is in the base game there's just a dlc variant.

And Gusion is fucking garbage

>Have money
>Don't give money to companies that want to charge me more for a product than other companies
>Buy other games instead
It's called having basic sense, user. Some more basic sense would be not assuming America is the whole world.

I did
Fun enough game, still wish there was more to it than just online death matches and some single player challenges.

Maybe a few more game modes or something

>$85 base price

Why don't you fucking push your stupid island closer if you want to experience American pricing for video games?

Yeah I did.

Matchmaking is pretty active and you can always find lobbies up.

Check the general on /m/ if you wanna play people who actually know what they're doing.

I'd maybe consider getting it but a lot of the meat is in the multiplayer, ins't it? Not gonna get any mp games on PS4 cause of the PSN plus jewery. And the dlc shit too

post your main!

>but a lot of the meat is in the multiplayer, ins't it?
All of the meat is the multiplayer man

Do any Gundam games have the prototype units from IGLOO?

Buster sword gundam reporting in.

>Have to carefully ration out money because you have a shit job/live in some shithole non-country
>Not being able to buy nice, expensive things as well as any other games you want, and still end up with thousands of dollars more at the end of the month than you did at the start

It's called not being an uneducated degenerate. Get a real job or move to a real country.

My brethren, something about the weapon switching and sprinting around the map like a lunatic is just too much fun


Two gerobi stock and MA mode, feels real good man.

user, just because I can buy something doesn't mean I have to. Next you're going to tell me you buy anime, because that's what anyone with money would do.

I'd like to, but they removed or ruined all of my mains from EXVSFB.

Nice try, but no. The difference is that you didn't merely "not buy it". You decided to come online and bitch and moan about how overpriced it is. I don't give a shit what you spend your money on, until you come and throw a bitch fit about it.

It is overpriced though.

If you're poor or live in some shithole of a country, sure.


But I'm neither of those things. Do you work for Bamco? Why are you defending Bamco's shitty business practices?

do games like this drop in price relatively soon?

If you don't like it, don't buy it. Don't come around shitting up threads for non-autists, user.

But OP asked if I bought it.

>861 ▶


It looks fun but it's not on PC. Oh well.

If it came to Switch I would. Seems ideal for it too

lmao what the fuck were they thinking

Don't mind him. I think he's the one making all these threads and he gets real offended when anybody talks shit about Gundam Versus. Last week I made the mistake of answering OP's question and he sperged out.

>browsing the /m/ general is starting to make me want to buy it despite it not having a few suits I wanted
Goddamnit, is the netcode better?

Barely. You aren't playing against japs anymore, at least?

what game?

Only problems I’ve had are when it matches me with random for the six person boss encounters on AI mode. Most rooms I’ve joined have been stable as far as I can tell

Gundam Battle Universe, PSP

Hopefully enough for more gundam games to make it. Despite not having muh G, and having some questionable DLC practices, a fully priced fighting game with 94 playable characters is impressive. Even if most play somewhat similarly like smash bros (put mash can't even cracking 60 and GV has just as much fanservice).

They better announce Gundam Breaker 4 soon.

Not if you git gud

>national stereotypes, the Mobile Suit version

No, fuck off Brett

No user it's bad.
You can still play it sure, heck you could even win matches with it, but don't be ignorant of how shit it is.

t. someone who played a whole bunch of shit suits back in Full Boost

Is there local multiplayer or is it online only?

>enjoy both getter and G
Nigga it's cheesy kung fu with giant robots. What is there not to like?
>And Gusion is fucking garbage
Frog Gusion, Rebake or Full cty, which one is in?

Rebake. It is fully shitty though.

>No decent man cutting scissors
How dissapointing.


I'll admit none of the dlcs are worth their asking price, especially Gusion. He's slow and has a low ammo count, I'll give you that. I've never had a problem with the suit though so.....
Oh and user I main "shit" suits too, your point being?


Perfect Pack is worth the value because it's a high tier suit but not top tier so it won't be nerfed and it comes with a navigator. But that's the only one that's worth it at least until we get an AGE suit with a Yurin navi or a build fighters suit with a Rinko navi.

So wait, how many IBO mechas are in?

Barbatos and Kimaris Trooper are in the base game and half a dozen different Grezes are support units with a couple mobile workers too.

Barbatos Lupus and Gusion Rebake are dlc

>no playable Grazes
>no Vidar or Bael yet
>No Manga exclusive ones like Astaroth or Dantallion

>No Reginlaze
>No Flauros
>No Shiden
>No Hekija
>No Grimgerde
>No Bael
>No fucking Vidar
>Probably no Astaroth either

At least it got better treatment than AGE. That only got one suit and it's dlc.

>wanting that piece of shit in
>forgetting Landman Rodis

Iok and Julia being pieces of shit doesn't stop the Reginlaze from being a sweet robot, user.


IBO isn't getting shit but anime Gundams, considering there are too many of those already.

Psycho Zaku a best

>Looks worse than the Graze
Plus the upgraded Julia does nothing for me (and in the show) outside of whips, and the Gouf Custom exists already
Though I wouldn't mind Iok as a pilot

>>Looks worse than the Graze
The Graze is the best mookbot since the Zaku, though.
>Iok as a pilot
I hope he has terrible stats and goes down like a bitch when he shows up in SRW.

>Unironically wanting the worst Gundam show in SRW

>down like a bitch
Iok dindu nuffin wrong

I just want the robots, man. And hell, maybe if Tekkadan joined up with some other people that aren't completely retarded they could fix it.

Does SRW normally fix plot/character problems of the shows they include, or was that only for Seed Destiny?

Not normally, but sometimes. Shinji typically turns out pretty different from hanging out with all the bro-tier super robot pilots.

Well that makes a lot of sense. Most of Shinji's problems tend to stem from not having any good confidants or role models who don't die or disappear at the worst moments.

>not joining with mcgillis
>not this time having Jesus Yamato's luck and winning the first skirmish

Still waiting for the game where Shinji becomes pals with Kamina.

>Jesus Yamato vs Iok the living Diabolus ex Machina
I want to see this now.