This is my Steam library. Family's gone in Seattle overnight, so I have lots of time to myself...

This is my Steam library. Family's gone in Seattle overnight, so I have lots of time to myself. Which game do you think I should play before the Monday wage slavery?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Not putting Female Announcer Bukkake 10 hour special edition on the living room tv

Try to beat hm1 and 2.


Yeah, do Hotline Miami 1 & 2. Great games.

Deus Ex, for sure.

Your appointment to FEMA will be finalized within the week. I've already discussed the matter with the senator.

Will do.



If you want a copy of Castle Crashers Ill give you one.

shut up nerd.

Hello fellow /wa/shingtonian, I recommend you play through Hotline Miami 1&2 and if you already have, buy more games.

Fuck Steam and fuck all white people


This is mine and i don't play games.

Yeah, I'm a poorfag.


Its free and on piratebay

perfect for cucktober

>Big open areas with bullets coming from all sides
I sleep

get your fingers out of my asshole, user

lmao op is that really your entire steam library? if it is ill gift u fallout new vegas right now

Try getting good you fucking faggot
And that only mildly applies to Pardo and Beard's levels
Tired of this fucking meme criticism
HM2 is better than 1

how are you an american wage slave but dont have money to get more than 10 cheap games on steam?

uh. sure? If you're serious. Thanks.

My profile:

No one man should be this wrong

>Tired of this fucking meme criticism
>gives tired shit meme response to wave off any sort of criticism

Because I work at McDicks and have one roommate that I hate. Sad truth.

accidentally included the "home" in the url

>only mildly applies

Dead Ahead nearly drove me to suicide. Hotline Miami 1 is the far superior game.

>I killed another thread

well, better scratch another tally mark into my helmet.

1 had carefully designed levels with thought put into enemy placement, their weapons and was designed around the intention the player will die very often so floors shouldn't be too long.

2 just slapped some randomised enemies around a giant level with tons of windows and guns and decided that would do

raging kegger at OP's pad.

Death Wish and Casualties are WAY worse

I still can't get past the final level with the son, mark will always kill me before I even have a chance to get out of his way.

Wait shit Apocalypse? That's easy as fuck. If you were talking about Take Over I'd understand but Apocalypse? Really?

Yeah, apocalypse. How the fuck do I kill that bear?

be fast
move in a curved sort of line