I thought this was just fap bait but it's really good...

I thought this was just fap bait but it's really good. The combat isn't much to write home about but everything else is top notch and it only tells it's story in a way that is unique to videogames. I wish more games would do this instead of being movies with gameplay interspersed.

>fap bait
It's literally too sad to fap to. I can't fap to pic related. I don't get how they did this to me but they did and this upsets me. If you want to fap to Toobie you should do it before you play her game. Or early enough in the game. No one told me that before. NO ONE TOLD ME.

>tells it's story in a way that is unique to videogames

Wait until route C and D when the gameplay falls apart and you're left reading logs and looking up on the wiki what the fuck happened in the endings.

Yeah when I first talked to the very first shop guy and he talked about replacing all of his parts but his busted original leg because if he replaced it is he even the same person? Then you remember 2B just got obliterated.

>route C and D
Yeah, maybe if had brain damage

I hope everyone enjoyed yoko taro's game!

It's sad that the game only really starts getting good after route B, which basically no one even sees. Most people that even make it to the end of A straight up refuse to continue, even if you tell them there's more, and they refuse even harder once they see that B is a repeat of A.

The voice acting and storytelling in C/D is just so, so, so much better than what the first half offers you, and only a tiny minority ever gets to experience that.
I truly wish the first half of the game was even nierly as good as the second.

I don't like this game because when I heard "yoko taro x platinum games" i expected "mgr/w101 x DoD/NieR" but got "shit bayonetta x worse nier"

I'd rather have a game that get better as opposed to a game that gets worse the closer your are to the end.

Did anyone actually buy this game because of their dick? 2B and A2 are hot but not enough to justify a $70 purchase. I bought it because the game and story were good.

whats funny is that i had no idea that there was a second half to the game
it took me 21 hours to complete route A and i was perfectly content with the game switching between 2B and 9S when you complete their routes
that second half took me by pleasant surprise

>and they refuse even harder once they see that B is a repeat of A
well why wouldn't they? nigga i have a full time job, you think i'd actually beat a game with this shitty gameplay and this much backtracking twice in a row?

why hard mode so hard

Lol git gud the entire game is a cakewalk. There is literally an invulnerability button with no cost or cool down

It's hard until you realize you need health chips in order to not getting oneshotted.

are you okay

>and it only tells it's story in a way that is unique to videogames

what does that even mean?

People claim that MGS2 does the same damn thing and I don't see it.

>gameplay falls apart
Not sure how you can say this when that final boss sequence was actually pretty hype.

The gameplay was never particularly amazing but it never really "got worse" per say. 9S is cool when you look into his melee moveset more.

Any tips? I didn't try much outside of mashing X a few times before holding X.
>tfw tossing a lance and lining up a full charged laser in 2D mode

It's a multi purpose product. An investment to gamers, a muse to artists.

>this was just fap bait
Why would you think that? Nips don't put this much effort into pure wank material.

That's an Im@s character.

Taro's storytelling style lies alot on "shocking" the viewer by applying a new context to what they saw before. (He hasn't realized it, but it gets old after a while and very predictable)

He did it well in Nier (routes A/B), not so much in Drakengard 3, and only somewhat suceeded in Automata but he got too impressed with himself in thinking anyone will actually the play entire game over again for some basic characterization from 2B. The game, as a game, offers nothing to justify this.

Drakengard 1 is unironically his best game because it dosen't waste your time. It delivers on everything it's trying to do without fumbling over itself in trying to be fancy.

People compare Automata to MGS2 because of the character switching and vaguely existential themes + meta stuff, but ultimately they're doing two very different things.

>Taro's storytelling style lies alot on "shocking" the viewer by applying a new context to what they saw before.

you mean like how n the first Nier where you got some extra scenes & could understand the Shades?

>People compare Automata to MGS2 because of the character switching and vaguely existential themes + meta stuff
MGS2 went meta? and had themes?

stop half-reading posts

Finished it earlier this week (endings A - E), the OST is fucking brilliant and the game hits you with a few pretty heavy philosophical concepts. Great game.