I need more games where I can do sweet shit like in Max Payne 3, give me some suggestions Sup Forums

I need more games where I can do sweet shit like in Max Payne 3, give me some suggestions Sup Forums

Kane and Lynch 2
Sleeping Dogs
Watch Dogs (for some part)

Sleeping Dogs is okay, Kane and Lynch and Watch Dogs are complete shit though imo

Army of Two
No More Heroes

Hotline Miami

Max Payne 3 is better than both 1 and 2.

Gameplay wise, definitely. Altough I think 1 and 2 have the edge story wise, even though 3 still has a really good one

3's story is much more inventive, it retains it's noire roots while taking place in sunny Brazil of all places.

MP2 with the elements of style mod.
Also Just Cause 2.

Dead to Rights

>slowest game in the series with the worst controls

I agree with the slow part, those constant cutscenes pissed me off. But you can't say the controls are shit, the game controls better than 99% of modern third person shooters

I agree that it was good, but something just felt off being in Brazil instead of New York. Those flash-back missions were so good that it makes me wish the whole game took place in NY

Im not comparing it to most modern tps. It controls much worse than the first two games, Max is a slow fat slob that can't get up fast or roll and it feels like shit

The third one used weather to also give insight in max’s internal strife. Never see that talked about

Understandable, I feel like the jump in generation is partly at fault for that. Look at the ps2 GTA trilogy compared to 4 and 5, the character movement is much better in the older ones. Rockstar obviously relied on the engine from GTA IV and Red Dead for MP3, I think that they trade off responsive movement for good animation. Because all recent R* games have pretty clunky movement

More games need MP3s physics and bullet wounds

In your opinion it's worse. I think it adds more weight to your decisions in combat, you're not a supercop hell-bent on revenge with gliding lessons from Knuckles anymore, you're a sad old addict

How about vanquish

Played it through twice when it came out on pc a few months ago, it was pretty fun but got boring real fast

Its the gens obsession with realism. You cant have Max get up instantly because itll look too video gamey. And the insane rolling the previous games had? Thats straight up anime, cant have that. Same deal with movement, the instant snappy movement from previous games doesnt feel as believable. The gen was a mistake.

Yeah like I said they chose good looking animations over responsive character movement, I honestly don't know which I'd rather have though. I can't imagine what 3's gameplay would've looked like if they went for the unrealistic route, it would've stuck out compared to R*'s other recent games. All of their gunplay has generally been the same since GTA IV in 2008

Any games like this I could play on PS4 other than the original MP?

Dont see how thats a problem. Should be more concerned with it fitting in with the rest of the series rather than rockstars catalogue, which max payne fans arent necessarily very fond of to begin with.

>only owning a PS4

Yeah but R* were the developers of the game, and it was relying on assets from previous R* games from the past few years. I think it was pretty good for how it turned out, they could've completely botched it trying to revamp how combat works just to match up to the previous games
