Any DD: Dark Arisen veterans on Sup Forums who share their overall experience of this game? What's the endgame like? Am lvl38 and rly enjoying it so far.
Any DD: Dark Arisen veterans on Sup Forums who share their overall experience of this game? What's the endgame like...
>Sup Forums
Does it make sense to max out every class with your char to get all the passive skills?
only if you want
its worth it for some classes if the passive you want is useful
There was a nice one in a previous thread, thick tall female with an eyepatch, someone got those pics, is she still around in the ps4 / xbone versions?
How the fuck do you git gud with Mystic Knight? I was expecting to just enchant my shield and slam faggots with it not timed block shit. Also casting time is fucking putrid, takes too long to enchant your weapon and then spawn the magic cannon.
Do I need PS+ to hire pawns?
Nigger get immolation or whatever get dual blades and just melt faggots as your pounding on their back.
But I want to be a holy Paladin knight you double nigger. Sneakfag playthrough is a different playthrough, not this one. So again I ask how do I make Mystic Knight not a fucking pain in the ass?
You could probably shorten it a little bit with Articulacy from sorcerer and the Wyrmking's ring.
Honestly, canons get outpaced hard in BBI anyway, where enemies actually have defense and split damage results in trying to punch through it twice. Mystic Knight still remains a monster by going pure physical and just enchanting abyssal anguish. I have a theory that pure magick and using a staff for charged holy bolts would probably be the single strongest thing you can do, but I've never bothered to test it because equipping a staff on one seems lame.
Get the PC version and enable instant casting. Makes the game much more fun.
tell me the truth is it worth level up to do the BBI end game levels?
is it worth to level up to 200?
i mean i like the game but its same thing as if you tell me
"reach lvl 900 in dark souls cuz reasons"
give it to me straight
Staff should have been the replacer for that gay, useless shield. Timed blocks seem fucking impossible because your hit from multiple groups all around you. Or maybe Capcom gooks could have used some thinking power and made fighter symbol onslaught on the Mystic Knight with the enchanted shields.
the end of BBI was probably the strongest part of the game for me. desu, it'd be worth it just for that fight.
200 specifically tho, not really. i think i finished everything at about lvl 130
Only play a game for as long as you enjoy it, user. There's no need to chase a meaningless number.
Staff and shield wrecks everything in the vanilla game, snipe with ingle, and use MOTHERFUCKING BRONTIDE the rest of the time. You'll stunlock nearly everything big since brontide will hit multiple times per swing through their hit box. But yeah, my favorite way to play mk is physical. BBI 2 shield with the permanant holy enchant and virge of madness (BBI 3 mace, when fully gold dragonforged has only 100 less attack than the warrior BBI 3 weapons fully gold dragonforged). Perfect block for days, and your higher magick defense even let's you block Matt Daimon's spells without taking damage, and you can trigger multiple perfect ripostes for a holy magick burst on each strike of his triple levin attack if you time it right.
Honestly, people will probably clear out BBI the second time before they're even 100, and the only thing left is to infinitely grind for gear you don't need because you already beat everything. Getting to 200 was really only for online Ur-Dragon damage, and I'm not sure anyone really cares now that it drops stuff worse than BBI.
Prescience augment really helps, increases the time frame for a perfect block. Mk takes getting used to since it's a touch slower to block than a fighter, but once you got it you're golden.
Anyone with the ps4 xbone or pc version. How does the hot key thing work (mainly on ps4). It might get me to buy it, because getting drenched and losing light was annoying.
i love you
not only for video gaymes but life in ganeral
How do you guys deal with the limited weight? I find it really bullshit that when you prepare for adventure your left with minimal loot capacity before being a slow sack of shit. What's the only things you need to remain light as possible?
I enjoyed the grind for perfect gear for my pawns. Also /ddg/ helped a lot, people hiring each other's pawns back and forth made it much more enjoyable to run over and over again.
Reminder, if you are on PC, don't mess with your save data for multiple saves.
>make new Gmail account
>make new steam with that email
>put $5 in the wallet, so I can friend people
>game share off my main account to the new steam
>friend myself
There you go, a new save while still keeping your main pawn available for rents. And you can hire your pawns from your accounts back and forth for RC, or trading items. Like, hire your new pawn on your main account, equip them with end game vanilla gear, then send them back with an expensive item like armor or weapon. Now your new pawns stats are two or three times what they would be for tons of hires, and you can sell the gift for gold to help in your early game.
I'm surprised she hasnt been posted since she seems to be in every one of these threads.
I think you can only hotkey on PC and it was really handy for that. I think you could bind the eternal ferrystone too but I might be wrong there. It worked for liquid virn's and the lantern though.
Install the mod to remove it.
Or just mess with save data for convenience?? If you're going to roundabout exploit the system just do it in a convenient manner.
I put loot into the inventory of my pawns, keep curatives on myself. Harspud sauce, large mushrooms, potent greenwarish/kingswarish, oil, and panacea are all you really need towards the end. If a pawn falls just revive them, maybe toss them a curative, but don't give them a stack. Pawns are stupid, they'll stand in water and get drenched, use a panacea to cure it, get drenched, and repeat until the stack is gone.
give everything to your pawns
and just keep healing items
Being able to make a new account and still have your main pawn be able to be hired is more than worth it. Also less chance of corrupting your save.
What kind of pawn vocation would you hire most of the time?
i have never played this game, but for some reason in my mind i see this and Kingdoms of Amalur as almost the same title
whats a better game? which should i check out
>comparing dd to western shit
>overall experience of this game
reaching Gran Soren, doing some exploration and checking the map
>oh god this game is ridiculously huge
15 hours later after completely finishing the main quest
>Wait what, that was all? Is the game missing half of its main content?
>greater cannon
Lel. Just use AA and get gud with perfect blocking, really not hard at at all. Conversely, if you wanna stay a GC babby then get hallowed feint and pblock on your GC and sigils. Keep holy and ice as those are pretty much the best.
I'm not sure it's worth thinking about too much. Mage and fighter are probably by far the most rented pawn types, but that's also why they're so popular a pick for your own pawn. So you end up with people both making a pawn type that they then don't need to hire, and also the sheer number of them reduces the odds of yours being rented over someone else's. Although a mage without guardian is a huge plus.
Someone post the slide. You know the one.
My Blue is too good to me
I'd say it's a flawed gem, a lot of things are frustrating like the grinding and the way damage is calculated, but it's damn fun
to sum up my experience:
>play on PS3 for a little bit and put it down after getting bored
>pick it up again years later when the PC release is announced, love it
>despair after finishing it because I realized I'll never enjoy a game that much again
>despair more after reading about all the cut/unimplemented content
>Sup Forums
I have played through DD 3 or 4 times by now but I still don't understand Elysion's and Salvation's agenda. Can anyone fill me in on what's their end game and why?
Set your hot key and L1+R1 plus whatever direction on the d-pad
They're basically just a death cult. They think the dragon will destroy everyone and bring salvation, and they're just trying to fuck shit up as hard as possible for people to make it even harder for anyone to deal with the dragon.
>all of those characters
main quest is not the ending of the game retard
> kill le big dragun, this the endd???
fuck off
BBI content is way better than the main game so you're in for some fun
Check the wiki to see if they're any good, some are even bugged and give negative stats iirc
What part of "COMPLETELY" did you not understand, dipshit?
you're not at the end, but the game is very small yes. and yeah lots of content was cut. BBI is where you'll spend more time, but even that place has reused shit everywhere but shills will cry otherwise
Dare you look upon the truth?
So is there any reason to play assassin? Is it just strider that can use a sword and shield?
Highest Str build in the game.
Yes. Sinew is unlocked in Fighter but has nothing to do with play style, it's useful across all classes.
Max out all vocations my friend, you may even find you prefer ones you weren't expecting to.
I have DD on PC, but I heard of the PS4 release. A lot of my IRL friends got it too so they could share pawns and whatnot, and I was gonna follow when I realized the PS4 version is capped at 30FPS. Should I still get it?
Also keep in mind that I really like physical games and it could also show Capcom that DD is profitable
They also turn borderline invincible with an invis skill and have a super strong dps buff.
Assassin and Ranger are the most powerful vocations in the game by an enormous margin.
>Have build perfectly layed out
>grind other vocation's passive inbetween level ups
>suddenly Griffin attacks after exiting catacombs
>"what the fuck is this shit i've never seen this happen before"
>get a lil bit hyphy and fight the beast
>it dies
>22k EXP
>level up
>tfw now my perfect build is fucked up because I have one level as mage where there shouldn't be one
Min maxing in this game is a chore
>Want to play a certain vocation
>"Nah bro you can't play that vocation until level 200 after you level these other vocations first"
>Say fuck it and play what I want
Yeah, just look at the augments of every class and level for the ones you want. You're not going to ruin your build by leveling a different class, I promise.
Yeah its pretty fucking gay that theres only 2 paths
1-10 Fighter 11-200 Assassin
1-10 Mage 11-200 Sorcerer
Luckily both paths are fun vocations but it sucks being so limited.
>go to BBI at level 5 to explore a bit and see how far I can go
>loot some stuffs
>first item I purify is the secret technique for +20% while clinging to an enemy
>neither me nor my pawn are gonna be striders any time soo
>shilling a game this old
you ok dude?
Yeah don't min max. You can play Fighter/Warrior to Level 200 and still kill everything without a hiccup as Sorcerer or Magick Archer. The game loses all difficulty at level 120, let alone 200. Or just play on PC and adjust your stats every ten levels
>just released last week
>implying the Capcom jew wouldn't go as low as to shill his 5th re-release on a mongolian cartoon sharing platform
>it could also show Capcom that DD is profitable
They already know what they're capable of making from it and it's not enough to justify a sequel. The first game went over budget and we all know how it was unfinished.
Don't buy a game you already own for such a stupid reason as that.
first time playing, I went Mage and switched to Sorcerer at 10 I think and then got max vocation with it
I realized ~10 levels after maxing the vocation you don't get new skills, but at the same time I have no idea if that's true since my main pawn keeps getting new skills despite being max vocation for ages
magick archer now anyway, enjoying it, explosive bolt is fun
>Can't decide wether I want my pawn be a Ranger, Warrior, Strider or Fighter
>he's always excelling whatever I choose for him
>Seeing him as Ranger take out foes is fun
>Seeing him as Warrior legsweeping and jump attacking fools is fun
>Seeing him as Strider gives faces his kisses of death is fun
>Seeing him as Fighter blinkstrike chaining, perfect blocking and dragon's mawing fools is fun
>Level 80: The Moon
The Berserk armor is worth playing on console
I'm not an animefag and couldn't care less about something like that
Endgame is you getting fucked in BBI for a long time until you raid a bunch of its coffers and bosses to get lvl 2 and 3 BBI gear and return the favor. In other words, really fun.
Enchant your shield and perfect block you pussy. Use cannon. Use Sky Rapture.
This happened to me and I just loaded.
The fuck do lesbians have to do with anything
It must have been a self-hating ex-yurifag. Their breed gets rid of their fetish before they get rid of their goggles.
Assassin arisen and big guy
Nothing to do with the manga (or anime if you're braindead)
The Berserk armor and weapons are just the coolest in the game.
Is magic canon only magic knight viable?
is there any difference between the ps4 and pc version?
What the fuck do you mean? Mystic Knight is the only class that can use Magic Cannon.
I'm on PS4 using all the DLC gear, like Vagabond's Armor, Lion's Spine, Tiara of Enlightenment and Voldoan Armor
none of the gear I find is better, not even shit from the Black Cat
is this gonna change or have I just been giving myself an easy time? I kind of regret it
I think he's asking if Mystic Knight is only viable with Magic Cannon.
I meant not using any other skill than that.
There is better armour
>not playing /fa/
When youre pawn looks like everyone elses its why you arent getting taken. Also def doesnt matter at all past a certain level, something either kills you in 2-3 hits or it doesnt, just wear whatever looks good m8.
Was pretty gr8...I was suprised it made my top 5 games
Really enjoyed the customization and combat the only thing I would say is the map needed to be larger.
For me, I went in BBI with no prior knowledge or guide and the final boss really fucking suprised me. The fight was super well done
The Black Cat sells knock off shit, there's a reason it's weak. Wear stuff for fashion.
Not even other sword skills like full moon slash? It is possible but it will be boring af to play that way.
where the fuck do I learn Bolide, Maelstrom, Seism and all the powerful shit?
I'm rank 10 Sorcerer but it's not showing up anywhere, innkeeper doesn't have it
>rank 10 Sorcerer
is that not the max your vocation can reach? I meant to say 9, whoops
how much are you willing to pay for those sliders?
PC has mods, better graphics, uncapped FPS. PS4 has 30fps.
Are you sure you're not Mage? My condolences if so. Otherwise the innkeeps teach it, go to Archistaff skills and scroll down.
>the only way I can get people to use my pawn that looks like literally every other pawn is if I plug it on every website
Fuck this guy. He thought his character was unique, but is using the exact same items that literally everyone at high level is using.
Made a loli pawn and I have to play offline or people will kill her
Im going to be that guy here, the game does not have meaningful mods in the way Sup Forums said it would. Its just cheats and some skin swaps for christ sake, I was expecting actual content.
>people think that a game being on PC means it can be modded like an Elder Scrolls or Fallout game
Still waiting for those Starship Trooper mods for EDF 4.1
Go online.
Yes it does, there are mods that fix and adjust all of the spells, a variety of re-balance/level curve mods, a mod that makes the game much harder, a mod that increases enemy spawns, a mod that randomizes enemy spawns, the dinput mod which took most of the various cheat engine scripts focused on QOL and stuff like that(eg. removing clothing/weapon restrictions or enabling or editing augments and much much more), reskins, model swaps, graphics enhancements, pawn managers, save managers, etc.