Mods deleting video game threads

>mods deleting video game threads


Other urls found in this thread:

Maybe try making a thread with an original OP.

Maybe post a OP pic that can't be accidentally interpreted as a RBWY thread.

>That OP
Really like tempting fate, don't you

Does shortstack Saber have a chance, lads?

HA I wish.

Weebs ruined this board

Weebs created this board

>Young Sheldon, Wojak, Family Guy threads up
>video game thread is deleted

They deleted it because your RBWY waifushit posting.
Good riddance.

This board was ruined day one so you're both right.

Which snek should make it in?

Susan with all moves unlocked as final boss when?

Well they're janitors, OP. They're supposed to take out the garbage.

>thinly veiled porn threads are finnally getting banned

We are obviously getting Hazama since he's the safest and most popular pick out of then, Terumi would be hard to put in this game but I would love if they do, Susanoo sadly seems out of the question unless they feel like going all out.


Nah prob not. Even in the eventual sequel we wont be seeing Es for along time.

Who are the characters you want to come back in Blazeblue - Awakening the Chaos ?

Carl will probably be back since the he has a cliffhanger, but I want a revamped design for him, like growing the fuck up

It's not like this game is going to be too heavy on canon probably, seems like they're even pulling the whole different continuity thing for this game is the trailers are any hint, aside from some obvious picks I think there's a fair chance for some wild choices for the Blazblue characters.

He will never grow up nor see character development.

I want Ragna to come back honestly too bad hes being replaced with a boobed version of him. How the fuck are they going to explain Nu inheriting Ragnas personality ? didnt Amane say something about it alluding to that fact ?

What did you fags do, the few threads before the last one were fine. Anyway, bumpin' for loads of gameplay


Faggots can't resist posting about nothing and the news about the game was relatively minor, those that went to the event should be cleaning their footage of the game right about now.

>Yosuke has a speed stat that literally goes off the chart
>Ruby is barely above average despite her semblance being "fast"

>yfw Blake is announced

>He doesn't know

Oh I know, I main Yosuke in P4A/U

seems like there's much more in her semblance, she literally sometimes can move so fast that she makes an illusion of like if she were teleporting or even create whirldwinds when going at her fullest speed.

They just probably gave their stats based on gameplay rather than canon, or just so they could give her that Kawaii start out of the chart instead.

I mean, her semblance went from going fast to some kind of spin-dash with rose petals.

Blake can be the worst RWBY girl for all that matters, but I least she's probably going to be one of the most fun to play based on her fighting style alone.

And she's a pretty hot cat, I can see why Sun keeps being so persistent in getting on that ass.

pad players, do you guys do 6236 or 623 for DPs?



Yeah but Weiss can summon shit.
I won't lie, I don't really care but Blake's fighting style would be similar to Linne and Hibiki. Just base it about misdirection and you are there.
Also, Sun is really just trying to brighten her mood.

Or Blake will be some terrifying hybrid of Hibiki and Axl Low

Now that would be truly horrifying.

Don't give them ideas

I really don't see Blake end up being too similar to Linne and Hibiki, the fact that her clones work very differently in a more defensive way and that she has a grappling hook with swinging mechanics already give a lot possibilities, and don't even forget those elemental clones or wave beam that she can do.

Also sadly i don't see Weiss having her summons in this game unless maybe for her suppers or Instant kill, remember they're going mostly with their V1-V3 incarnations.

>remember they're going mostly with their V1-V3 incarnations.
Well shit. I was hoping Weiss wuld get something like pic related.

I really want to see her interact with Jin, Orie, and/or Mitsuru whether it be in story mode or just pre-battle dialogue.

What happened to the Danganronpa thread?

>Vs. Jin.
*Speaks Japanese* "Yes, it is difficult to use ice so much."
>Vs. Orie
*Speaks Japanese but says Licht Kreis* "Is that where you buy your clothes? Interesting."
>Vs. Mitsuru
*Speaks Japanese* "Ah yes, the pains of being rich. So hard to find good help."
It's just funny to me because the RWBY cast will understand Japanese.

leaked roster don't tell ArcSys


Looking forward to being disappointed at the stream in 10 hours?

She will probably get her summons, since she was getting the hang of then during V3 but don't expect her moveset to be so reliant in then, most likely she will stick with all of her glyphs and dust types though.

It's beautiful.
Better than what could have been hoped for.

>Implying implicitly that I'm not hyped for the testicle crushing disappointment that will be the next stream.
Get a load of this fag.
What stream? Will there be more retarded questions? Oh boy oh boy!

What are the odds that she'll be able to clock up her partner on a tag out?

I guess, I just really like the summons truth be told.
Princess summons a fucking knight to wreck shit. It speaks to me.

The RWBY team are having a big stream on NYCC's center stage on Twitch. It'll probably be another Q&A with fans asking stupid questions, so unless Gray makes some obvious hint tweets today, don't expect much.

I'll never not be disappointed with the questions these autistic fans ask. Nothing that would be neat to know and a good chunk of the time it comes back to their ships.
Why doesn't anybody ask important questions? Like how does a scroll measure aura?

>How many trannies will Volume 5 have?
>Is Roman dead

Yang better have a unique comeback mechanic. There would not be a more missed opportunity than her awakening not setting her ablaze and getting unique shit based on that.

How is the RWBY anime Sup Forums

>Yang's Resonance Blaze makes her do her whole "burn" thing.
>She can't recover health any more but the lower the health she has when it activates the higher her damage output is.
Or it changes her specials to add more hits.

first 3 volumes will melt your eyes.

Pretty much, one of RWBY's biggest problems is that the show tells, not shows. They have something weird or new come up, but never bother to properly explain or show what it is in the show, so the writers have to take to Q&As or commentary to actually explain what it is (a good example being Ruby's weird dream where she hears Pyrrha's voice in V4, leading to a bunch of theories, but it turns out Ruby just had PTSD). Nor are weapons or Dust properly explained or Semblences even shown to their full capabilities so again, they have to say what it is outside of the show.

No wonder Mori likes it.

>It's a "You gotta look up the supplementary material to understand shit" episode

Then again considering what RWBY is based off of. It makes sense.

Bitch to the mods, not us

I think she has a small chance as a surprise pick. They could quite easily decide to put her in as a surprise pick and as an XBlaze rep since her design is relatively popular too.

She's not "never ever" tier like Susanooh and Lambda, at least

It's a train wreck that I can't look away from.

I was expecting to hate her because she was from supplementary material, but she really grew on me and I used her a lot until Jubei came out.

And Susan never ever ;_;

It's essentially BlazBlue fanfiction and apparently FF8 too with the main cast being cute girls instead of chuuni dudes. There's even FemHakumen, why wouldn't Mori like it?

>know nothing about the BB story beyond Calamity Trigger
>been maining Es for two months now
Do I really have to youtube the story? Is the story from the previous games included somewhere? How much is there?

Is Jubei any good?
I've played a lot of Tsubaki, Hakumen and Es but I can't find the motivation to go back.

Fem Hakumen is an evil bandit queen that needs to be killed!

Jubei is very fun, I don't play online and I'm not too versed in tiers but I enjoy his combo enders and his crazy movement options.

She's a top tier qt. If I played as much as I used to (only play casually with one friend these days) I'd try and learn her.

If you want to know the main BlazBlue story, there's 4 games but each contains a summary of the previous ones. The summaries skip a LOT of character progression or otherwise important-to-specific-character things though. If you're really interested, play through the story of

- Calamity Trigger
- Continuum Shift Extend
- Chrono Phantasma Extend
- Central Fiction

in that order.

If you want to know about Es specifically, read XBlaze because her appearance in BlazBlue is only in the last game and it's basically just "hey it's her from XBlaze doing a thing here in BlazBlue now"

Technically Es first first showed up in a VN But as far BB goes. It doesn't even matter to know her origin much.

They've been doing that for a while.

Fair enough, I'll just watch some crazy shit people do with him online.

Why does such a tiny girl have such fat tits? Is that explained in the VN?

I actually really liked all the CF newcomers, they were all fun to play in their own ways and I vastly preferred their playstyles to the CP newcomers. Unfortunately the only CF newcomers I could see appearing in BBTAG's base game is Naoto and Nine.

Is the anime any good?

I guess someone had a thing for midget tits

It's a mixed bag, it only can be called good at the ending of V3, but otherwise if you have time to waste then you could watch it all in a sitting.

He means the BB anime.

Oh, no.
By all accounts it is not a very good anime.
I hear the dub is better for Hazama being a complete cunt but the animation is rough as fuck and the pacing is shit.
I got too used to people asking about Ruby I defaulted to the usual response for it.

Most people consider Jubei around mid tier or so. He has great mobility and his damage isn't bad either, combined with easy corner carry and an execution bar that isn't too high. His defensive options aren't too great though so if he's on the defense in the corner and can't counter assault, you better be damn good at blocking. The problem is that Arcsys went full fucking retard with "balancing" him so he's kind of risky to play because he takes more damage than other characters for no real reason.

>say multiple times though the years that they won't add Jubei until they find a way to get around the height issue
>even though in-universe he's not that much shorter than characters like Platinum and Carl
>when they finally add him they just say "fuck it" and increase the size of his sprite anyway
>yet to make it "fair" he always takes damage as if he's in a crouching state so crouch specific combos work on him even when he's standing, meaning he can take a hell of a lot of damage

They increased the size of his sprite so his hitboxes wouldn't be bonkers but still treat him like he's super tiny for no reason.


Strange descision.

Arcsys is known to make decisions that make literally no sense when it comes to balance. Like how they nerfed Bullet twice even though she was already considered low tier before finally making her into a halfway decent character.

Hope they fix that down the line. Sounds like they also gave him a low (I think?) defense modifier too. In my experience playing him, Jubei feels like a character that could be really good if he didn't have the weird damage quirks, although his defense is pretty bad regardless of that.

His health and defense modifier are actually around the average for the cast. It's just that because he takes extra damage due to his crouching state it doesn't really matter.

I want Jubei to get in just to see what everyone's reaction to a talking cat samurai who fucked a titty witch would be.

>Jubei scored top tier pussy because Nine was a furry
How based can one cat be?

>Everyone else: You uh..fucked a human? You're joking right?

>that catlet got to fuck this
It's not fair

>the sexy witch with big tits likes short but strong men who can put up a fight when she dominates them
Nine is truly a fine witch.

>strongest living creature on the planet
>fucked a hot witch
>has a qt daughter
>one of the few people in the series that can deal with terumi's bullshit in a straight fight
>respected or feared by the rest of the cast

They probably made him mediocre gameplay wise on purpose so the universe didn't collapse under how based he is.

I'm actually kinda disappointed that nearly all of the footage I've seen of the game is with people that have no idea on how to play an Arcsys game at all. You can't even get a feel for how the game can really play out because it's all RWBY fans playing the game trying to button mash and or fail with autocombos. I've probably seen like a minute total of someone who knows what they're doing with blazblue characters and like 5 seconds of footage of an actual UNIEL combo.

>dominates them

She goes complete schoolgirl crush mode when she's around Jubei. The barbed dick is strong.

To be fair, the game doesn't seem like it allows much freedom based on that control scheme and people are probably having trouble adjusting to the BB/P4A/UNI characters that had much more options in their base games. There's only two actual buttons for normals so even the advanced stuff probably isn't going to be that impressive.