Why can I play as an Imperial Officer alongside Republic troopers?

Why can I play as an Imperial Officer alongside Republic troopers?

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Blackwake, the main competitior to this game, is way more faithful to the Star Wars source material than EA's shitty Battlefront 2 is
In the meantime, just play the original Battlefront 2

>Have to install origin
>Cant choose your team because matchmaking
>Cant choose your spawn point
>Cant enter vehicles and drive/fly with your friends in the gunner seat or whatever
>Cant even leave vehicles
>You actually are the vehicle
>Cant choose your spawn point
>No Droidekas
>No sidearms
>No map
>No galactic conquest
>Cant see your ping
>Cant see your kdr or anyone elses
>Not even a server browser
>Are there even dedicated servers?
>Even the 'vehicles' repair themselves
>Unlimited Ammo
>Pay-to-grind-less crates for advantageous ingame powerups/items ONTOP OF EXISTING FULL PRICE PAYWALL
>Have to install origin
>No Droidekas

Arcade machine of the year confirmed. Game is trash. I didn't think it was possible to regress this fucking much from GOTYAY Battlefront 2 in 2005. To think I was actually looking forward to this heaping pile of shit. Fuck everything, video games are dead. Anyone who praises this shit is either a shill, mentally retarded, or underage.


why do the clones have wookies

>those droid voices

They really just don't care about the game, do they?

Republic Officer Uniforms are very similar to Imperial Officer's Uniforms. Since the Republic becomes the Empire.

They got the guy who did them in the clone wars CGI cartoon.
They're a bit too goofy for my taste.

They are exactly the same as episode 3

Who cares the prequels are shit you little contrarian baby
I bet you werent even old enough to see phantom menace in theatres

Go hotglue your Reply toys, autismo

Episode 3 is trash when it came to clones and droids.

if you want to hear good drone voices git gud so you can play a super battle droid

Nah just different, if you liked Star Wars you'd understand.

It's a Republic officer

Its CoD with a Star Wars skin, which is exactly why I lowered expectations and am having fun with the beta.
Just shit on kids and get Darth Maul as your killstreak.

Can you please explain to me how a game about colonial era naval battles is in any way faithful to star wars

>my ROTC cadre said I was high speed

2005 Battlefront 2 had the best battle droid voice, in my opinion.


nigger what

And how is that the games fault?

I also thought this, until my friend let me look at his Officer character and it's Temuera's face. They're clone Officers.

See I had to look it up, they're not in the movies (obviously) they're from The Clone Wars cartoon and other such side things like that.

Its literally a clone

We havent seen any actual customization yet and whether or not we can pick armored officers, but the ones in the beta existed

Damn, that female is a cutie

Its like they took Rey and made her not ugly

I honestly didn't know shilling this hard was possible.

Is that Rory from Doctor Who?

Its hilarious how EAFront cant even make Rey look good
>Mind Trick is useless
>Charging leaves you open and does nothing if you miss
>Middle ability is just a scanner like Bobby Fett
I don't see anyone using her in the full game

Is it just me or Han Solo is the worst heroes out of all 4 so far?
well more like hes hardest to play

Sharpshooter destroys enemy heroes and his detonite charge is good as a trap. I havent even used his charge at all offensively I usually use it to run.

Imagine being so triggered by black people that you actually start shit over a robot's paint job.

How the fuck are you supposed to mount a proper defense as Clones in the first phase of Naboo? Just trying to get your hands on a rocket launcher can be a chore in of itself and it's impossible to coordinate your team so that they can protect you if you get it or use it wisely while you protect them

I cant find the negroid in game, I thought the Heavy was supposed to be the brown one but its mostly silver

>rocket troopers have no problems single handedly raping an entire enemy team, and only cost 2k battle points
>flamethrower troopers are hilariously bad in every regard, and cost 3.5k battle points

Han is the best. I still remember absolutely wrecking people in the first Battlefront. Video related.


>Highly accurate shooting. How are you doing that?

Don't forget

>No Obi-Wan
>Chromatic Aberration
>Film Grain
>Bad DX12 Implementation
>Seizure Inducing, Make You Eyes Bleed UI (The fucking glitch effect, why?)
>Took Away Character Customization
>Took Away Horde Mode
>Can't Board Enemy Ships In Space Battles
>Star Cards Are Now Worse Than The First Game
>Dull Game Modes
>Limiting Credit Purchases Means You Could Have Enough For What You Want All Game But Never Get It, Cause "Muh Balance" (The whole system is shit and causes so many problems)
>The Graphics Are 100% Objectively Worse Than the First EA Battlefront (Which is one of the best looking games in years)
>No Squads
>Can't See How Many Players Are Spawned or Spawning As What Class

And the YouTube shills are not allowed to criticize it, which leaves only Reddit which is 60% dick sucking and only 40% mild criticism.

>It's great except for X :)))

It's not great, it sucks.

What? They're accurate to the movies and the cartoon. Isn't this what you wanted?

Does it trigger you because you're being reminded of what you've always known deep down - that the prequels are trash made for babies?

Sup Forums actually right this time.

This game is like planetside 2 with the amount of micro transactions that give gameplay bonuses.

it doesnt suck is just meh.
graphics are great but so was the one before it, other then that im underwhelmed by the beta, the only thing i enjoyed was the star fighters and thats been done before 2.

mediocrity shined and buffed to a mirror finish. if it didnt have the star wars tag it would be an steam early access game battlefield ripoff

literally went down 10 cup sizes

Can you do combat rolls like the original BF 1 and 2 or is it just a reskinned nu-Battlefield?

Don't forget
>fov is locked to 55




>It's for kids!


It looks way worse.

Im not seeing a difference in quality but I am seeing a difference in planets meaning different foliage

Where's your shot of Endor in the new game?

nigga you should have seen the female from the first one

You sound like a tremendous baby

combat roll is bugged and lets you go fast
fucking downloading right I don't even give a fuck if it's EA I want to roll like a motherfucker

Anyone notice that roger roger units have Tiny hit boxes compared to clones?

Cognitive Bias or Blind

I can't tell which

Thats the first game on Sullust.


oh fuck wtf man I thought the first game didn't have a roll I'm a goddamn retard.

Yeah I cant tell if the guy who posted the album is blind either

Its not the same planet and hes not looking at the same angle, he'd be terrible at Digital Foundry videos

>make a star wars game
>it's actually reskinned CoD

I've been in five unrelated threads already that had people talking about how great Blackwake is starting off "Blackwake the best! It has thing that this game doesn't have or better!"

Are we being infested with shills right now?

Yeah you can roll in this one.

>Payback time


>playing as a droid
>grenade blows up underneath me
Man being a droid must be fun

George himself said they're made for kids :^)

realistically though it was just a backpedal when people didn't like Jar Jar or how shit the prequels were in general; but the clash in tone is a genuine criticism of the prequels. On one hand, it wants to be le ebin serious space opera about the dangers of love and the fall of the Republic and then it resorts to childish slapstick humor and fart jokes.

Say what you will about TFA but at least it knew it wanted to be a whimsical space fantasy and didn't have a cgi rabbit stepping in poo and going pee-yousa

>Endor isn't in the beta
>They are going to reuse maps (no they aren't)
>Can't see the obvious difference in object complexity and texture resolution
>Can't see the film grain and CA
>Doesn't notice the color grading is fucked to hell
>Can't see the gun models are lower rez
>Doesn't notice the flat lighting

TFA didn't understand Star Wars either. In nearly all interviews with Abrams leading up to and after TFA's release, all he talks about is practical effects. He knows how to make a film look nice, (lens flare aside) but he has no grasp on what makes Star Wars, Star Wars. Not even George understood it.

Game looks fun, can't wait to play it and have fun.
Damn it feels good to not be a raging faggot.

not even memeing brah.

its not that fun.
Game is oversimplified where the most complex mechanics are micro transactions

Go try it before making assumptions, it's in open beta on all platforms. "I'm so awesome! I never criticize things. I'm above all that ;) Just gimme that slop and I'll eat it!"

At least in EAfront 1 you could make your own class and the partner system was effective. The game tried to set itself apart from Battlefront 1 & 2 and did a decent job. I can understand why they did it and can defend it. However, I would rather take Eafront 1 and add a shit ton of content and maps. What we got instead is a drastic step back with attempts to make it inferior, only acquiescing on minor things.

>You want classes and squads? How about just classes? Yeah, that'll be ok. Then we have something to save for the 3rd game in 2 years. :D

What the hell is he doing?

>People unironically like the diarrhea shitfest that was space battles in Battlefront 2.

I remember now why it was left out. Because nobody sincerely actually liked it, and only used it as an excuse to argue why Battlefront 2015 was a step down from 2005 Battlefront 2.

Anyway, the only reason why I was looking forward to space combat was the hilarity of boarding ships. Jumping into a carrier ship with 20 other guys and causing a rapefest once boarding the enemy's dreadnought ship, stealing enemy ships and cucking the, or kamikazing into the enemy's hanger and exploding 5 other players. Can't even do that in this fucking piece of shit game.

They did like it and they wanted it to be improved not cut out then re-added in a lazy and half-assed manner so they had something to add in the 3rd game.

wtf is going on in that webm?

its clearly a joke silly head

Wait what was wrong with space battles? Sure the ground combat was way more fun in my opinion but I still found space battles to be enjoyable.

I cant defend the first game at all
>No classes means 100% of people use Grenade/Jetpack (replace Grenade with Bacta Bomb once that DLC came out)
>$60 game with $60 Season Pass, without said pass there was FOUR MAPS
>Only good DLC maps were Bespin
>Season pass also had p2w weapons attached to it like Bacta Bombs and blasters heroes used
>Ships handled like boats in a sea of shit
>DL-44 was deluxe edition content and brokenly good
That game was a glorified tech demo sold at full price and then some. It deserved to bleed 90% of its players within a month.

Who hurt you user?

EA as a fan of the Battlefront games.

Those were in Attack of the Clones.

For the same reason as this

The Harlem Hellfighters were a real all African unit in WW1.

Not this again

BF1 is mostly white.

It should have had customization but its hilarious how Sup Forums is still angry about a German negroid

You guys permabanned a paying customer for calling you niggers in your discord. I'll never buy your shit game.


we wuz kaiser n shit

Ok Post Modernist, just ignore facts. I'm sure it will continue to help you.

>mfw I actually like Blackwake but I can't talk about it because it's literally being shilled

Droids developed the funny voice since Episode 3. Even the SBDs had them in the movie.

yes a real unit in the german army

>Fighter speed is too fast and controls are so shit that you are lucky to hit anything and not crash
>Wookie warriors on Naboo
>Cross Era heroes (during E3 "B-but it's still in alpha")
>Two types of SBDs but no other special droid

OP most people don't know SHIT about Star Wars lore. And they don't care.

We Disney now.

>Say what you will about TFA but at least it knew it wanted to be a literal remake of the first movie
Ftfy senpai

I only got the play land assault once now it just kicks me to Strike. Is it working yet?

yellow is CG
purple is practical
or the other way around

>He knows how to make a film look nice,
Tippity toppity kek

Also threadly reminder, that all the shit that Disney and JJ has been spouting about practical effects are total bullshit, since the prequels surprisingly had those and way better as well.

>star wars
I think you're looking for the star trek online thread.

... You can't?

>original BF 1
didn't have combat rolls.

Droid voices were only like that in episode 3 and the shitty cartoon.

>didn't have a cgi rabbit stepping in poo and going pee-yousa
instead we got a ball droid and KEWL LOOKING CHROME trooper just for disney to sell toys.
what a joke.
and don't forget the totally-not-ewok looking animal in episode VIII

>try beta with friends
>one by one friends ditch because they're frustrated with how shit this game is
>only one left trying to convince myself it's fun
Holy fuck man this game just sucks so bad and I don't even know where to start