Holy crap Lois! Check out this AWESOME game I found on R*ddit!

Holy crap Lois! Check out this AWESOME game I found on R*ddit!

Other urls found in this thread:


I posted it again mom!


What the Dukes?

hey [B]eter

user please
how long must this go on?
when will the reign of reddit/cuphead meme subside?

I can filter "ddit" too faggot




reddit game
reddit post
reddit user
reddit thread
reddit site
reddit life
it's all just reddit now, isn't it?
we're all just reddit now, aren't we?

>not "lois im a dont deal with the devil"


Careful now, Family Guy humor is a slippery slope.

>16, perpetually aroused and steadily degrading morality
>live in very rural area, lots of woods around my "neighborhood"
>nearest neighbor is over a mile away, so you can't really call it that
>sick of watching family guy reruns on tv, decide to spend some time at lake doin nature shit
>walking home from lake
>almost home, when I see a crumpled black shape lying on the road
>upon closer inspection, it's a recently killed and intact crow
>already had boner, I decide to do the unthinkable
>take roadkill crow into the woods off the road
>take off pants once I'm out of sight of the road
>fuck the dead crow, tear its ass to shreds with my dick
>there's blood everywhere
>pull up my pants, shaking
>leave crow in the woods, cry on the rest of my walk home

The thing was already dead, so it obviously didn't mind. But I'll never be able to live this down.

You think that's bad?

Remember the time I spammed Sup Forums the musical threads for a month straight?


Waiter, this pasta is stale.

gods not real

I'm reddit. You're reddit. We're all reddit.

we live in the reddit universe


its sodium chloride

xd im pickle riiiiiiiiick

*buuuurp* d-devils not *buuurp* real m-mugman


Wow Peter, this almost as fun as the time I posted a shit thread on Sup Forums...

If you go to reddit will you find people there mentioning Sup Forums in every post like we mention reddit in every post here?

Or do they just not think of us at all.

>Sony Jabronies THIS assblasted about a Microsoft/PC exclusive


it takes a high IQ to like this thread

i keep seeing Sup Forums being brought up as a boogeyman on random blogs and forums all the time. like brought up out of nowhere by people who have never even been here. pic related is the last time it really popped out at me. this from a kpop blog that gets like 5 comments per article

need to raise IQ, I got the fount buddy.
