What's a game with good character development?

What's a game with good character development?

At least post the bigger one.


>>Sup Forums

to this day I don't know what kind of coward without balls you need to be to feel sexual pleasure to this behemoth of repulsive degeneracy.

I've meet satanist people before and some gang members from my old neighborhood, those folks would be revolted to read this shit.


She didn't deserve it
>hur dur she became a drug addict that's her fault

Yeah people do drugs to forget or get distracted from their traumas and huge problems, doesn't help that she got horribly treated by literally everyone in the world specially her parents

The first four chapters are really fappable because one doesn't expect for the series to turn that dark and the art is hot, then it becomes really sad and one is like oh shit

Star ocean second story

Monster Girl Quest

that shit snuck up on me, I turned to the bottle after I was done reading

If you can't fap to ShindoL you're a huge fucking faggot

I do not like Shindo's art at all. The bodies just seem a bit too floppy to get me jazzed.

> flappy bodies don't get you rock-hard

neck yourself, fool


>empathy for holes
The absolute state of Sup Forumseddit.

Soure? searched for shindoL on exh and didnt find it

>preaching to a choir of manchildren that get off to opportunities to share their personal degeneracy for non existent street cred

Shindol - Metamorphosis

It's on nyaa

nightmare fuel

>tfw always afriad to talk about my fetishes cause I'll just come off as a tryhard

>thinking starting a thread with hentai pictures will have any meaningful discussion

>that one where the pedos drive around raping lolis then kill themselves

Fuck, I don't like where this is going at all.

>thinking OP intended there to be any meaningful discussion when he started the thread


>I've meet satanist people before and some gang members from my old neighborhood, those folks would be revolted to read this shit.
They're normies compared to weebs.