Does anyone else find the concept of taunting in video games itself to be hilarious...

Does anyone else find the concept of taunting in video games itself to be hilarious? Developers literally and specifically took the time to include a feature that was purposely designed to piss off other players. Banter is -canon- in some video games just because some smug fuck designer was so pleased with himself about how much of a douche he was. I wonder what the first game with taunting was.

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Blackwake has some nice taunts

gg ez


>"The virgin overwatch banned chat" vs. "The Chad TF2 bantz"

Taunting is overrated. My friend once punched me in the face because I wouldn't stop stealing his eggs and dropping them deliberately in the Diddy Kong Racing airplane mini-game.

HEY.... i have seen u in another thread before... stop shilling please

Did you cry?

How did you win if you were dropping eggs instead of putting them in your nest?

It didn't matter if I won, I just wanted my friend to lose to the NPC's because he took the game so seriously. I underestimated how serious.

Also, punched user here. IIRC, the game gives you points for bullshitting. You can have zero eggs in your nest and still arbitrarily get 2nd place as long as you contributed to the NPC which won.

>not enjoying banter

Sucks to suck, OP. Maybe you'd enjoy taunting if you were good lmao fag

Video games have always been a competitve medium. Banter/Taunting/Sledging or whatever you want to call it, essientially throwing someone of their came by insulting them has always been a valid tactic and a part of competition, so therefore it's only natural you would see it inbuilt into video games.

Unfortunately the marxist takeover has made the newer generation forget about this.

>taunt has a hitbox

I said I found it hilarious. Learn to read, scrub.

Nah revisionist. I don't think anyone spilled bad blood over Table Tennis for Two.

The difference is the world has become more vane and proportionally more stupid, so people these days believe there's some benefit to swearing and insulting others.

So you think actual sports never got serious? Or board games? Or whatever else? You're the revisionist here, pal.

>I wonder what the first game with taunting was.
ut99 is the earliest i can remember

if you still hang out with him you re a cuck

I love how taunts got so much upgrades after melee.
It's the first thing you want to see when you play a character for the first time.

Revisionist? The fuck are you talking about? Look at ANY competitive outlet and it's had it's fair share of "Banter"

Here's a fucking master before video games were even invented.

Damn I'm retarded

Chun Li before SFV and Akuma in SFV
Who else?

Nearly every character in 3rd strike if I remember right.
Qs' taunt was actually his strongest special move, some sort of buff.

You suck!
Die, bitch!
>somebody get our flag back!

In-game NCP taunts are even in very old arcade and computer games. I think there has always been an element of taunting in vidya. Heck, anything with hi-scores or 2 players could be considered like that.

Not a fighting game, but several taunts in TF2

He took less damage for the rest of the round if you completed an entire taunt animation, up to 3 times.

Is it still technically taunting if there's a practical reason for it?


So you decided to be an ass and got punished for it. Might want to learn when not to cross the line.

The irony here of your video is so dense that I already know nothing I could tell you will convince you you are any less than right.

Banter has just become who can be the biggest asshole behind the screen.

It's no real wonder it's been labeled toxic and bans are becoming more prevalent. People are are sick and tired others acting like 10 year olds and spewing shit from their mouths constantly.

Banter used to be fun, it got ruined over time.

Every taunt in 3S has some kind of buff attached to it. Q's was really good, but you should be taunting with every character if you get an opening. Though even though there's a gameplay reason for it, the buffs stop stacking after 3 taunts so any taunts after that are just to piss off your opponent.

A few were more than 3 times, or Alex's gradually increased the longer you held taunt

>Characters taunt heals them


Did the first Age of Empires have them? I remember them in AoE2

Someone post the ancient roman graffiti shitposts


>taunt heals every ally in a certain radius


Red Dead Redemption multiplayer has a button specifically for taunting, which is always hilarious especially when you choose a Mexican character.

Party games are just such serious business, how could he have forgotten?

>"gg ez"
>get banned
>spam taunts at enemies while you spawn camp them
>perfectly acceptable

This is why attempts to counter toxicity in online competitive games is inherently hypocritical.

That being said, I love taunting in hack n' slash beat 'em ups. Shit is primo.

>tfw love taunting but get extremely tight when someone taunts me first

"Toxicity" doesn't need to be countered because it's not a problem.

Go cry on Neogaf how there's no option to skip boss fights, faggot.

Adon's flip in Sf4

Kinda the point I was trying to get at. Shit-talking and competition are inextricable. I guess because of the current nature of the internet, even competitive scenes have to be "muh safe space."

literally Total War

Arcade punch out? I remember Bald Bull would taumt/laugh at you.

Tea bagging is the only taunt I need.

No it's just literal cuck western developers trying to appeal to people who largely don't play their game, as usual.

taunting is built into the game so it's meant to be kind of a tongue in cheek way of insulting your opponent, it's not meant to be serious. Whereas typing actual taunts can be seen as being more mean spirited and personal,

Relevant. All his videos are pretty good, but this is one of the more interesting ones.

I don't see how spamming insulting emotes isn't also mean-spirited. Heck, you can at least mute people and chat, but taunts will always stay.

It adds some life to online games, they are boring as fuck otherwise.

>Palmyra, the thirst quencher

>taunt heals enemy because you are doing well enough to taunt them.

This fills me with a strange sense of being, looking back how far such behaviors and communication used are ingrained so deeply into our very being.