Whats your go-to escape game? like a comfortable feeling and somewhere you go hide away from that late-night feeling of pure depression?
Escaping Depression
Sup Forums
thats not a game silly!
>le depression meme xd
cough syrup.
Turn off the computer and get a job
now give that advice to your failure of a father and you wont be in that mess. cunt.
Not him but I can't my CV is shit.
Vanilla/TBC/WotLK WoW
Nothing beats that feel of just plugging youself into that matrix and dropping out of life
Nothing really. At least i should say there isnt a particular game that just sucks me in and takes me out of it. Every game has a flaw or they eventually end or youve done it all. Just move from one game to the next, theres a ton of stuff out there especially if you arent afraid of touching indie shit.
It sucks though because it feels like youre searching for that needle in the haystack. Just gotta hope you find it.
OP here. I do have a job, it wont help with depression. Your CV will do wonders if it has some volunteer stuff in. go to your local charity shop and volunteer just once a day, that gives you good reference and loads of skills to brag about.
Sup Forums
i'm a phd student :^)
whats your phd in?
why did the mods delete the mtg/card game thread
I find that old games you used to play as a kid work pretty well. Alternatively try some online shooter or a japanese/korean MMO.
so literally, garbage-tier woman's studies.
A Bachelor in EE is harder than a PHD in fucking lolcs.
why post if you don't know anything, friend? in any case, i have a b.s. and m.eng. in ee.
I dunno, whatever you like. When I feel genuinely depressed, though, games are out of the question.
Videogames are usually used as an escape for depression. If you're still feeling depressed with them, they can't help. You should get out more.
I reached the point a while ago where even basic mindless entertainment like games don't work anymore.
Oblivion. It reminds me of happier times even though I wasn't particularly happy when I first played it.
what else is there? alcohol is haram so no to that thanks!
I binge watch television at a legitimately unhealthy rate. Also obsessively compile playlists of music that I don't even necessarily like.
Games like Harvest Moon and Rune Factory.
go binge-read wikipedia or something. it's a mostly mindless activity, and you'll learn something vaguely resembling real-world facts. haven't you ever wanted to learn about zimbabwe?
nothing video games only make it worse
seek help
Ask me that very same question, but instead of Zimbabwe, ask If I want to learn about Pluto...
Depression is genetic.
You are inferior on a genetic level, kill yourself you filthy subhuman shit.
They're always MIA at this time
pluto is dumb, don't ever talk to me again
Setting goals and actually getting a job you fucking moron. Depression is such a meme for people who live mundane lives and sit inside and wonder why they feel empty.
Fucking autists
>tfw just started playing WoW again today due to depression
Tempted to start drinking again too, been like 5 months or so
I dropped out of school at 13. Did what you said until I went back at 17. Was further ahead of my classmates because of it.
I could have it worse, I could know you in real life you absolute vile cunt. go fucking die. Literally die please thanks.
did you always believe this or is it a recent belief of yours after the edgy alt-right subhuman trash pushed for it?
This is the game that got me through the worst patches of my depression. I know a lot of people look down on this series here, but honestly it helps me a lot. It has a comfy feel to it, and there is a lot to explore and do in it.
Cities: Skylines.
There's so much shit to think about and consider when building, the music is calm and you can sink 10 hours into the game in a single session.
Kirby's Adventure or Kerbal Space Program, depending on how far into the depths i am. Kirby is for simple stuff, Kerbal is for complete devastation that only space autism can provide an escape
>y-y-youre wrong because youre alt-right!
the Sup Forums boogeyman is strong in you manchild
What if you have a super-dead end job and you feel tired every day have no skills to go anywhere else, and no money to acquire them?
How do you combat that? I'm doing double-shifts several times a week and what little time I do have to myself I usually spend asleep. I just don't have the time and energy to look for a better job and I tried to take some community college night classes once but couldn't keep up with the work because of work. I need the overtime money though.
not him but unless you're a legit teenager videogames don't work for "depression" unless you smoke weed while doing it but that usually makes it worse in the long term.
WoW, Terraria, Diablo 2, and Minecraft. Basically any game with a long, pointless equipment and experience grind that I know like the back of my hand. Just a list of things to do and knowing exactly how to do everything on the list. It's sad when you look at it that way, but that's basically what escapism is to me.
When I can't make progress in the real world, I satisfy the desire for progress by achieving fake progress in video games. When I am faced with a situation I don't know how to solve, I satisfy the desire by solving problems I already know the answer to.
That's the only reason I replay those games. I don't pvp in Diablo 2, I don't raid in WoW, I don't play with other people in Terraria, and I don't kill the ender dragon in Minecraft. I get all the equipment and all the levels then I quit.
Dude, I am really sorry to hear that :( I hope that you'll eventually be able to get a better job, and be able to take the classes you want to at college. I am glad you at least have a job at the moment. I hope you are at least able to relax and game some of the time.
Nice comeback.... but yeah seriously consider that suicide advice. Make people around you happier for a change.
What multiple levels of irony are we on here.
>i'm sorry
Where are you from?
Reddit, this whole thread is.
OP if you honestly want a legit answer.
Been playing it ever since my parents divorced.
Been playing it ever since I moved away from a city where my childhood friends used to live.
Been playing it ever since I knew I would never graduate HS with previously mentioned childhood friends due to my parents holding me back
Been playing it ever since I've moved from one side of the country to the other in the span of 2 years
Been playing it ever since I've been making less and less friends, and meeting less and less people
Been playing it ever since I've tried everything
Been playing it ever since....
my brother from another mother - it really put it in perspective when my mom started playing slot machine games on her tablet, and I tried to reconcile my disgust for those by rationalizing that video games, especially grindan gaems, were different
but they're not
they're not
I was being genuine. I understand what they are going through, and I wanted to be there for them
How could you know me when you're holed up in your room all day crying about your pointless, pathetic life. You don't deserve the air you breathe you sewerkin.
Kill yourself.
Sonic CD and Kirby games.
Those are some good choices. Sonic CD with one of the debug codes though...
So why didn't you become a city planner if you like it so much?
World of Warcraft / Star Trek Online
oh how is star trek online?
good for a few hours until you realize you need to dump hundreds of dollars in it to be good.
also its dead.
Modded minecraft, WoW, BF w/e, OSU
For story; Hellblade or VA-11 HALL-A
What does?
Sup Forums or Mount and Blade
Go play the Wonderful 101. It'll knock the late night depression out of you if you give it the chance. Just make sure you give yourself an hour or two on the last level. It's a hell of a ride, and reminds me of what a satisfying game is supposed to feel like.
Nihilist shits like you are why Sup Forums was never good.
Because an irl city planner is in charge of stuff like whether a residential street should have parking permits instead of being given millions to design a high speed inter city rail service.
Final Fantasy 4, 6, 7 and 9 bring me back to my childhood so those are pretty good when I'm feeling extra shitty.
Next time don't take a loan for stupid shit, nigger. And try to save money you retard, i know the unwashed masses live paycheck to paycheck but try to rise above you inbred kike.
Eve Online
shit games that make me laugh
so your life
hilarious and original
I play Oblivion.
I walk around, visit nice locations and listen to people talking.
It's so colourful and happy...
This is the Sup Forums depression.
I guarantee you only 1 out of every 100 anons saying they're depressed have the actual chemical inbalance making them depressed. The rest are some mundane first world problems and bawwww no gf or bawwww no social life. It's boring.
> dota 2
> depression