What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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>Risen 1 but bigger

I see nothing wrong at all, I know I'll have at least some 40+ hours of enjoyment out of it.

It's Risen 2

Doesn't look like it.

Its not even out yet you autist

sys.Sup Forums.org/v/post

Welcome to console UI design, man i hate scrolling for days to find stuff in inventory.
I would be suprised if it won't be another empty open world with quest markers holding your hand.

Few games can be compared to Gothic 2, user.
That's not fair.

It looks like garbage and dinosaurs in a medieval fantasy setting is just lame and lazy.

>no money to make the game
>do it anyways
>end up falling short of the competition in every aspect

Of all the things that G2 did right, inventory was not one of them. It was a step back from G1.

nothing? looks like risen 4, and I welcome it wholeheartedly
there won't be gothic 2 ever again, get over it

Could be worse. Got back into The Division recently and holy fucking God navigating the inventory and stash screens is a nightmare when it comes to managing endgame equipment. Loadouts are especially a nightmare.

ACO got grid inventory, they went full RPG this time finally

Looks slightly above the mediocre, I'll give it a chance, maybe it'll be good.

>I would be suprised if it won't be another empty open world with quest markers holding your hand.
This is the one thing it won't be.

dark souls in spess

Gamersgate is advertising the game atm.

One of the oldest digital distribution sites.

As long as the world is good I don't really care, PB games are 70% the world.

the devs have a severe case of tunnel vision and are stuck in a never ending loop of clumsily trying to please the fans of their once innovative games by failing even just to copy what their company has once done after all the competent employees have been replaced with a bunch of loser that only try to somehow make it to retirement age

I'm fairly certain this will be their best game since gothic 2. The semi-new setting will do them a lot of good

no the writing is even worse than in risen, the combat is as shit and half assed as always, graphics are cheap and animations are terrible

the only reason why anyone buys their games is because they are gothic fanboys or some child that doesn't know how shit their games are these days

>Doesn't just cause noses to bleed
Christ, the only thing worse than quippy humor is unfunny quippy humor.

Back to with your goobersgoober shit

Please stop this meme now.

Gamersgate has been around for over a decade.

it's out?

Looks like shit
Plays like shit
Buggy as fuck
Shit story
Design makes no sense
German humor


After watching some germans playing it, i no longer think there will be any hand holding which is great but damn world is empty theme park. Also is there any info on trading/non combat skills? I hope it won't be as buggy as Gothic 3

Itll be good. All pb games are shitty to watch. Try watching footage or an lp of gothic 2 sometimes. You'd think it was the most boring game ever.

holy fuck this looks like an early access game

Looks slightly better than Spiders' games.

I've enjoyed all PB games, even Risen 2 and 3 to a degree. I know it won't be as good as Gothic 1/2 or Risen 1, but I've still got some hope it can be entertaining at least.

Maybe if you have never played an rpg before.

The writing is just so poor, cheesy and unoriginal that there is no way you will enjoy this if you have any standards whatsoever.

Will it become a series like Gothic and Risen?

Hopefully it will be the final nail in the coffin and the end of PB

whats with the magic animation? its the same thing every time

The writing is just so bad.

You can already tell from the opening cinematic. The narration is clumsily written while a poorly animated 2d movie is running. Then the game starts with a cutscene that shows the hero who is the great and ultra cool general of the bad guys flying a future spaceship-plane that is slower than a couple of birds getting shot down by a peashooter from the ground with one shot. The guys that shot him down are his factions comrades and he, the great general, is all by himself.
The bad guys faction consumes the magic-I-don't-have-to-explain-shit drug Elex that makes them lose their emotions. Once you are able to control that poorly written character he starts dumping exposition by talking to himself and literally says: 'What is that? Emotions? Must be the Elex withdrawal!' - that line alone should be proof enough of how clumsy and poorly the whole thing is written, not to mention him talking to himself...

But if that isn't enough, later on you will meet a faction called the 'berserkers' (original-name-do-not-steal!) that turn out to be basically axe wielding farmers in a time of laser weapons and giant robots... of course their leader is called Ragnar because Vikings-you-get-it?
That leader than proceeds to entrust you with a critical task after you have, a complete and untrusworthy stranger that belongs to a faction that wants to kill them, have told him you won't cause trouble - even if you tell him what faction you are from, they will just talk some shit and smooth over that fact so that you continue in the story.
In that camp there is also a guy that is working for an enemy faction undercover - and when asked by the hero he promptly admits that he is a spy...

There is so much more, like the 'outlaw' faction that somehow has pretty much the same laws as everyone else and there not being anyone to outlaw them after the apocalypse in the first place, but there is a limit to how much you can write here.

They lost me when they tried to stuff in every single genre component popular right now into one game. It's like Risen, but with base building, sci fi futuristic meme garbage, it's so poorly put together, just begging for people to but it without putting in the thought and work to make it any good.

>basically axe wielding farmers in a time of laser weapons and giant robots
That's the thing that triggers me the most in Elex. That shit doesnt really mix, except youre making some weird weeboo game.
World and aesthetics of gothicI+II were the best.

Except that the PB games have been financially successful thus far, even Risen 2 and 3. Elex will most likely be the same.

Is this the DX mod?