Yesterday my daughter was born. Now I have a 2 year old boy and a beautiful daughter

Yesterday my daughter was born. Now I have a 2 year old boy and a beautiful daughter
The first thing I'll do is make sure she never visits Sup Forums and hang out with people like you

good luck paying their shit.


Don't breed gamers. I wish I was never brought to gaming by my older brother and cousin.

Girls don't have an actual interest in video games.

First thing I'd do if I were you is to pick a name

neither does Sup Forums.

Once you post here OP you're here forever.

That includes any offspring.

Good, take good care of your wife's children.


what is the purpose of this thread?

>The first thing I'll do is make sure she never visits Sup Forums and hang out with people like you
Don't worry, she'll be too busy getting slammed by Omar.

>Yesterday my daughter was born. Now I have a 2 year old boy

you are mentally ill

Enjoy when she gets Tyrone for a boyfriend and there is nothing you can do about it as she gets his sperm into her womb.

OP if you ain't fucking that brat when it gets older then you will be a cuck desu.

Surely you will have perfect control of everything she does

are you an american? Your reading comprehension sure is

Honestly, if that's true, I am happy for you user. May your children live long and happy lives, may you always be there for them in their time in need.

You mean people like you? I'd say we won't miss you but I'm sure you'll be famous around these parts when somebody screencaps the article detailing your pedophilia.

Cool. I mean she's still going to hang out with awful people irl but hey at least she won't be shitposting about video games.