What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:






here we go again...




Nigga Shadman what the fuck ?



>another shitposting thread with no video games
For fucks sake, why has the moderation taken such a turn?


>so bad at drawing he has to take someone else's OC and write new text over it and then pretend he's good at art
He and Dobson and Buckley should make a podcast and complain about how unfair it is that they were born the only 3 people alive who literally cannot draw. Embarrassing but kinda funny!

Nigger stop being so triggered damn

What exactly is wrong with fucking a cup? It's not like it's furshit or anything.

> No freckles
> No eye liner
> No excess blushing
> No tongue hanging out

Is this an imposter?

Not triggered. Not as much as Shadman or Dobson and Buckley when they see good art at least! Remember: most artists get better over time but not them lol
>go into popular eatery
>"this food sucks"
>manger tells me to stop being triggered
>everyone nods in agreement and starts clapping
>"but the food is fucking awful though"
>manager tells me that whether or not that is true is besides the point because i'm "mad" and "salty"

the art is stolen, he just added the text


see It's not his work. He stole the work for facebook (You)'s and his fans are already here whiteknighting for him LOL

Ok autismo

>stole the work
Retard it’s a fucking twitter/Facebook post not a piece of his work. Do you get this assblasted any time someone makes a meme and doesn’t credit the original artist? Seriously you sound stupid.

I never really got the hate towards Shadman desu.
He draws better than like half the fucking artists who are in the drawfag threads. I mean I don't like a lot of the shit he draws but the actual integrity of the work is better than most of the internet's drawfags.

>it's okay to steal memes
That's not a meme though
>yeah it is
No, it's not
>well, kinda
>a little?
>okay but... like... what if
Stop being stupid
>... i don't know how though

I mean you could compare random anons to a professional artist with 150 thousand twitter followers, or you could not be retarded.

>That's not a meme though
Yes it is, you dumb shit.

Why do you type like a retarded tumblrite? I hope Shadman does make Cuphead smut

> Has drawn porn of his mother

Almost forgot about that. I want to know if he showed it to his mother on mother's day though

Why are you talking to yourself?

somebody needs to stop this man

The fact is that a crapton of people on here say he is a horrible artist and should stop drawing while turning around and complementing random ass people on drawfag threads who can't even get basic anatomy correct most of the time.

It's absolutely hypocritical and I'm not being retarded by stating that fact you idiot.

>pony poster

>i hope shad steals more art and calls it his own!
Nice meme

This post should be considered a bannable offense.

Shadman literally runs the Internet at this point.

Everyone watches his works

Again, I think it's silly to hold a professional artist to the same standards that would random posters on an image board. But even if you were to do that...
>who can't even get basic anatomy correct most of the time.
...you would see that the guy can't even draw ears ffs.

>no Britbong tier teeth either


Mods are normies now.
Staying home on a Saturday night? God you're pathetic.

He's too powerful

> Pony

That's a Pokemon you fucking dullard

>he wants to ban memes on Sup Forums
If it means no more Shadman, it's a worthy sacrifice lol

Weirdly tame for Shadshit.
And yes, loli is vanilla as fuck unless you're some kinda newfag.


> Cuphead isn't a video game



It's probably the most okay picture he's drawn

DUUUDE LE EDGY SKULLS LE NAZI UNIFORM AVATAR AM I HARDCORE YET *draws loli with dumb teeth sticking her tongue out*


>spams /mlp/ outside of its containment board
>frog poster
Checks out. Die..




Its 8AM.

>porn shitposting is a video game

Touched a nerve, huh?

>doesn't know the start of the failure of the pokemon franchise known as gen 5

>No freckles
>No braces
>No gap teeth
>No eybrows
>Tongue completely inside mouth

Who the fuck drew this

This. I really adore Shad as a person and he inspires me, even if his art is strange at times.

>implying pokemon was ever good
>Scissors, paper, rock, but you know what your opponent has

Here is your last (you) elipsis-kun.

>sylveon is gen 5
she's gen 6 you absolute cumguzzler



Thanks for the contribution, Shad.


I'm 87.5% sure you're lying


*makes shitty art* dude edge and memes lmao *ruins sleepycabin*

>look i found out that you're wrong on your subject, can i have my (you)?
certainly, and be sure to choke on it, fellow hardcore pokemon fan

I'm just here for the freshest >shadman memes


i understood that

lmao at your life hombre

Shrek is drek
Shad is dad

>draws the Hat in Time loli

Oh yeah bro thats ni--
>tweet it straight to the developers

Fucking why? The people never did anything to him.


cause he never grew out of his edgy for the lulz mindset