delet this friend :)
Other urls found in this thread:
>The only part of the process that was digital was the coloring. “When we did our tests at the beginning, we hand-painted each cell and then we colored it digitally, and we did a comparison,” explains Moldenhauer. “There really was no difference. So that’s why we took the easy path.”
and not to mention all the backgrounds are drawn and colored by hand as well
>we hand-painted each cell and then we colored it digitally, and we did a comparison,” explains Moldenhauer. “There really was no difference. So that’s why we took the easy path.”
Yeah, that's bullshit son. You can always tell the difference between an old and a new cartoon just by the color alone.
That zipper is fucking MASSIVE, holy shit.
>user doesn't know how digital colors work
If they wanted to they could use the exact same palette as in the top picture and put a filter over it to make it look like a low res tv broadcast and add some grain for good measure and it would be practically the same.
Because we aren't as big of autists as you are
Because that would have added 3 years to the production
Oh no! A game is popular! Time to be a contrarian fag about it
>Sup Forums
Do you want me to digitally colour your Pokemons, print them out, then make a blurry analog transfer, take a screenshot, and compress the shit out of it so it can look like fucking crap for you?
>How has no one criticized the game for this yet?
Because nobody gives a shit, user.
Digital animation is always going to look like a flat piece of plastic compared to cel. Don't give me that bullshit. It's not about resolution or color palette.
It is exactly about palette, texture and style you idiot.
Are trying to say that a red painted on a cell and then scanned has an inherent difference to the same hue of red painted on a digital canvas?
Only thing you got right.
>Are trying to say that a red painted on a cell and then scanned has an inherent difference to the same hue of red painted on a digital canvas?
Obviously. Digital colors are not the same as pencil/brush colors. It shouldn't take a genius to figure that out.
several hundred shill threads sucking this game's dick is all I can handle. fuck cuphead. fuck everybody that likes cuphead. fuck chad thundercock fuck his wife fuck her bull fuck their mortgaged homes fuck every game "journalist" that jacked off over cuphead for two years then got a hurt ass when it came out and was a little hard. fuck your gay dog.
>user not only has no understanding of cartoon production he also has no understanding of digital images and paint programs
You think programs can't do texture or something? As soon as you scan your cell it becomes rgb anyway, making it fully recreateable in any paint program.
You are unironically saying that a painting done using oil is the same thing as a "painting" done using Photoshop. Think about that for a moment.
Most programs can emulate textures of oil or whatever the fuck with filters, it might be a bit trickier to do than usual, but it can be.
it looks good. why should I care how it's made?
was it not vegan enough for you?
No, you just have a severe lack of reading comprehension.
You don't have the painting in oil, you have a digital representation of the painting in oil in form of a 8bit rgb image file.
A skilled digital artist with a good digital paint program can paint something of the same quality and style, making it virtually indistinguishable from an oil painting.
That's not new pokemon, the newest one has a completely different art style.
lmao get a load of this faggot
You're confusing palette with better tools, idiot. Hand-coloured would look the same (with the exception of colour smudges moving around, probably, like in Loving Vincent) because modern recording tools can handle it.
its like he is explaining what pixels are to an alien.
Why would anyone criticize them about something that is a total non issue on top of the fact it would have made the games release date get pushed back even further. Chances are that choice saved them from development hell.
That's mostly due the technology of the time a lot of that "grit" you see in older cell animation is just diffused light and bits of dust captured in the scan. If you look at something like "Akira" which had a massive budget, that grit is almost non existent(its still there cause it was the 80's but stil not really noticeable) That problem doesn't really exist now a days.
because that's fucking stupid.
it's much easier to have vectors built off the hand-drawn cells so they can be run at any resolution.