>ITT: Games that happened
ITT: Games that happened
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Playing it right now. The battles are still fun. but the story is still meh. Also the voices are bit crushed to shit. I don't know if full VO was worth it if I can barely hear what the're saying.
Games that proved that if you let censorship slide it'll only get worse.
Shut the fuck up anonymous.
Look at this fag, telling himself to shut up.
>Implying that happened.
I'm still waiting for that Bravely Default sequel. Magnolia looked like she would be a pretty important character in that teaser trailer. I can't wait!
I'm sure the games would've been much better with loli cat suits in the first game and indian themed hawkeyes in the second game.
Clearly would have made a giant improvement.
To this day I still don't know what the title means.
Oh! And that abomination #FE
You know damn well that the moment they said Revo wasn't on board, you know shit was not going to be the same.
I loved Default and got excited for Second but by the time it finally came out I forgot it even existed and I have yet to play it. This is the first time since then that I've been reminded this was even a game that came out.
>"Hey guys, let's take our old composer, who has spent decades making fantasy themed concept albums, and kick him the fuck out. This is our new guy: he's famous for making pop music with Hatsune Miku."
Wait, are you guys saying it's bad? I was about to play the first game
The story is less great than the first but mechanically it's better.
The censorship thing is just some autistic screeching about games not being porn.
Yes, a game about obtaining and changing jobs would in fact be better without jobs being needlessly removed due to offence taken from chibi skin showing.
Play the first game. It wasn't perfect but it had potential to be something better. The way things worked in the game, sans the plot and the insane repetitiveness, was set up to be unique.
I ain't gonna stop you from playing the first nor the second game. But for me the soundtrack was what really sold me and when they couldn't get he original composer, I just lost interest in it.
It felt weird how Tiz got the Amuro Ray treatment, where even though he's the blandest motherfucker possible, he's a legendary hero now so he's treated like a total badass
not OP but I think summed it up for me at least. It seems for a lot of people this game just sort of happened and there wasn't enough there for it to be as memorable to me as the first game
It's still a good game in it's own right, just not in the one BD was
They didn't remove any jobs though, they just changed the outfits
They removed two jobs from the first game.
It’s worth it. If you have a 3ds just play it dude. I had to sell mine before I could finish the game and I wish I didn’t.
What jobs were those? First I've ever heard of this and I can't find shit about any jobs being removed in localization on Google
Don`t believe the fairy
I guess I was misinformed, because I can't find anything about it either. I take it back.
No, but Second would have been much better if they hadn't removed the ambiguous sidequest endings.
Honestly second was OK but it just felt like too much of a rehash of the first game with a worse story and worse characters, I still enjoyed though if only for the gameplay thanks to the new jobs it added which were pretty unique
They removed SpiritMaster and Arcanist iirc. Stillness was just too broken
It was pretty pointless but the game actually being any worse for it is highly arguable, and it making the game significantly worse is out of the question wrong.
>side quests weren't edgy enough so it wasn't as good
I mean there's reasons the game wasn't that great but that's not one that actually matters.
>Native American headdresses are porn
You have some weird fetishes.
Bravely Third when?
Never. The Second game sold poorly.
I picked up Pokemon Conquest purely because I like Pokemon. It got me into Samurai Warriors, which got me into Dynasty Warriors, which got me into Chinese history, which got me into real-world history in general.
Every time I'm reminded of Pokemon Conquest's existence I'm baffled that it exists as an actual game that officially released.
The team is working on Project Octopath, probably after that.
I thought the second game had a great twist and some fun fourth wall breaking. Providence's theme is also one of the best songs in the series. I think the first one is superior if you completely ignore the god awful repeating parts, and although this game has it's own, it did it much better.
Magnolia a best
>Getting into Samurai Warriors instead of Sengoku Basara
You blew it.
I don't mind if the plot isn't as good, but the music sucks more? That's a real shame.
It doesn't do the repetitive bullshit does it? That was a massive dealbreaker after the first one started off so well, made me nearly drop it until I dragged myself to finish it one day.
Diffeence being the game is self aware and jokes about that.
People were so excited for this when it was announced.
It was just PCfats bloating their exclusives list, nobody gives a shit about these games
I want edea to mrgrrgrr on my dick
I'm so conflicted about this.
On one side it's a great game and a decent enough story and I love it.
On the other I fucking hate it for fucking with the characters and the story of the first one.
>The team
You mean the director
Hey fuck you anonymous. Don't talk to anonymous like that. Fucking dick.
You know he was busy working on something else at that time right? They didn't fire him or anything.
But why Ryo?
Tiz who????
Edea you’re now the leader because fan service
I heard they replaced the guy who did the OST from the 1st game, and that apparently the music in 2 isnt really nearly as good.
Serpent eating the ground is the shit still
anyways, what did Sup Forums think of this
Didn't they censor the fucking art book?