Remember when 12 million people paid for this?
Remember when 12 million people paid for this?
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and then activision ruined everything
glad you could make it, uther
and then the fire nation attacked
WoW died with the Lich King
Glad I could make it, Arthas.
That was when the game was actually worth paying for...
So until the end of BC?
tell them only that the lich king is dead, and that warcraft died with him
subscriptions peaked mid wotlk
I said worth paying for, mid Wotlk wasn't part of it.
>he killed millions to save billions
It was a good laugh even at the time.
WoW always sucked. I was playing Lineage II, Kal Online, and Silkroad Online which all were F2P except Lineage.
Eh, the only part of WotLK they really dropped the ball on imo was Trial of the Crusader, laziest raid up to that point by far, but Ulduar and Icecrown Citadel were still good
WoW died with the introduction of cross-realm, it got buried with LFG/LFR/Dungeon finder.
I might remember some things.
>9 years ago
>most of modern Sup Forums were toddlers when this was out
>tfw most of Sup Forums probably wasn't even born when wow launched
there were a few hundred people top, knowing he was right in w3 because every single man in the city turned undead
Glad you could bake it, Uther.
Uther was right and did nothing wrong.
Remember when people paid $25 for a mount?
Remember when people paid $20 for a cosmetic helmet?
What manga is this
nope, subs peaked right after Cata's launch, then immediately started falling in the second quarterly report.
>12 million people paid for this
m8 how fucking big do you think Stratholme was? Were no 12 million people in fucking Lordaeron let alone 1 city this ain't India m8
Takes a bit for people to truly realize what they've lost. WOTLK was the beginning of the end because of bad decisions to homogenize and singleplayerize the game. It started to fall off after that because of those decisions that made the game not worth playing.
Oh look one of these posts again where people repeat the same thing over and over why they think the game has gone to shit, how original! Why not accept that you had your time with it, but people do still enjoy it, the only people hung up over what the game has become are the sad cunts not actually playing it!
Shit was cash, yo.
Fuck no. Even during the peak of WotLK, most of the subscriptions were foreigners. American PVE servers were still ghost towns even during the population boom.
I resubscribed in 7.3, but let's face it. Legion was so anti-consumer that most people just quit for good.
It might have died then, but it started to rot on TBC.
Fair enough if you have tried it and not liked what it's become, but let's be tottaly honest with ourselves shall we, apart from the LFG system which I think wasn't the best idea but it helped alot of sad lonely people be able to raid and do dungeons easily, and the cross realm thing to help out low population servers, what has changed so drastically to make people lose their shit and just whine about the game at everychance they get! I think the main thing people don't like is that everyone can get good gear easy, having the best gear pre wotlk was just a biggest cock competition, now they don't stand out amongst everyone else with good gear they don't like not having the attention on them! Get over yourselves you sad fuckers!
>something like 75% Chinese time cards
Those hammers looked like a toys. WCIII had a simple cartoonish graphic and even there hammers looks better than that.
Blizzard fucked the core reward loop up. The core of WoW was seeing the world and the RPG elements were a very elaborate pacing mechanism.
The minute they decided that everyone should see every raid, every zone, every quest, every mob etc. regardless of skill level or time investment was when the game started dying.
There is an argument to be made that it was unfortunate that a majority of the patch content wasn't seen by most people, which is fair enough, but that doesn't mean there should be no crazy-hard-to-reach content, however Blizzard needlessly swung the pendulum all the way to the other side, through the brick wall, anyway.
This was the start of modern gaming diversity.
"Everyone is equal", my ass.
It was the start of the end.
WoW is nothing more than a glorified dress up game at the moment
it was a different time, things felt better and more real, we wont see their like again.
And I still would, if I had the time.
Why do people say that old vanilla WoW is better than the modern WoW?
vanilla wow had more in common with wc3. current wow has more in common with diablo 3.
yah man
and this is politically incorrect for Sup Forums because i know alot of you people are those kinds of faggots :
transmoggs and bloodelf-woman getting panties where an orc would get normal pants on is part of the fucking cancer that killed WoW
can't stand this nonsense, i can watch tv if i want to watch britney spears dancing in her underwear, and i'm not even femenist
This, ToC was complete garbage but all the Ulduar content was great. The first original Warcraft content since WCIII and it even managed to be pretty cool overall.
Are we talking
>muh lore
Or actual mechanics?
I remember when 10 million people paid for this
well they didn't stick around for it.
>vanilla wow had more in common with wc3. current wow has more in common with diablo 3.
you don't see that, vanilla wow is like controlling one of the heros of WC3, while the more patches it got it felt more and more like Hack'n'slash game
i paid for it and at least tbc was good
In Vanilla the actual gameplay was lackluster, having to just sit there and wait for enough rage for heroic strike or sunder armor wasn't good design.
If they had kept the concept explained here and merged with their current setup of abilities it would be a miles better game.
vanilla wow was like pulling the rexxar campaign in wc3 into an mmo based on everquest. the rexxar campaign laid out of the foundations for a lot of what would be in wow.
legion has turned wow into diablo 3. talents don't matter. dungeons are just greater rifts with keystones instead of riftstones. everybody gets legendary drops. the emissary quests that you do across the broken isles are just like the bounty ones in diablo 3.
so many things in wod and legion were wholesale taken out of diablo 3. the game doesn't have an identity anymore. in fact a lot of blizzard games don't have an identity. it's just the blizzard 'brand' now. they take stuff from one game and put it in another.
Sure buddy. Shattari Skyguard and Netherwing dailies were just fucking fantastic.
you have to admit though this whole surreal scenery just gets onto you, i was 13 man, and i flew threw netherstorm with my 90% flyingmount ( yes they had 90% then), while having black sabbath supernaut blasting
great times man
8.0 is going to be WoW's strongest expansion ever, period.
Legion was a massive step up from WoD in many departments in terms of getting people out into the world, adding artifact styled weapons for extended character progression, evergreen content, mythic+, and many others. Yeah, Legion has issues in regards to titanforging and how legendaries were handled and more ability pruning, but the dev team has admitted these mistakes and these systems are likely to be reimagined or fixed for 8.0.
Remove titanforging, keep tert/warforged/socket on items, add back valor that can be used to upgrade items to have tert/warforged/sockets, and either remove legendaries or give us legendary style options through a system similar to the netherlight crucible and you have fixed most of Legion's issues.
The game is not the same as it was years ago, and never will be. The very nature of MMOs is for you to grow with the game. Been playing since launch, patches 5.2, 3.1, 7.1, 1.09, and 4.0 have been the best times of the game's life.
I joined as a wrath baby a few months after ICC was released on a literally who RP realm and remember the realm was always active and Wintergrasp was the best thing ever. Got to kill the Lich King on normal, but heroic ICC seemed insane.
What were serious PvE/PvP realms like when WoW peaked?
>I should get everything for free!
Nu-wow is tailored to you.
i mean the whole rep system was a bit fucked with multiple dailies(with rogue filled areas) and tid-bits that you had to turn in for points
but i would take it over the current system any day
pve was fun, even doing heroic dungeons was fun if you had the team for it
pvp was fun, it was fast paced except for wl/druid combos, skill based and every class had a purpose
current wow is just normie trash with the each role playing the same and boring content all round
>Legion was a massive step up from WoD in many departments
yeah no shit. wod was the worst expansion ever therefore anything that follows it would easily look good.
>adding artifact styled weapons for extended character progression
Never really liked this choice in the end. It was a linear upgrade system dependent on how much you played. There was a good sense of getting a new ability after a long haul of acquiring artifact power but now you can just grab a few artifact power items and get concordance just like that.
what game is this?
>WotLK will soon be 10(ten) years old
Pretty much this. It was cool seeing someone decked out in full raid gear, they had a lot of respect, now its just everybody can do it. Oh and also cross realms killed community
That was just the thing. The Skyguard offered absolutely garbage rewards but beyond your daily heroic dungeon and two raid nights a week there was nothing else you could do during BC except its garbage PvP. Stunherald just perfectly describes it.
Of course it was good but after a month in those zones I look for something new. Burning Crusade only introduced Sunwell Isle as a new zone after release which basically used Eversong Woods' assets.
I've enjoyed it over the course of the expansion, the catchup mechanic seems a bit silly for new players, but it's just because having alts has been difficult. Only thing I'd fix with the ap system going forward to limit the amount of it you can get from sources. Currently you only get 1 token a week from each raid boss, do it like that except add mythic+ and pvp into the equation.
As in, they heavily backtracked on what made WoD so weak to the point of implementing content that will forever improve the quality of the game.
Yeah I really miss world PvP too being in barrens or hillsbrad watching late game players duke it out. I miss the defence channel being used in general people actually took it seriously.
Wrath is unironically my favorite era of WoW.
Some mage tower bosses are straight up rip off of Diablo.
This makes even more sense when you realize diablo devs worked on some mage towers.
no, what the fuck is it?
>PvP realms like when WoW peaked?
PvP realms made WoW worth playing back in vanilla (In my opinion). The whole point of gearing up for me was so I could survive in the world better, especially when I went around looking for fights. Hell fights in world pvp were fucking emotional, if you lost you would often look for the guy that ganked you for however long it took to get your revenge. Then you would recognize faces and make enemies, friends etc. The whole Horde vs Alliance pvp aspect in the world make the game feel more alive and dynamic, and the world felt dangerous in the heavier traffic zones because the mobs were strong an enemy could show up at any moment. The base game was OK, but the community aspect combined with a dangerous world outside of your capitals was what had me hooked for months.
Flying mounts ruined this whole experience by removing the vast majority of danger from the world (in my opinion), seeing as you could just leave a fight by dropping combat for 1.5 seconds and fly away. Arena gear and resistance also ruined alot of the fun by segregating specific gear to pve or pvp.
wrathbaby it is
dont you mean 60% flying
But then you realize most world pvp was you getting ganked by skulls or 3-4 people your level.
They even changed the MoP/WoD "Skull" minimap icon to D3's "Star"
Yeah but it always seemed like when you used defense chat one or two people in any zone would come help or hop on their main to chase them down
>WoW died with the Lich King
WoW died when the quest rewards for a level 61 quest were level 100 items.
>if WoW was still like it was in vanilla I wouldn't be able to play it because I no longer have as much free time as I did when I was 16
>all the stuff Blizzard introduced to allow people like me to play the game were the things we all shat on for killing the game by pandering to casuals
Can we at least agree Mage Towers were a good addition to the game? If they were to change them to force you into a per-determined set of gear(IE no legendaries that straight up trivialize mechanics) they would be a GOAT feature.
But it wasnt? Over 90% of my time was spent playing max level.
>3-4 people your level.
Didnt happen all that often and if you were good you could use tricks to escape (Swiftness pots, CC etc) or beat them. 1v1's happened all the time.
why are you projecting
also that's why you join a guild so people can help you out. back in the day ganking was a non issue and today there's litetal gank hunters that you can whisper and they get rid of the problem
>play back on nost relaunch
>2 idiot lvl 40 and 60 allys gank horde in hillsbrad
>r14 horde warrior comesand slays them both
>suddenly whole zone was a massive pvp fight with over 30 people involved
shit wad fun, even as low lvl
WoW is still alive and pretty good. You're just a little whiny babbies, who have their nostalgia flashbacks. Vanilla sucked ass. You just were kids and everything looked better.
This, and it wasnt even all that rare, it happened alot.
Alot of people went out and did mindless shit to have fun, they enjoyed the world, the community etc. They didnt feel the need to continually be running dungeons/dailies etc.
The social aspect of WoW was much stronger as everyone was basically forced to play together. The world design was pretty impressive as well particularly when backed by that amazing music.
Gameplay was absolutely awful though you are correct but at the time I had just come from Neverwinter Nights with its laggy online play (further delayed by how the D&D turn based system works) so it was actually quite refreshing to have my abilities work so fast in a multiplayer game.
>levelling in badlands, killing rock elementals near kargath
>keep getting killed by level 51 night elf hunter
>see tons of geared horde in kargath
>ask if any of them could help me kill the hunter
>none of them want to help because they don't want to lose their buffs for the raid
Was 24 when WoW popped. Your post, full of shit mate.
The artifact was cool as a secondary talent tree where you enhanced your abilities, once you hit the dump traits is when the system got boring.
Keep the system, remove the paths and dump traits and it'll be awesome for the next expansion. You'll finish it at some point and there'll be a cookie cutter pathing for it but getting points in it will be an actual upgrade for your character.
>fall for the vanilla server meme
>spend ages getting to 60 while grouping with a bunch of third worlders who refuse to speak English
>be forced to get every single item in some google docs spreadsheet if I want to be allowed on raids
>spend entire AV weekends desperately trying to convince Chinese farmers to stop looking for herbs and actually try to win the BG so that I can get my rep for my epic ring of +.001 crit rating
>be forced to spend 2 hours going all over the world getting a bunch of "+1.3% crit chance for 2 seconds after dodging a fire attack" world buffs because they're free
>spend all my money on potions of +3 damage to increase my DPS by .1%
>spend hours grinding for money to keep up with consumables, repair and respec costs
>all so that we have a slightly easier time farming the same 15 year old dungeon forever as the people running the server hold out on releasing the next batch of content to simulate the original vanilla experience by keeping 15 year old dungeons away from us
We can't go back. The vanilla WoW experience could only exist back then.
Now I can understand if you're a tank you might have to take gearing a little more seriously but you could easily hit DPS requirements in Vanilla without the absolute best gear on hand except maybe in Naxxramas.
Most of the changes to the core gameplay won't save you time, it was just dumbed down and they made all classes able to do everything