Which Prey was better

Which Prey was better

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Was this the dumbest name change in the history of vidyas?


>I want to prey game
>You want prey game?

Prey 2006 had some cool tech but was a mediocre shooter.
I haven't played the other one.

its suprisingly good.
you should get it in a sale.

recolored skyrim dark elf

my prey

first was mediocre with some "cool ideas"
the new one is a blast
loved it, altho it dropped the ball midway and picked up again later on

Prey 2017 is GOTY candidate, 2006 wasn't memorable at all.

They say Prey 2017 is more like System Shock which looks plausible after I've finished the Demo.

I just don't fucking understand why name it Prey, we get it Bethesda you acquired Human Head and you didn't want the franchise to go to waste but you fucked yourself because the game flopped only because of the name.

Prey 2017 tries too hard to be System Shock, it lacks personality and is predictable.

Prey 2006 had a crazy concept and pioneered FPS gimmicks that are now quite common.

Too different to compare properly, however I am enjoying Prey 2017 a little bit more.

Just faced my first Nightmare.

M. (You)

when it comes to MCs, i think the first one is the best.
it's one of the very few native american characters in video games,
but being a native american is more than just a diversity token.
he has a shitty life on a shitty reservation and wants more, and he gets more when he's abducted.
because he's native american, he also comes bundled with native american spiritualism, and this grants him magical powers.
in other words, his minority status is actually very relevant to the story.

in nu-prey, you're asian because le asians are smart. that's it. but even then, you don't even look asian beyond the chink eyes.
every other facial feature is european, so really it's a best-case-scenario asian, like asians in overwatch.
of course, it has a classic 0451-style twist where *GASP* you're actually an alien! surprise!
i bet you didn't see it coming. (you did)

>11 years and this is the progress they've made

What a waste. It doesn't even look that much better. What do you think they'll accomplish 11 years from now?

Thing is though that Prey (2017) isn't character driven in the sense of your character. The story is more environmental and through the stories of everyone on Talos-1 (Really cool you can literally find every person on the station's crew list)

ding ding ding winner winner

The problem with Prey (2017) is that it's a First-Person Shooter with bad FPS gameplay. Should have been more emphasis on exploration through other means. Maybe more of a puzzle-platformer.
Really the shooter elements/skill tree is probably one of the worst I've seen in a long fucking time. It's so unpolished and the enemy design is hot garbage. Like Metroid Prime if Metroid Prime had zero variety in both level design and enemy design.

6/10. Smashing the apartment window and shit like that were the best parts of the game, which is why it's such a shame that it instead chooses to be a FPS developed by people who don't know how to make FPS gameplay.
>mfw the touch screen calibration
I fucking knew it was going to be a spook, and it still got me.

I am currently playing it for the first time and I am actively avoiding fights at the moment. I wouldn't say the gunplay is horrid or bad per say, but there is a reason why I am sticking with GLOO and Wrench combo.

Except for Technopaths, I am spamming that shotgun and Q-beam all day every day.

Is the level design same as Dishonored where I can take multiple ways to objective?

did you not like dishonored?

I still don't know why people complain about 2017 not being open world when the original was linear. What gives?

Once you open a parts of the map up, pretty much. I really like the level design in the fact that you can actually see how the pieces of the station fit together, especially once you start exploring outside of the station and getting weapons three levels early.

nu-prey has absolutely nothing to do with prey, the name is just a marketing gimmick.
different expextations are had, and considering the map size, there's no reason for it not be open world.

One on the left was just doom 3 with vagina doors and portals gimmick. The new one is a system shock successor and not just in a name only. That said, it has some serious issues too.

>pioneered FPS gimmicks that are now quite common.
like what
fighting upside down enemies

Prey 2006 was a mediocre shooter with some nice moments and cool tech, worth a playthrough but that's all. 6.5/10

Prey 2017 is a good Immersive Sim and like all good games in that genre, it'll become a cult classic that people will recommend alongside games like Deus Ex and System Shock 2. It's not perfect and some parts are more boring/frustrating that others but that was the case for those older games too. Solid 8.5/10

The size of the zero-g outside stage is phenomenal.

Whichever one has fewer flesh hallways. Those are nightmare fuel.

>Immersive Sim
What does that mean?

NuPrey turns mediocre once you get to Deep Storage and the ending is a fucking embarrassment.

Oh fuck you can play as Markiplier in the new one?

This right here. The original has one of my favorite intros of all time and the new one is just System Shock: Billy Chingchong's Supply Rumble.

Yes and no. Where in Dishonored you play linear stages, Prey is (mostly) open exploration with a fuckton of distractions.
Yes there are a multitude of ways to achieve goals, including getting from A to B. Some are clever, some are obvious. The exploration and atmosphere are the game's high points, but unfortunately if they took my advice and cut the shooter aspect entirely the game would be a high-end walking simulator.

Again, more emphasis on exploration via platforming and/or puzzle solving, or some actual good shooter combat with enemy variety. Prey (2017) like a lot of games tries to do too much and ends up a jack of all trades, with nothing much memorable in the way of gameplay. I guess that's why it's labeled in the "immersive sim" genre.

I became less enthusiastic with it as it dragged on. I blame the plot for that. It's not a favorite of mine, no.

Very different games.

New one is worth the time if on sale. Graphics look about 5-years old but it's still a fun game. Turning NPCs into organic material blocks with recycler is fun stuff.

The turret outside of the office is god damn useless.

Atmospheric, I guess.
>Deus Ex Reboots
Yeah I guess that's it. Maybe Metro? I don't know.

I'm not good at summarizing so,
It's not the best definition and they use the term too widely but you get the idea.

the size of any AAA open-world game dwarfs it multiple times over. it only seems big because you're slow and always on foot.
walk your way across bolivia in wildlands or los santos in gtav. talos i is nothing.

Prey 2006 didn't even have a proper death system, you just cherokee'd back to your body at the exact location you died with no consequence.

First Prey is pretty much the only legit cosmic/alien-megastructure-with-weird-alien-logic in videogames. Like, literally, the only one.
The nuPrey is a rehash of two games, one of which is 25 years old, and another of which is 23 years old, made by the people, the most original game from whom was the "kick spamming simulator", and the most original feature of which is Yet Another Variation Of HL2's Gravity Gun. It plays like vacuum cleaner simulator, it looks like Crysis 2 in space, it doesn't comment jack shit on its own fucking gameplay concept (in contrast with that 23 year old game, which, in addition to being pretty much "Immersive Sim manifesto" also pretty much puts a fatal blow to the whole concept of a "game as parallel reality" - a blow, all the subsequent so called "immursiv sims", this one included, outright ignore), it has loads of texts about who thought, who said what and who took the biggest dump three days ago, at has shit cubic leveldesign with so much space wasted (especially if makes some use of "Gravity" Gun) it's not even funny, and it's just generally a boring, derivative, bland, autistic slog, no part of which is in any sense anything near original.

Yeah, actually. It was one of the first 3D FPS games that heavily manipulated gravity, and it helped develop teleportation-physics engines. It also had destructibility, moving portals, and a fully interact-able environment like Half-Life 2.

The original prey was in dev hell for almost a decade because they were so set on trying to improve physics-engines.

It means "Nintendo-ed FPP realtime 3D dungeoncrawler".

>bolivia in wildlands
fuck this map

yea that might have been impressive if it actually came out before hl2

System Shock, Deus Ex, Thief, Dishonored, Dark Messiah, etc. First person games that combine shooter, stealth, RPG, and platforming elements in large, multilayered, reactive environments that lead to players figuring out their own unique way to solve problems.

the only problem with it is the SAM sites and that the mountainous/salt flat areas aren't the entirety of the map.
if the whole game was like the land surrounding that huge red lake, it would easily be my greatest open world of all time.
plus it's goddamn beautiful. i like to just ride a dirtbike around and explore the place.

>tfw that intro.


2017 is way better but I prefer original Prey's setting

It had moving portals, which is something the Source engine can't do after 2 revamps, and 10 years. The Prey engine wasn't developed in tandem with HL2, and had it released when intended, it would of made HL2 considerably less impressive.

>good immersive sim
It's not, lmao


yeah, the first prey takes actual risks and pushes game technology to a point that has yet to be met by any other developer.


What are teleportation-"physics". It had portals. Big fucking deal. Technically speaking there's not a lot really impressive about that. And it was in dev hell because the devs didn't have a clue what they were doing, they kept scrapping their work and starting over again. You do know that Prey was id Tech 4, right? They didn't develop some brilliant engine from scratch or anything, they licensed one.

nice try

HumanHead's iteration of the games differs pretty considerably from the second one (Schuytema's or how the fuck is his name's written) - which, in turn, differs a whole fucking lot from the first one, which was basically "something like Unreal 1 where every single level is a Scaarj base, and with some weird inventory-item-related gameplay gimmicks" (it was like Unreal in the sense of trying to build singleplayer campaign on botmatch, basically splicing singleplayer and competitive multiplayer deathmatch experiences).

It is though. I played all Immersive Sim games that exist starting with Ultima Underworld and I can tell you Prey 2017 is a good one.

I bet you like Bioshock more.

ive practicly forgotten about Prey 2k17 alreadt
but i still remember those horrified screams while dont fear the reaper was playing

nu-Prey has the depth of a rain puddle, it blows every impressive moment during the intro. Turns into a slog of derivative predictability.

OG Prey atleast tried something different.

Goddamn it user

I sure hope you aren't arguing the original Prey wasn't also shallow as shit. It was a fucking sci-fi shooter released into a sea of sci-fi shooters. Yeah, it had a gimmick, most games do, but it was still pretty mediocre.

You aren't wrong, but in the context of comparing the two, I consider a game taking risks more impressive than one that mimics others.

is this an optical illusion or one of those pics that change

How many other games have you shooting Cherokee spirit arrows at dyson-sphere aliens using Earth animals as meat to power/feed their empire?

They licensed alpha in something like 2002 or the end of 2001.

Also, going through iteration isn't uncommon.
Doom 1 one rebooted fully from scratch once.
Marathon 1 was rebooted from scratch, THEN all the levels were redone from scratch.
Thief 1 was rebooted from Dark Camelot.
Duke3D was obviously remade pretty much from scratch.

It's not that fucking uncommon.

Prey was rebooted twice. First, when Tom Hall went to Romero, and Levelord's team went to make its own team (Ritual). Then Schuytema happened and portals were introduced. Then Schuytema''s Prey was put on hold due to unresolvable difficulties with the engine (by concept, it didn't JUST had portals, it had free use of manually placed portals in multiplayer - AND it also had some non-scripted level destruction, sort of like Red Faction 1, although, maybe, more limited in scope). Then HumanHead were contracted, whipped up a prototype on Unreal 1 engine, and then proceeded to build the game on Doom3's tech, acquired for them by 3DRealms. So, two reboots.

Left: Game
Right: Game related only by name
Even Bioshock Infinite had better ties to its previous installments, if only in the last two minutes

Looking at your Nostalgia tinted glasses you will praise Prey 2017 as an all time classic in 5 years simply because it got older.

The edges of the mouth which turn it to a smile are really small,therefore it cannot be seen on a thumbnail.So essentially an illusion.

I can pick out any number of unique aspects to the story from even shitty games. It's meaningless. Gameplay is what matters and Prey was decidedly mediocre to play. Sci-fi shooters were very popular when it was released and in that tough competition it was deservedly forgotten until Bethesda dug it up again. Don't act like it was one of the greatest games ever made.

>Technically speaking there's not a lot really impressive about that.

t. guy who doesn't know anything about coding or making a game

No, System Shock 1 is the best one
Stop spouting shit, if you like Prey 2017 then you are an underage cancer

>The game has a similar theme as other games

>This means it has no depth


>whipped up a prototype on Unreal 1 engine
Also, fun fact, HumanHead were some of the Heretic1/HeXen1 team (Romero was the producer on these), and when they went away from Raven (the reason for which was basically change in climate due to Raven's being acquired by Activision), they contacted Romero, who was trying to do Daikatana at the time. So, Romero thought it would be a good idea for those guys to develop Daikatana 2, and acquired license for Unreal engine for them (which was something like 400 grand). Then, difficulties on Daikatana happened, and the idea for the sequel was scrapped, at which point Romero basically said "Nah, you keep it."
As a consequence, Rune happened (yep, that Unreal engine license).

It is unusual for a game to be in development for as long as Prey was. Don't pretend that's business as usual. And don't claim they spent years perfecting advanced physics tech or something when they just used the built in physics engine of id Tech 4.

it had moving portals that had no gameplay impact whatsoever because you werent in control of them

Why do these games have the same name when they have nothing to do with each other?

Is Prey 2017 good despite knowing the shitty It was a simulation twist?

I actually am a developer. There genuinely isn't a lot all that impressive about it from a technical point of view. At least, not in that day and age when stuff like mirrors were easy to do with those relatively simple rendering pipelines.

Yes because the simulation is a recording of someone's memories assassin's creed style, it's not all fake

Both should have been separate series.

Fucking Bethesda.

>Prey was deep

Now you are just being stupid.

>And don't claim they spent years perfecting advanced physics tech or something when they just used the built in physics engine of id Tech 4.
They were pretty much beating the dead horse (their own internal engine) all the way to the 2000 or something, they were still trying to salvage Schuytema's concept in full, which, with their tech, was impossible, so they were trying to make the tech adequate for the task. They didn't manage to.
Then they just "You know, we have our hands full with DNF, we'll just contract someone, give them the best engine which would be somewhat fitting for the task and just see what happens". So they did.

By the way, the final iteration itself (including prototyping) was in development for at least 4 years, maybe 4 and a half.

Babbys first immersive sim. If you haven't played one before you will have fun, otherwise its entirely average/plain.

Prey 2017 had almost nothing going for it. Even the way the world was connected was disappointing. Opening 20 minutes were good and then it slammed into the pavement and never recovered.

>Babbys first immersive sim.

what does that even mean?

It means play better vidya, newfag.

So basically, they were shit devs that failed at making their own engine and then when handed one of the finest engines of it's time they took years to make a mediocre shooter.

Oh, yeah, really impressive. I can see why Bethesda were so desperate to acquire this studio.

>Nuke your son

>Buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords

I'm convinced.

Are you doing that "If I show a single screenshot of the post-credit ending without anons knowing any prior context at all, then folks will agree with me that the game is shit instead of judging for themselves!" thing?

What buzzwords? You mean the perfectly valid technical term "rendering pipeline"?

just ordered the special edition of prey 2017 it better not be shit Sup Forums

new prey has shit combat and gunplay. enemies are boring as fuck
fucking boring as fuck, guns were shit too.

There was a special edition?

The original Prey had it's moments but it's an extremely linear shooter. Had a pretty cool setting too but the whole after-life gimmick was kinda dumb and it ads almost nothing to the game.

2006 one. Loved the setting, the sound track, and the gameplay.

Also, Prey2 was in development for, like 2-3 years under 3Drealms, then they bankrupted, then the rights were acquired by Bethesda, at which point the contract terms were re-negotiated (at which point HumanHead's lawyers royally fucked up), as I'd imagine, then two years later, Bethesda tried to do hostile acquisition on HumanHead, which the latter managed to avoid only by halting all the work on Prey2 and forcing the publisher to terminate the contract from their side (from what I get, the contract seriously restricted HumanHead's work on any projects unrelated to Prey2).

>So basically, they were shit devs that failed at making their own engine
No, 3Drealms were shit devs that failed at making their own engine (by the way, release version of DNF uses Unreal fucking ONE). HumanHead were making Rune on Unreal engine, while all that engine fuckery took place. Also, HumanHead licensed Doom3 engine on alpha stage, and heavily modified it.