Am I the only one who thinks it's fucking weird how Rick and Morty doesn't get any videogames?
It's such a popular cartoon, you'd expect them to milk it a bit harder.
Am I the only one who thinks it's fucking weird how Rick and Morty doesn't get any videogames?
It's such a popular cartoon, you'd expect them to milk it a bit harder.
Other urls found in this thread:
it has 2, and has cameos in some others
Only fake nerds like Rick and Morty
It has like 5 really popular mobile games
what is the point of that webm, is this supposed to be some kind of falseflag? I mean, i know all Rick & Morty threads are falseflags but is this supposed to be a falser flag?
I'm speechless.
The cheap cash in game on consoles have been replaced by the cheap cash in game on mobiles, and there it has a fuckload of games.
They also have a VR game they are playing around with.
>no games
1. You know shit
2. If southpark got its AAA title, so R&M will have it too in due fucking time.
Also fuck you.
>Rick & Morty are triggering Sup Forums so much they can't contain their triggerdness to just one board
We already have PUBG here to trigger us, we are full.
Can you imagine the levels of ''Wait a minute... that card'' the game will go to. And all the ''''''''''''critics'''''''''''' and ''''''''''journalists''''''''''' reactions. However the game will be shit so that's why there's no rick and morty games.
I just realized that Rick and Morty is the new Big Bang Theory, it even has the stupid bazinga-esque catchphrases
What show is that.
And how did they manage to find a girl that ugly?
Rushed license game
im glad i never started watching this meme show
It's literally ironic
I bet you like the shit out of rick and morty but you need to keep up your pathetic contrarian attitude.
I think the intent was to parody and make fun of that type of stuff, at least at first.
The issue is it stops being a parody when people start taking it seriously.
I know
I did enjoy it, except the third season, it was horrible.
That's where I wanted to convey, well put
Someone taking a parody serious doesn't make it any less of a parody.
It isn't contrarian to think Rick and Morty's shit
You can really tell season 3 had a bunch of feminists in the writers room. That redhead really turned harmon into a faggot.
It really bugged me how this scene basically came out of nowhere.
One used a roofie on his crush and fathered a son using a sex bot, the other grew her tits to impress a guy and fucked a psycho within hours of meeting him because he had a hunky body. They don't get to act morally superior.
>I just realized that Rick and Morty is the new Big Bang Theory
Confirmed for not being smart enough to understand how deep the plot is and how complex the humor is in rick and morty.
Of course OP posts the image that'll get the most hateboners out of people.
reminder that they hired new female writers.
And I did not that say. Your point? Having trouble understanding context maybe?
Why are people so obsessed with this show? I've only skimmed through a couple of episodes to see what the big deal is but I'm not seeing it
>They also have a VR game they are playing around with.
It already released, retard.
I hope thats not the actual dialog
He didn't admit to being a beta-male tho
Also not video games
>It really bugged me how this scene basically came out of nowhere.
The whole scene is fucking stupid. Jerry was never in any point of the show made any racist comments on anybody, same with the sexist one. He is selfish yes but the rest is total nonsense
Who does this with television shows?
What are some games with great PS2 aesthetics?
How do you guys always find these random Twitters
>And I did not that say.
Fucking blizzard is the first company Ive seen to put a r&m reference in one of their games
It is
Now you see what 3 female writers can do
Welcome to [the current year]!
probably 100% fake, but I've never watched it so I cannot confirm it for you.
The requisite IQ to play such a game would simply be too high.
it is, luckily that episode was panned even by fans though
it was bizarre because jerry has never been established to be any of those things in 3 seasons and then they just declare it like that.
his only consistent characterization is he cares about his family, but is a coward and a screw up.
there was definitely some serious projecting from the writers going on there
Literally is, mate. It's like they're trying to confirm the W-WE GOTTA SUPPORT TRANS RIGHTS MORTY memes.
Probably to get a rise out of autismos like you, you fucking idiot
Its real you dumb piece of shit and its not even the worst of the new writers
Just watch the pickle episode
prob is. dropped this show after the first 2 seasons. they hired more women and the show took a huge left turn and is just a sjw ciclejerk from what i gather.
Anna faris youre so sexy and talented why are you doing this
>being this retarded
I was talking to one specific person making one specific statement.
I was not generalizing you massive retard.
Oh hey and look I was right, too.
They're ours.
>calls me stupid for not watching the rick and morty
>tells me to watch the show
fuck off
Your not really in the position to call anyone retard after
>And I did not that say.
>white character gets called a beta male
>Sup Forums becomes furious over it
Almost like it touches a nerve with neet virgins who spend all day railing against western culture lel
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
>spewing bullshit
season 3 contains the 2 best episodes in the series
It's real.
And this is correct.
Summer and Jerry have the exact same face, the only difference is the hair
Literal bizarro sjws
Not him but fuck you retard faggot
I like rick and morty. There's a lot of bright colors and movement with interesting shapes so it's very visually stimulating. just feels good on the eyes, ya know?
Youre fucking retarded for commenting on something you have no fucking idea about retard
>mmmm i dont watch the show but i must say its quite good, it doesnt have sjw propaganda goys errr guys watch it
retarded faggot*
damn. i don't even have the entry level IQ to get into R&M. FUG
>people are trigger Jerry is a beta
i drop the show after 6 episodes in season 3. it was just not fun anymore.
>anna faris
It's pretty easy actually.
Missing to type out one word doens't make one retarded. Acting smug about it or actually not reading it out of context does, retard.
why are so angry? and so stupid?
Futurama did this shit fist without being fucking disgusting doing it.
The game was alright too I guess
The crossover we've all been waiting for
im waiting for the rick and morty pasta
Weird how quickly the rick and morty fans attack when someone dislikes their show
my biggest problem with the show is the ongoing forced drama with the parents, like this shit been going on since s1 and its not stopping. In s1 they loved each other but next eps they did not. In s2 there were several eps dedicated to this and even a big finale where they started to love each other again but in S3 THEY AGAIN dont love each other. Like whats the point? its feels so forced now and every eps that focus on this bullshit is the worst imo.
The only plot the show has is the *evil morty* one but they rather focus on filler, like only 1 eps was dedicated to the PLOT in pretty much every season.
We already know you didn't understand the post. I'm perfectly fine with people disliking it.
It's supposed to be three knocks but good attempt
ur mom is just a phone call away
are you guys fucking retarded
the racist thing Summer was referring to was Jerry being disgusted by the species of alien that he was dating
That's the Sup Forums experience.
they also have said characters mother get a black lover and string his father a long.
now i am no Lesbian, but i know what smells fishy
Different user but ok
yeah, uh, yeah, waitin on that rick and morty pasta, when it comes to BLUNTS you know I'm a big Rasta, uh, yeah, uh
you want my autograph? that's gonna COSTYA...
thats not being racist. thats being a xenofob.
Why would he date an alien he was disgusted by and proudly show her off?
Different user
Same fucking retard
She is sexy and shes a good actress, Doing some sitcom that features canned laughter and terrible writing is way below her.
Right, but half of the season was written by the completely shit B-team (as opposed to none of it like the last two seasons)
>you are racist for not liking a different species
listen man, you might have your opinions but black people are definitely human
Back to discord and 8gag Dr.Worm you dumb tripfag
>Start watching XRA because of that dumb Chad vs Virgin meme
>Realize that XRA is genuinely leagues ahead of Rick and Morty
RnM is good when it's Justin Roiland behind the scenes, but you can tell it turns into forced drama and preachy bullshit whenever someone else is responsible.
Anyone who says wubalubadubdub is only watching the series to "fit in". That line hasn't been fucking uttered since season one.
>loves the alien
>has sex with the alien
>even shares his mind with her to unlock his psychic abilities
>somehow this mean that he is a racist
ok i think that you are confused about what *racist* means
>different, but the same
Why doesn't Morty just fuck his sister?
you people jump to conclusions like thw omen you so want to be
What about Total Rickall?
I thought the scene was fine and funny because jerry is a piece of shit
It triggered me because he didn't actually do anything vaguely racist or sexist in that episode.
Took the words out of my mouth, my 200+ IQ friend.
you fucking niggers didnt even watch the episode, he had a whole spill at the restaurant about how she was disgusting and he wanted to put a bag over her head.
The only reason he was dating her was to get back at his ex wife