Are japan even trying?

are japan even trying?

Its weird that the text is switched under those image sets


Oh nice, new East vs West bait, the old images have been getting stale.

You could have tried a lot harder than that.

I mean if you want to pick an uninspired boss from the hundreds of souls bosses why not pick the worst one like dragon rider(s)?

Or instead of nightmare from DMC who actually has interesting mechanics why not just pick one of the uninspired dmc2 bosses?


dark souls have 1 or 2 good boss tbqh

Don't put my nigga robot pope on your shitty bait image you white nigger.

>good boss fight

Filia was designed and drawn by an american allahu akbar though


>cherrypicking a bad gow boss fight
>game that only 2 people have played

I would only say that for DaS2. In other souls games 90% of the bossfights are pretty creative and interesting.

But hell, even the generic das2 bossfights are better than 98% of the bosses in western games

>missing the point

only few western game have true boss fights(no qte), and in that case are better than 98% of japanese boss fights

>seriously, unironically complaining about cherry picking, in this thread, with OP's post

still, cherry picked or not, it's way closer to reality than OP's bait. Japanese bossfights in general are exactly known for better music and gameplay, while the west usually only has better graphical presentation.

Also, don't know about bamham but all the others western bossfights in OP's pic are Japanese boss fight ripoffs anyway.

99% of japanese boss fights are trash
turn based or souls like

>turn based means bad bosses
What happened to this board

Even OP cherrypicking is shit. Smelter Demon is still a good boss, even if it's reussed. The centipede monster look cool as fuck and Barthendelus (white smiling robot thing) has a fantastic design and its fight look dope as fuck. No idea for the other but it wouldn't surprise me if they were good too.

>turn based or souls like
You have only played FF and soulsgames, right?


99% of japanese boss fights are trash turn based or souls like

>what is ninja gaiden
>what is dmc
>what is ngr
>what is bayo
>what is mgs
>what is shadow of the colossus
>what is monster hunter
>what are castlevanias
>what is the whole fucking hack n slash action game genre that Japan created and that the west just copies and casualizes whenever they try to make an actual bossfight like in GoW/DmC/Dante's Inferno/Darksiders etc.

Can you even name a single good western bossfight that isn't just a copying and dumbing down of an existing Japanese bossfight?
The only thing I remember that Halo3 had that shitty little robot at the end and Halo4 had a fucking qte.


What do you think are the best western boss fights? How about eastern? Let's get a fair list going

shitty pic
DaS literally says that pic related is not a dragon but just a drake. The only dragon left alive in DaS is Seath the Scaleless.

>tries to cherrypick 'good' boss fights for the western side
>the only decent one is Cuckhead
>it rips off old Japanese games like Metal Slug, Contra, Gunstar Heroes, etc (admitted by the devs themselves)

The west actively hates boss battles though

Turn-based """games""" always were shit. Fuck off, grampa.

What do you guys think is the best Western boss fight? Be honest.

>rips off

It's probably the most honest game in years

Wears its influences on its sleeve

>ancient dragon at that shitty lake

stop saying this like the "east" in general makes anything relevant or the few chinese/korean games aren't closer to western ones. Just call it Japan vs West or the whole world

anyway, the last dmc3 Vergil bossfight is objectively the best bossfight in history

ironically I would say the best western bossfight is also Vergil from DmC which says a lot about the gap between them

What counts as a "good" boss fight anyways?

>Ancient Dragon at ash lake
>Gaurdian Dragon
>all those DS3 dragons


>he has not found The Great Hollow

I said DaS(1), not DaS in general tho I admit I forgot about the stone dragon
on the other hand the guardian dragon is not a real dragon but a failed attempt at making artificial dragons

>Bad boss
Choose one, faggot

The only good boss in the ''Western boss design'' picture is Sans.

Also you forgot to include Armstrong from MGR and Grigori form DD in east boss design, both are really good fucking bossfights.

I'm trying to think of really good western RPG bossfights but I'm not really getting there...

>Also you forgot to include Armstrong from MGR and Grigori form DD in east boss design, both are really good fucking bossfights.
he literally tried to include "shit" boss fights for the Japanese side
also as said, don't call Japan "east" like China or Korea have to do anything with their games

>gow 3
>shovel knight
>serious sam
>rabi ribi
>hollow knight

>bad boss fight
chose on faggot

Now that i think about it a lot of indieshit has good bossfights, are AAAfags even trying?

Tell me which one looks more interesting

>"scripted" as a plus

t. never played Ys

Having fucking fanart on the left just makes this bait even better.

Western devs invented video games, therefore, all japanese games are rip-offs, and don't count.

take your meds steve

does this pantywaist even know what he's doing?

both look like shit


>tfw never got to defeat the dark aeons

Looks would go to skyrim, since you can mod the shit out of it for better textures. Rathalos is much better in terms of movement and combat. Much more engaging and interactive as opposed to skyrim's dull combat

Japan invented a lot of videogame genres. Run 'n gun (the one Cuphead belongs to) is one of them and it's nearly exclusively Japanese.

>using a fanart for undertale

Japan is only good at female character design.
If western developers hire Japanese artists, everything will be fine.

>choosing carpetwings over the bamf on the left

>only few western game have true boss fights(no qte)

God Fillia is so beautiful

Boss fights are archaic and ridiculous anyway. The sooner video games do away with them the better. This medium needs to shed these outdated mechanics to evolve.


>he doesn't play SMT
lmaoing @ ur life



Yeah fuck off with this. The game got delayed for the boring ass run and gun levels. Honest piece of shit.

>draw a wyvern
>call it a dragon

Japanese turn-based does

But wywerns are a type of dragon.

This. It's not like Wyverns are some kind of separate species.


>Shitting on Anima
I know this is bait, but I am strongly baited



never understand all this hate for western or japan dev.
some jap or west games are great and some games are shit.

All look the same, only difference being a slight change in color
Distinct silhouettes and varying colors
Who could have guessed that Western shit all looks the same and Japan has some variety

The Azel fight at the end of God Hand is better. Vergil 3 comes in second though.

we talkin' bosses now?


>fan art and bullshots
>actual ingame looks

>spiting Fire if realistic
>6 limbs is not

Do you have the webm where he dodges all his death balls and still hits him?

>no reason for wings on back independent of limbs
what are flying insects

>what are flying insects
an invalid comparison to vertebrae animals