Assassin’s Creed Origins - Open World Activities


Christ, it's not like Witcher open world was any good. They added all that shit in the last minute without much care cause apparently the world felt too empty.

And now Jewbisoft is copying CDPR for some reason.

I think they may strike the perfect balance between a good AC game and a good Witcher game

They may strike the perfect balance between a shit game and a good game? Perfect mediocrity, interesting.

Ah, the constellation puzzles.
The bread and butter of copy pasted content of DA:I.

Words cannot express how little I care about this game.

Who's the genius that thought ANCIENT FUCKING EGYPT would be an interesting time setting for a video game? Stupid sandnigger.

The ONLY reason I'm buying the game is for the rare loot. I don't really see the point of 85% of the game, since you theoretically level up without killing the lowbies, then go back to take them all on at the same time for fun.

Also I love PowerPYX! Day one S-rank videos for MGSV helped me get on the lear

What the fuck is this post. Could you try any harder to sound like a shill.

Eh should've give AC China a proper game

That, but instead do Samurai-era Japan.

>you run around normally
>once fighting starts, suddenly you move goofy like on ice
this ruins it for me and I'd love to have a game setting in ancient egypt

I don't think that's a shill, I think that's a genuine reddit memer. You can tell by his reddit spacing and the fact that he's actually buying this shit

lmao, he does sound exactly like a shill. Using obscure terms to somehow make the game seem more mysterious and appealing while dripping with fake enthusiasm.

Ok, I'll word it differently.

Taking the loot system from MMORPGs was a good move for a single player series that was becoming stagnant.

Watching short instructional videos, that do not have someone with a fake English accent, or a four minute long loud dubstep intro, is a good thing.

There's that reddit spacing again

$0,05 have been deposited into your account.

Ok, how the fuck is taking a loot system from a genre of games designed to have artificial grind in order to extend playtime and get more money out of players better for a single player series becoming stagnant?

There's that stupid fucking newfag meme again.

Well yeah, sad they're copying things from shit game which is Witcher

Well, they did say they were copying Witcher. What did you expect? Something not shit?

Because the grinding is going to be there regardless. Assassin's Creed: Syndicate used a similar system, but lacked any rewards. The player could easily take over most of England by learning to parry and dodge, while whittling down a high level enemy. Yet in the end, it felt pointless. The player was now level 9-10, taking on level 3 missions.

Wouldn't know, I haven't played the series since Black Flag.

>Who's the genius that thought ANCIENT FUCKING EGYPT would be an interesting time setting for a video game?

IMO, it’s a pretty cool time for a game, Inca/Aztec/ Mayan settings are also really under used too.

It’s just Ubishit pick probably rather worst and most boring time in Egyptian history I can think off, then went all Kangz and sheit, so it’s just gonna be shit like the rest of them.

Exactly none of that looks like The Witcher.
Witcher 3 open world events deliberately avoided minigame-type activities, which is what you posted are. It's pretty much what all Ubisoft game suffer from. If anything it's more like Mass Effect, with the bullshit driving and locked cache minigames.

Will they ever fix the assassination animations, it's so damn wonky.

The difference is that this is the main part of AC games, the open world shit of TW3 can be ignored entirely.

>redditor calling someone else a newfag

This game looks so fucking bad.

HOW are people excited about this?

Post your faces when THIS turd outsells Super Mario Odyssey

Nintenretards are rabid, they'll buy multiple copies once the paid for 10/10's start rolling in don't worry


> Post your faces when THIS turd outsells ANOTHER turd Super Mario Odyssey


it's clear they just took GR Wildlands and slapped an ancient Egypt cover over it

Except that's nothing like the Witcher

>they'll buy multiple copies once the paid for 10/10
Still upset about BotW?

0 minutes etc. etc.

I hate this

because i know

you're right

The settings are fine, it's just the series became pointless after 3, I mean the whole point of the Ass Creed games was for desmond to experience and learn his ancestors lives & abilities so he could fight the Templars in the present day, I mean how are they even making games when the overriding story is stretched this thin?






Pretty upset that I got memed into buying it, yeah

>lying on the internet

Didn't they take one year break so they could make the formula new? It's the same old shit like AC2, literally zero improvements only gimmicks.

> 3:53
>snakes are flying

Did the others have XP and level locked weapons? I don't think they did.

Unity and Syndicate had that

>literally witcher but wose
Impossible. Witcher is already the worst

They had to up their game if they didnt want to be threaded on

Worth a pirate


>Unity and Syndicate
Oh. That would explain why I didn't know.

that cant be real

Watch_Dogs 2 was really good.

>implying Witcher didn't copy AC first

This kill that dude, then kill those other dude and loot. nice quest ubisoft

Looks very joyless.

>Greentexting outside of 4chang

This will never not make me smile

the new Mordor game is equally uninspired and is getting rave reviews, this'll get 9/10's left and right especially because the cast is non-white

Looks better than TW3 though. At least you can sneak around and kill enemies that way, combat in TW3 was just cancer all around and got boring 2 minutes in.

the trailer actually started with the word "WE"

they know what they're doing

King Tutto Tattu

they dropped all that shit

I'll still pirate it. I still like the look of the combat, I'll just skip any side quests which are boring as fuck

>you can sneak around in an Assassin's Creed game

Stabs back, instant death. Stabs calf muscle, instant death.

You think Witcher invented opening a map and going to points of interest for activities?

If anything then this side activity was taken from Dragon Age Inquisition but got casualized so even 6 year olds can solve it.

I see many games in that besides AC. TW3, DA:I, MGSV.
It looks fun enough to play, I'll pirate it anyway. Buying an AC game at full price is never a good idea and I say that as someone who enjoyed most of the series.

nice tits

People think Dark Souls was the first difficult game

>Couldve picked from ancient greece,rome or china
>Went with the most blandest ancient civilization instead with 90% deserts
It's like they want to be Vivendi'd

Like all Assassin's Creed games I just like visiting cities and seeing landmarks



That's because every character is a kang, and there are no peasants to do that actual work.

Kangs ruin all, when you put too many of them together.

Can't you use Google Maps/Earth or something instead?



No, Skyrim did it first

Dude, those are the Astrarium puzzles from Inquisition.

While I know the game will be bad, like every other AC was really, I have to say I kind of like the aesthetic. Might pick it up cheap down the line.

Caesar comes into it looking for Pompey, who is a Consul of Rome.


i seem to remember AC:B and AC2 being good for those. 1400s Italy is the shit.

I don't care for the rest though. It's pretty much the Madden of its genre now.

>Season pass AND lootboxes

where did everything go so wrong?

This, and well they should have. Does anyone not honestly groan when they get sucked back into the "present" in these games? I stopped caring altogether about the future plot after Brotherhood, and I was never very interested. Just keep everything the same (desynced etc) without the future context.

One of the things I hate about this game is you can't assassinate someone if they're a "higher level" than you.

How does that change anything?


it brings Rome into it

I don't know exactly what you mean but
>Black flag/Rogue
>whirlwhind of pure death as I take over the enemy ship
>combo takes me in the direction of a brute instead of the guy I was aiming for
>he grabs my fucking sword by the blade then headbutts me
>>fucking shoot him
These stupid fucks. Inevitably they attack at the exact moment you go to break their guard too and they shave off most of your HP.

I love ship boarding, I think i'm autistic

>majority of AAA releases in 2017/2018 are remakes/remasters, sequels and games with lootboxes including single player games

This is it, this is the peak. It can't be worse.

I like the present stuff, what I hate is that they can't commit to removing it so it's pure rubbish

Not interested in the slightest.

This desu.

I love AC1 and Ezio's Trilogy because of "virtual tourism"

I also liked Unity a lotand I liked how simple and serious the story.

The America games were garbagem black flag was only ok because it was trying to be a pirate game in the caribbeans.

Syndicate was a fucking cartoon of a story and the fighting was so bad and cartoony that it was distracting. How could they fuck up a Victorian London setting so badly ?

This game looks good for someone like me that just wants to enjoy the historical setting and the world.

more like Assassin's Creed Bore-igins

Yet more open-world busywork, oh boy.

>more animus fragments

Not even as in-depth as that.
>even dumber than DAI
Good grief.

When will the AC series die off?

Has there been a good AC game after Brotherhood?

I have autism because I always have to get all collectibles no matter what game I play.
>Did 100% in GTA V
>Did 100% in AC games
>Did 100% in Witcher 3 including sunken barrels
What are some open world games with collectibles?

I liked Ezio's trilogy because it was a cut and dry revenge story+destiny calling with a historical setpiece backed by an amazing OST.

Not him, but Google maps is not as impressive.
Sure, once you turn on 3D and go around, it can be nice.
But one of the things the series succeeded in, is architecture traversal porn. Everything else is basically a failure.
And there is no other game that deliver that experience, because AC is rather hardcore about doing 1:1 copies of buildings, or at the least try to.