Cuphead is WAY too easy once you learn bosses patterns

I finished the game in co-op so I decided to try solo and wow, it is so easy. They have way less HP and their attacks are slower, I rushed through it to unlock Expert. I finally feel home now.

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I dunno I still think this is decently difficult when you know the patterns in some instances. Thats what I find fun. Really any single instance of a projectile or attack you can dodge 95 percent of the time if it was a warioware style thing, but all together you are bound to make little mistakes over extended periods.

>bosses are easier once you tried beating them 50 times



never died more than 5 times against the same boss, except the boss rush

>game is easy when you can beat it

That seems unlikely, the dragon and good ole Dice boy were at minimum 20. I doubt you learned some of their worse patterns that quickly.

yeah dragon was easy, I had the lobber for his 2nd phase and charge for other ones. with smoke you can easily parry everything w/o taking damage and you only need to do Super I when there's the flamethrower dragon, usually I kill it before he throws fire a second time

I got Dice on like my 10-15 times flawless, I struggled the most with his minions at first but after learning them it was easy (except the #1 fuck these guys)

proof of the flawless thing

Every game is easy once you learn it.

touhou is WAY too easy once you learn the routes

Literally just bought this and played it for half an hour

The blue slime is giving me issues, I have a hard time seeing whether he will bounce against the wall or not and end up dashing into him

Ive seen so many people masturbate over the devil in this game, saying how he is hot and all.

I just dont get it.

no shit nerd

only thing that pissed me off was falling through platforms while trying to shoot under myself on the bee level

yeah lmao that is annoying, I had a technique to kill her before she becomes a plane (spam shotgun when she reads and when she have those glasses use Super 1)

upward vote

>I'm so good at games I'm gonna make a thread saying how good I am

Play dodonpachi or ketsui if you want to keep getting your ass kicked after learning boss patterns. Crimzon clover and blue revolver are good if you want something newer.

yeah I like shoot em ups, I got crimzon clover a few years back but never played it much since i have a large backlog

Why are people so butthurt over this game? Casuals complain it's too hard while elitist NEET's feel the need to post after beating the game with:

>You just suck at this game
>Lol I only died once ever!

It's a challenging shmup, but nowhere near the hardest ever made. Stop bitching or getting on your high horse. Nobody cares or is impressed.

because Sup Forums think they're top tier yet they die at the fucking dragon

>cheesed the game in co-op
>spoiled the boss patterns and can't have fun in solo
Yeah and Dark Souls has no challenge when you know where all the item and enemy positions are either. It's like running though that game in co-op the first time, it's a completely different and rather less compelling experience imo.

Admittedly, I did playthrough the majority of the first world in co-op. I restarted and decided to only proceed after I A ranked every boss.

that's literally every fucking game you twat

He said he played in co-op, he probably had his buddy revive him every time he died.

You know a game is hard when you have threads like that, or on the internet in general you'll find things like "I don't know it was easy for me". This is just petty.

>single player game is easy once you know how to play it

Solo is way easier because the screen isn't cluttered and you don't have to worry resurrecting your teammate.

yeah especially king dice, stuttering due to parry makes me fuck up everytime

>things are easy if you know how to do them

#1 was the only one I couldn't beat. Then again I never landed on them except for one time and ended beating King Dice anyway.

yeah mostly the same for me, then the other I hated was the horse race due to the fucking trees. The rest was usually easy

the monkey is the worst boss though, shit design and too long for no reasons

I thought the stuttering was intentional. For me it did wonders because I could plan ahead in that little second where to go and it didn't break the flow at all.

The monkey is very bugged for some reason. It was easy to beat but he kept freezing in place most of the time. Once he just froze on the top of the screen while in the screech animation and another time he was stuck on the borders of the screen behind me (making him unkillable I think)

>game becomes easy once you play it for some time

wew lad!

There's even a bug where he just goes off screen just to die, I had it happen after doing only a single pair of cards

Tired of people who abuse the most effective weapons for every boss then complain it's too easy.

The weapons are there to makes bosses a little easier. If your gonna bitch abusing them on a 2nd playthrough makes the game too easy then don't fucking use them constantly you autist

it will get nerfed, I barely used the charge for my first playtrough

>only good weapon gets nerfed
That's pretty sad

You were able to take down so many phases before their major attacks, it was way too easy but it still gives you the risk to charge. imo a longer charge would fix it

>nerfing the only weapon that made at least some difference
So glad i'm done with this game.

honestly it almost did more dps than the spreader

I loved using it because I generally dislike having a button pressed at all times. I do admit it's a bit too strong, but it's more of a problem with other weapons being boring.