Slow as fuck downloads

>slow as fuck downloads
>games barely work
How can a company like fucking Microsoft fuck up so bad on a part of their own system?
Its not even as good as the xbox store! that doesnt even make sense!

>Indians take over
>everything goes to shit
literally poo in pc

Maybe for you. Works great for me

See , H1B visas are rapidly degrading technology because surprise barely trained Indians with memedegrees willing to work for peanuts crank out shit code.

You get what you pay for.

reminder that microsoft fucks everything up because they're so greedy

>xbox one DRM'd so bad no-one bought it
>win 10 full of spyware and forced settings
>xbox 360 first platform with microtransactions (horse armor)
>xbox 360 dashboard filled with ads by the end of its lifetime (animated mcdonalds burger eating loop on your fucking startup screen)
>halo 2 and DX10 sent to die by tying it into vista
>win 8 sent to die by designing it for tablets instead of actual PCs
>DX12 sent to die by tying it into win 10
>latest gears of war sent to die by tying it into the win 10 store

Basically whenever Microsoft has something good, they forcibly bundle it with some exec's customer hostile pet project and it crashes and burns

>got Gears of War 4 with 1070
>windows store
>remember how awful it is
>never played it to this day

What's the fucking point of having Windows store,, Steam, Origin, UPlay, GOG, Bethesda Launcher

>How can a company like fucking Microsoft fuck up so bad on a part of their own system?

Windows is fucking up every other update. Office every third.
It's not in any way weird or unusual for that company to fuck up software, it's an art-form they've perfected over the years of, well, fucking up.

>How can a company like fucking Microsoft fuck up so bad on a part of their own system?
How new are you
does nobody remember the shitshow of the xp launch, filled with cosmetic shit no system could run, with not much advantage over win2k?
What about the vista launch? Games for Windows Live, trying to make us pay to use our internet, just like consoles?
Win7 'improved' taskbar? Windows 8 metro?
Is everyone here underage but me?

>What's the fucking point of having Windows store,, Steam, Origin, UPlay, GOG, Bethesda Launcher

To give you the games without having to pay ridiculosu profit margins to Valve.
Windows Store exists because Microsoft doesn't want to pay license fees and give up some 40% of all revenues to Valve corporation.
Battle.Net exists because Activision Blizzard does not want to pay license fees and give up some 40% of all revenues to Valve corporation.
Origin exists because EA does not want to pay license fees and give up some 40% of all revenues to Valve corporation.
Origin exists because EA does not want to pay license fees and give up some 40% of all revenues to Valve corporation.
UPlay exists because Ubisoft does not want to pay license fees and give up some 40% of all revenues to Valve corporation.

Steam exists to extract those ridiculous profit margins from the digital sales market.
GOG by and large exists because buying anything older on Steam is a retardation test as they simply give you unworkable ripped .exe, also at an inflated charge of $1 = 1EUR.

But UbiSoft games are on Steam

it's 30% and companies easily make up the money due to Steam's large audience

I remember jumping from 98 to XP then 7 without any issues and had a blast. So no, i have no idea what issues youre talking about in those systems. All the other releases were fucked up though.

Yes, nowadays. Just like Microsoft gave up and put most of their games on Steam.
Most people simply preferred to give their butthole virginity to Valve and become engaged with them. Steam was every single bit as horrible as any of these for years and years.
It was for that exact reason most people said "Fuck it, no more!" and refused to get any more than Steam, except they kept Steam as-is.

Honestly, they fucked up by not going the GOG way. A simple online site that allows you to download games painlessly and without any additional bullshit like Steam or Origin.
People supporting the horrible crap that is Steam is simply a self-perpetuating circle, just like the reason people keep using Windows despite it being the worst operating system for decades.

XP, 7, 10 best OS prove me wrong

pro tip: you can't

>it's 30%

Keep believing that.

>companies easily make up the money due to Steam's large audience

Well, yes. They simply tried their best to achieve not having to "make up" for the lost money to some 3rd party shitstains who have done exactly zero for the game in question and are now getting a third of its profits. They failed, but that was the main idea.

>Keep believing that
learn to google

>more words
You can just say Microsoft want more profit. Welcome to capitalism.
Valve and all those companies are on same equal footing in term of jewing the customer.
I prefer Valve simply because they offer better service.


You either jump from 7 to Linux or you don't jump at all.

They just greedy & will try to cut corner everywhere until there's none left.

Why invest in making a better product when you can just force it on users and it will succeed anyway?
That's what's defined Microsoft's whole history, inferior products that succeed only because of their monopoly.

Never had a this problem with it. Is it because you have a poor connections?

>Windows is fucking up every other update.
This, and it's pretty new for me.
>haha you didn't want constant high RAM and disk usage? Well fuck you!
almost every w10 update has been met with reverting to a previous version until the pajeets can actually make it work.
I'm not gonna say that is the case, but I could sure as hell see it being true.

>Using Microsoft products and services

all you had to say is that their profit is more important to them than the end users' convenience and so they believed brute forcing their way into a highly competitive digital marketplace was a good idea

it worked for some of them ( and others had their own niche (gog) but the rest are just online retailer bloat that the end user doesn't want to have to deal with and only does begrudgingly when a very high quality game pops up exclusively on one of them (origin)

but nobody uses the windows store, it's a buggy piece of shit that barely works and it downloads at a snail's pace

>really fiending for some gears of war
>decide to buy gow 4 on microsoft store
>after a day long download, cant conmect to any games
>spend an hour port forwarding etc just to get a decent connection to there server(never had to do this with any game ever)
>by time i can connect to a game i dont even want to play anymore
>decide to give the new Forza a shot
>wont open on my pc no matter what
>call and ask to refund
>they fucking refund me gears of war

would you rather use a janky service or buy a console for the same game?

GoG exists for people to vote with their wallet for wanting DRM free games. Plenty of new releases like Divinity 2, Cuphead, and A Hat in Time are on GoG for people to support without having to give into Steam

GOG exists so people can upload their DRM free games so I can play them for free.

Same issue with the way Google products have become increasingly wonky.

Not to get too political but that's exacty why those big tech corps hate immigration limits so much. They deprive them of shitty - but cheap but also shitty - workers from abroad.

This is genuinely the stupidest fucking thing I have ever read and the fact that even a single person replied to say "I don't know shit but this sounds plausible" is so catastrophically depressing I despair for the future

Not an argument.

Download speed on my ps4 is about 4mbps
I get over 120 on xbox

He's right though.
M$ is a Pajeet company.

>t. poojeet

they are a huge organization and cannot pivot easily. they have to many projects and have too many managers. the only reason they are still in business is because they have created a huge captive userbase.

Bitch lasagna

The notion that there's a lot of indians at miscrosoft or that they're not good programmers?

>Microsoft put most of their games on Steam
You kidding? Spartan Assault and Halo Wars are the only two i can think of. Cuphead wasn't made or published by Microsoft

>the only reason they are still in business is because they have created a huge captive userbase.
in comparison to Google and Facebook who live from thier Ads?

i wonder how many copies cuphead sold on it
probably like 50

probably millions. Microsoft store sales are fused with Xbox one's ones. There is no such thing as PC only with the MS store.

In a perfect world, only Steam and GOG would exist
Steam for multiplayer
GOG for single player

I have never had any issues with it. Honestly, if not for the image, I would have thought you were describing Steam.

The perfect world stuck in Valve and Gog garden it seems. Are you a shills?

Uplay and Origin suck dick so yeah it's a perfect world
I'll never install Uplay again, I'll just pirate ubishit games

Except that Steam is buggy, bloated DRM too. In a perfect world, we wouldn't have any DRM.

>t. rakesh

No it's not. I can live without Valve or even Gog. The point of Steam in the 1st place was to play Valve games and they don't make any outside that trahs card game.

my touhou is broken

what happened?


>decide to give the new Forza a shot
It's almost been a year and I'm still pissed about this one. The game runs well on the bone, but modern PC's struggle? Turned me off of the series for good.