>farm for hours to get rarest weapon in game
>enemy needs to be killed in a specific method
>loot drops extremely rarely
>the weapon isn't even strong enough to have it be a backup weapon
Oh man, this fire flower sure is rare
>oh shit a legendary rolling pin!
>put it in storage and continue using the el generico's from early game because they look cooler
I miss that feeling sometime...
>farmed six of them in slighty more than 20 minutes
Cool, I guess.
>the best weapon in the game by a mile is not of the type you built your character around
I found a real spread needle on PSO
>no one believed me because of all the game sharked ones floating around
>only way to effectively grind metal slimes is using swords in DQ8
>you wanted to be special and specialized in boomerangs
>0.01% drop rate.
>1/10000 chance
>spent less than 10 hour to find it.
Fucking miracle.
>people waste their lives trying to get developers testing tools without abusing rng
For what reason?
if you think 0.01% or worse is uncommon in games you probably haven't played many games
>add a bunch of new weapons to the game
>they are all invisible
Pinnacle of laziness.
I'm not going to care unless it's also the best weapon.
>you got sword of kings
yes finally it took forever but I can finally deck out old boy. Aww shit one more in the way it's fine I basically ruined the rest of the game from all this grinding.
>you got sword of kings
. . . this will be a f-funny story one day.
The point is the weapon was never meant to be obtained and using it is already pretty much cheating. Does wasting hours of your time to get it in a very obscure way somehow justify using it to break an already piss easy game?
>realize that the game has no meaning anymore and go play something else
I don't know the game in question but there's a lot of games where good items are locked behind an RNG grindfest, basically any mmorpg
>justify using it
user, you need help.
>rare weapon requires hours of farming
>while farming you gain loads of levels, money and abilities
>can wreck everything anyway and don't need the rare weapon anymore
>don't even get an achievment for it
Anyone who tries to obtain in a regular way is in dire need of help.
Spears and axes are much better for grinding slimes.
No one with a brain has ever specced in boomerangs.
You can get it in like 10 minutes with save states.
>97% through the game
>finally able to get the rarest weapon
>realize it has no use as I'm basically about to finish the game
>To unlock the best weapon in the game you have to have 100% completion and clear the special dungeon and the super boss on the hardest difficulty
>You use it for about 3 minutes before shutting off the game and never touching it again
Axes are way better with their crit moves.
>Grinding just to get to max level
>enemy drops legendary weapon
>wasn't even looking for it
>don't know how to feel
sorry that your luck is so bad
I screamed when I got the Oreo in ROTMG on my first try,and screamed harder when I died AFK in a shit dungeon with it
I miss that game
>the best weapon is at a preset location that can be found early in the game
You didn't use the Beelzebub sacrifice exploit at the dragon graveyard don't you?
>finally beat 2Shark and get the Rakuyo
>never want to play this fucking game again
The best way to kill the Metal Kings is with crit moves from axes/spears.
I easily farmed MKS with metal strike+tension 50, lmfao.
And the beelzebub sacrificing himself to revive MKS was awesome asf.
Either method works but boosting tension requires more set up and more time for them to escape. The crit moves have 50% chance of instantly killing them.
>tfw legit Yasminkov 3000R with 30% Hit
Not even fucking close to the rarest weapon in the game or even the best rifle but Dick Status: MUH
Thats pretty much the point I lose interest in most games. Once I'm about to finish a game I know its done so I don't care to finish.
>craft a super duper armor with rare drop from optional hard boss
>next area a merchant gives more powerful armor for just clearing sewers
FF12 is the best JRPG of all time.
>PSO droprates
Why would you ever want to play something like that?
You don't play MMOs to get the best items or gear. Ever. In the interests of sanity.
It's not even the best in its own series.
i tried so hrd to like it but it was obvious that management crippled the game and alterrd everything except the art drection
i was so psyched to play a sequel to fft... fuck me
i liked to:luct but ffs a battle takes an hour
so,what exactly are these weapons? debug testing shit? they are even fucking invisible,i remember FFXIII on pc added 1 debug weapon to each character