"I ain't racist, I just hate black people"

"I ain't racist, I just hate black people"

Other urls found in this thread:


>The second he brings up gene pool dilution

What was his name again?

>it's a black people get offensive at the truth episode.

>Racism is fine unless you're white

Reminder that the only people that disagree with Jontron are mystery meat shitskins and numales.

>it's a Sup Forums gets offended at the drop of a hat episode

Still the only white youtuber willing to defend being white in public.

I'm crimephobic.
I hate people that commit crimes,
Sadly most of them are niggers.

Jonathan "Aryan" Jafari

It's honestly better for you goofballs to be upfront with your racism and save everyone the headache. Nobody gives a damn about your rationalizations and sugarcoating.

jon "our guy" tron


Even black people hate black people which is why they do everything they can to live in white countries.


>tfw can't tell if Arin Hanson or Christian Bale

>be haitian
>have no "abloo abloo oppressed by 'Muricans white people thing going on
>country is a shithole but the people there are genuinely happy just living their lives eating pumpkin soup and occasionally eating dry mud in Port Au Prince
I wonder if we'd be happier in their place

I hope you don't support a game with a know neo-nazi as a voice actor

Unless someone says one race is better than the other (reasonable statement) is it even considered racism? Wouldn't that just be prejudice?

I wasn't racist until I actually met black people and not the whitewashed kind on TV.

Pumpkin soup any good?

>white YouTuber
user, I have bad news.

>No nazi time loli to step on me
Why do this to me user?

>le 56% and dropping
you can't blame the dude, white burgers are getting replaced by trash

No faggy highlight in his hair and he's not 50lbs overweight at all times so it's definitely not Arin.

Look at his skin, white, hes white.

yea, they eat a shit ton of lamb too and lamb is amazing
i'm halfsies though and i'm Texan



>this is what passes for white in America
Truly le 52% nation


>Nobody gives a damn about your rationalizations and sugarcoating.
Everyone else uses rationalizations and sugarcoating to defend their "non-racism" that only exists for most because it's strictly forbidden to be racist

Every other race gets away with being racist but whites. And this is why the white race is doomed in every demographic forecast.

also gypsies

So does Sup Forums hate all blacks or just American blacks and the shit ton of new African immigrants

>Every other race gets away with being racist but whites
Only whites get offended in my experience

I mean you're the ones jumping through hoops in an attempt to convince the population that you can't be racist against white people. Don't be surprised at the pushback.

not video games

I'm not sure if you guys are just mememing because nazi loli but that' just an edit of a official promo image
made by yours truly

Hating a race doesn't make you racist doing things to harm that race do.

This is going to sound crazy but people that aren't American also post

Depends on what do you mean by /pol.
nu-Sup Forums likes niggers as long as they suport drumpf
The rest is split between hatred (nazis) and indifference (ancaps) for niggers.

I was racist until I met black people and not the gangster kind on TV.


If they weren't in our countries raping our women and children and getting away with it then I wouldn't give a shit. Let them live in mud huts and fight tribal wars away from us all they like.

I'm pretty sure it originally meant thinking some races were superior to others, but the word basically means whatever people say it means nowadays.

Isn't the entire origin of this controversy that people like you were offended by what JonTron said about being against mass immigration?

I think ancapistan is a great way to end the nigger problem. Old fashioned "solve itself" method

Jon "send em back to the safari" Jafari

Those are the ones that were smart enough to escape the hood or the South

I'm black, I know exactly how racist black people can be. It's just embarrassing watching these white kids acting all shy about what they actually feel.

I don't know what you're talking about

Where do you live? You always hear people make generilizations about whites and everybody just laughs it off. But youll never hear people generlize blacks because its so taboo to do so

It's not about hating anyone (other than the ones who commit crime, e.g. paki grooming gangs in my country), it's about being opposed to mass replacement migration.

If a buddy of yours turned up in at your house for a couple of weeks because he was inbetween jobs and couldn't make rent, maybe you'd tolerate it for that allotted time, but if he stayed there indefinitely, started re-housing his own family in your garage and demanding his rules take precedent, then it wouldn't be "hateful" to tell him to fuck off, just normal.

>I don't like mass immigration
2017, the year when social media turned arguments into emotional outcries for the mentally ill.

Sure thing Abdullah.

>new video games
>he only reviews fucking movies

So we're just going to ignore his Arab as fuck features? Just look at his fucking nose. That, and that beard... holy shit, give him a fucking turban and you wouldn't be able to tell him apart from any other Middle Easterner. Jon JAFARI is not white.


>tfw be half black but go along with all of the anti black shit on Sup Forums anyways since i never hang out with blacks or liked them anyways
i have no race to be proud of, all i can claim to be proud of is me and my own accomplishments

fuck, i'm almost envious of you pasty neckbeards

I know the comic is supposed to be mocking him but it's not. Muslims are a threat and gypsies and tinkers are parasites.

The most sensitive race is probably (non-Japanese) Asians, not Blacks. And I say that as a hafu. Asian-Americans don't really take even mild race-based humor very well.

There's different breeds.
>The guy who got bullied by black girls at school and is now a Richard Spencer fanboy
>they Deus Vult larper who confuses blacks with muslims and hasn't met either
>the guy who just does it for the memes

Deep South. Having traveled the whole nation I can say first hand, the less blacks there are, the more uppity whites and blacks are about the issue.

why is it that all successful, intelligent people are aware of the differences between race and culture?

only an ignorant low information idiot would be unaware of such obvious truths as African countries such as Kenya having iq averages of 60-70 (mild mental retardation)

not to mention how other cultures such as black and Muslim cultures are inferior

If Jews can be white so can Arabs.



What DID Neogaf mean by this?

>the top right one

Because all it takes to start a journey down the rabbit hole is discovering alternative media sources or even just basic primary source datasets.

I mean the DoJ stats on crime like the NCVS speak for themselves.

IQ tests are racists.

Arin hasn't been that thin for the longest fucking time.

why are all the top videogame utubers racist/misogynists?

>doesn't even attempt to make it Sup Forums related

Couldn't just be that niggers suck, could it?

>tfw black but dont feel tied to my race or culture
>tfw watching people encumber themselves with this bullshit

sad desu

I throw any e-celeb that tries to force their political agenda, be it left or right, into the trash. They aren't worth my time. If I wanted to listen to someone talk about politics or whatever, I'd be subscribed to someone that does just that. e-celebs need to realize that their audience doesn't give a shit, and they don't need to make everything be relevant to current events.

We don't hate you, user. I think most people here have a problem with black people culturally, not just because of their skin color.

>those mike comics
I had no idea he was ever funny.


Would you call me racist if I said I don't want black people to come to my country because it will result in a situation like the US? We have nothing to gain from it except racial tension and possibly "positive discrimination" laws which are disgusting.

>they Deus Vult larper who confuses blacks with muslims and hasn't met either

Let's suppose you meet a group of Muslims and they're pretty nice and amiable, at least on a cursory level (ignoring the fact my ex lived in the most Muslim area of Brussels and got harassed daily).

Even if they are very nice on this superficial level, say, exchanging pleasantries with the local shopkeeper - why exactly does that mean you should be ok with them become a majority in 100 years? Where's the logic in that?

Wanting to strictly control who can settle in your country doesn't mean you "hate" the people not allowed to any more than not being great friends with a group of acquaintances from school means you "hate" them.

What a time to be alive.

Imagine streaming a game then being called racist without knowing why


Take it up with your politicians.

But honestly, cultures getting mixed and wiped around is just a part of history (after all, you Europeans specialized in it). Not saying its justified, but don't be surprised if it actually happens.

that sucks, how does it feel to be surrounded by -70iq people?

>that top pic

He was? I have yet to see any evidence of it.

What the hell are you fuckers going on about, I don't see anything unusual

underrated post

it's not about that, it's about you LARPers wanting to cull the already existing populations so that you have a greater chance of getting laid once in your lives

You agreed that anti immigration sentiment is justified.

this fat fuck is the reason I pirated A hat in time
my gf is black btw

He might have

>JonTron's content will never stop being good
>JonTron will never stop upsetting Sup Forumsirgins

I love Mr. Jafari


>Take it up with your politicians.

We are.

>But honestly, cultures getting mixed

This is replacement, not mixing. Mixing of cultures on a voluntary level is Japan adopting European oil painting and repurposing it for their own traditional arts, or the Chinese taking the orchestra concept and applying it to Chinese instruments.

Just flat-out replacing one racial group that is indignenous to the land with another two or three groups that are not is not "mixing". So don't use these weasel words, be blunt and honest about what you mean.

And no, it's not some inexorable force of nature. If you have strong enough laws, you can deter immigration to manageable levels, case in point the V4 countries.

>wiped around

This doesn't make any sense?

I don't know what you saw to make you think that, but personally I have no real stake in the outcome. That's a problem I'll leave to the Europeans.

What is black culture? Idolizing criminals talking or mumbling about how great they are over a heavy bass?