Why do you love this game so much, Sup Forums?

Why do you love this game so much, Sup Forums?

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Because it's a PS4 Exclusive.

We're gay

Is a replacement Shenmue.

Something about it just makes me feel good

Being exclusive doesn't improve the game in any way, retard.

always found it weird that Sup Forums talks about this game almost constantly. it looks incredibly bland

Then why was Halo selling like hotcakes?


Great story, even better substories and lots of fun minigames. Combat feels amazing. Lots of content.

Probably because it was a good game regardless of platform. It would have probably sold more if it was on more platforms.

It's a japanese crime drama with a lot of silly stuff and extras going on

alright talk to me Sup Forums

how likely is this gonna come to PC? I'm gonna buy a PS4 by the end of this year and this is one of the must have games for me but I don't want to buy the inferior version of it

literally never ever. The one time it ever left a sony platform was a small appearance on the 3DS

Not 100% ruled out, but I wouldn't hold my breath expecting a port anytime soon.

Supposedly the story is that Sega's European division are pushing for it but are being overruled at every turn by HQ. Knowing how rife Sega used to be with infighting between different divisions, it wouldn't be shocking if this actually is indeed the case.

They made a Wii U port of the first 2 games though

This game will probably never get released on PC. Yakuza Online (a mobile game) is the only Yakuza game announced to come out on PC.

Shenmue III is gonna be such a shitty game. I'm never gonna be ready. The reason Shenmue I was great was because it was a Sega game. Shenmue III doesn't have any access to Sega IP. The time that Shenmue can be a great game has passed.

Yakuza on the other hand, is pretty much a Sega collection frontend program. If it wants, it can lift gameplay from Virtua Cop to Initial D to Project Diva to Total War and it doesn't feel a bit out of place. The only two other companies that can make this kind of game like Sega can are Konami and Nintendo, but Konami doesn't care about video games, and Nintendo doesn't do adult games. So they won't.

1. It's hilarious
2. Great main story
3. It kicks ass, or rather lets you kick ass.
4. The OST is so fucking great
5. Keeps surprising you.
6. Cool characters and boss fights
7. Many cool heat moves, especially contextual ones
8. Seeing Nishiki eat shit and cry and generally be a bitch
9. Eeehhhhhyy, booyyyy!
10. It's hilarious.

>thinking a game has to be good to sell like hotcakes

Ever heard of Call of Duty, son?

And it bombed

It's a very slim chance. The game runs at 1080p 60FPS on the PS4, anyway.

you collect porn like pokemon cards

The only thing I can ask of a game is that the gameplay stays fun for the entire length of the game, and Yakuza 0 does that and way more.
Compared to something like Uncharted which is a 10 hour game where you experience everything in terms of gameplay in the first ten minutes of shooting, Yakuza 0 stays fresh for the entirety of its length with 20 something minigames and heat actions and combat techniques.

This is the reason why BotW is the weakest 3D Zelda for me. You can experience 70% of the game on the plateau, but the rest of the game is like 200+ hours.

You forgot

>Lao Gui doesn't look like a corpse in the version of the game issued in Chinese territories


It's fun, only complaint I have is that they thought it was a good idea to lock skills behind minigames, don't ever do that. Also pandering to Chinks. Combat is my 2nd favorite in the series. Story that isn't pants on retarded because it's a prequel.

>Also pandering to Chinks
I seriously don't understand why this is a problem. Asian people in a video game set in Asia? Who'd have thought?

>how likely is this gonna come to PC?
I think there's an okay chance Zero and Kiwami come to PC but who knows, they push out new games annually and may not bother porting something that's already considered old

all these
that's great

heres a funny thing.
Yakuza 0 and Gravity rush 2 both came out this year, fairly close to each other.
and i havent finished either.
both are fun, but both share the same problem.
the sidemissions are fucking boring.
i am not talking about the minigames in Yakuza 0, or the challenges in Gravity Rush 2.
i am talking about the sidestories that are just walls of text, trying to be funny or charming but ending up being boring and having maybe 1 super easy encounter.

i didnt have this problem playing through Yakuza 1 and 2 last year, and Gravity Rush 1 didnt have these kind of sidestories.

>Why is pandering a problem
Because they're there to sell more units to the chinks. It's annoying, Hollywood is doing it too.

by the time I got dragon style I was already at the final chapter and I didn't really got much time to explore it so it felt really underwhelming to me, same with the majima mad dog syle, the involvement of the chinese kind of fits I guess historically at the time I suppose, but nowadays a lot of billionaire chinks are buying up properties all over the world, this shit is happening where I'm from as we speak

But it makes total sense from a plot standpoint and the Chinese characters weren't shoehorned in at all. One Chinese actor replacing a character nobody fucking cares about in a version of the game we didn't even get barely counts, either. You're being a complete dickhead for no reason.

Was Yakuza 2 pandering to Koreans? Was Yakuza 3 pandering to Americans? Fuck off, international characters aren't anything new to the franchise.

you are going to be called a chink soon

>the sidemissions are fucking boring.
Are you being serious right now? You must be a boring person yourself to think that.

The telephone cards don't unlock anything, you need to do substories/minigames to unlock the adult videos

>want to immediatly replay game on Legend
>stuff doesn't carry over
>mfw have to replay the minigames all over again
I just re-sold the game, had my fun with it.

The pictures on the cards are most definitely porn

I have no idea why Sega have such a hateboner for making fully beating the game so fucking annoying

I had the same problem with GR2's side missions. Some of them were alright but a lot of them were just
>Talk to person
>Now fly over there
>Now fly back
>Person is not there but you heard something
>Fly to the sound and either you have to chase something or defeat some Nevi.
Some of them were great though like this one, but any of the ones in the rich district, the ones where you had to help the reporter, or racing the really slow birds three or four times was a bit much.

i remember that one.
but i also remember it being super frustrating cause you had to walk really slow for 10 minutes and greet the body snatchers.

gameplay wise that mission was complete ass, it just told a neat little sidestory.

>gameplay wise that mission was complete ass, it just told a neat little sidestory.
Yeah, it was awful because every two feet you had to point up, but the story it told was alright. The author's previous missions are ass though, literally just fly to where he says in the book 6 times and find the NPC that looks like what he described.

can we all agree that Space Harrier is better than Outrun?

Typical sony fans overhyping literal trash because it's exclusive to their platform.

Wasn't VF5 gonna be in Yakuza 6? Does it have network support?

The music my niggah

Very unlikely. It has a strong usebase on PS4 in japan where most of of its sales come from, and japs dont own strong PCs.

You have to realize that up to recently, this series didnt even have a future in the west. SEGA didnt market Y3 and Y4 well and sales were shit, Y5 was not localized for 2 years and only finally was because SONY wanted to play good guys (and secure the franchise as theirs for a time) and funded the localization.

Zero was the first title to make waves since the original two.

Add to that the fact that the Yakuza Engine is spaghetti code af and the primary reason we needed to wait until a new engine was made to get basic shit like indoor fights and physics simulation.

Its highly unlikely SEGA will bother funneling resources towards a port of a series that barely breaks even as it is in the west.

I'll give you GR2 was definately quantity over quality, but Y0 sidestories? Yeah nah go fuck yourself and your terrible taste.

How can you even say that when you had quests like the Obatarian, the Dominatrix, that game-in-line stealing chain, the Slave driver girl who had a dumb nickname I forgot but I pimped in my cabaret, protecting fucking Michael Jaxlckson from Zombies as you are baaically re-enacting Thriller? The monkey breakdancers? HEYYY BOOOIII! The hot beast style debt collector girl? Mr. Libido? The fucking telephone club??

Dont ever come to this neighborhood again, boke.


Shit. that song is actually kinda depressing when you think about the lyrics

Delet this right now

>tfw I was bored and 100% S ranked every property in Chapter 6
Boy is Majima poor as shit in comparison. I wonder how game breaking it'll be when I switch back to Kaz, the sewer fight lasted about a minute.

It is. I decided to give it a shot because Sup Forums is always harping on about it.

And it's just boring as shit.

Combat's alright but it doesn't make up for how boring everything else is.

Side stories are literally just listen to somebody whine for a minute or two, make a dialogue choice or two, and then skip ahead and go smack a couple of people.
Rinse and repeat for the rest of the game.

to be fair, you don't need as much money to rank majima up

Good to hear, thanks.

Fuck you man, Ken-sama is dead. Don't use him to shitpost

I commit sudoku now

Man I want the games you are playing if you find 0 boring. Where are you hiding the good stuff?

best karaoke song hands down
should have been credits

>best karaoke song hands down
Woops, posted the wrong one

So is Light Rail Avenger.

I lost too much time on that shit as Majima. The ending to that side story was worth it.

He died protecting his kouhai against a water demon, he died true samurai way

It's a damn shame.


How did he die?

He died for us..

>play GTAV at 120fps on PC
>play Y0 at 60fps on Pro
>play Y6 at 30fps on Pro
>play RDR @ 10-25 fps on PS3

Holy shit it made me appreciate 6's performance on the Pro so much more.

>how likely is this gonna come to PC

It has a decent chance, and so does P5 considering Sega's latest streak.

I'd say it's 50/50 right now.

I'd love to play some Yakuza at 120fps.
