>put game down for a week or two
>Come back to it
>Forget everything you were doing or able to do
Put game down for a week or two
>rethink life choices
>become depressed
>dream about being with high school crush you never talked to to console yourself
>rethink life choices
>become depressed
>dream about being with high school crush you never talked to to console yourself
Why must you do this to me?
Playing Bully now. Thank fucking god it is a GTA style game with no hardcore time based missions beyond the time of day it is. I been putting it off thinking I would have to micromanage it like say Persona 4.
I bought FF15 last year got like 11 chapters in and just beat it last month.
Pro-tip dont do this with an RPG.
>tfw have never had a crush on anyone since i was like 10
feels good not knowing what you feel
gonna have to restart Pathologic cause of this
>adjust settings
>play through tutorial
>this is pretty okay but I have things to do/it's late, I'll get back to it tomorrow
>literal decades pass with you procrastinating playing the game
>once you get back to it it turns out to be one of your favorite games ever
I'm sorry Planescape Torment, you deserved better...
>game has a log book so you know what you were doing and what you were going to do
>Start playing a game I was really lookign forward to
>Something's off but keep playing
>Slowly realize it's not fun and I've been forcing myself to play
Semi-related. An ear infection almost ruined Castlevania SotN for me. I just saw it as a Castlevania game with tack on RPG elements. Thankfully gave it another chance and loved it.
Pretty much every assasins creed game for me after the first.
>having crushes past the age of 17
Grow the fuck up.
Yeah, putting RPGs on hold is pretty shitty, happened to me with Xenoblade X recently, thankfully the story wasn't anything spectacular and was easy to remember.
>tfw my old crush got fat
You sure don't understand the English language, do you?
log book is written in the style of a journal kept by the characters
17 is still highschool age. nimrod.
>Stop playing for 2-3 weeks
>Come back
>Can't do anything right for days
If I said "high school girlfriend" it would be clear that she's not necessarily my girlfriend now. The same goes for "crush".
I don't even care about my old crush anymore. Probably because I found someone else who I also didn't go after.
Sometimes it's fun to start all over when that happens
then why does your mind still keep going back to her if she isn't your crush anymore?
To me it's obvious she still is someone you fancy.
(sorry I just woke up, kinda cranky and comprehension fails me)
>damage control
You can't like someone if they're not your crush?
>Have to start again because of this
>reinstall an old favorite
>spend literally days adjusting settings, downloading mods, building a character you can actually roleplay
>get 15 mins in, get bored and then quit.
Every time
>try playing a game after a long time of playing a different game
>still have muscle memory from the other game
I'm just telling you that you should move on is all. Obsessing over things isn't healthy
A little related
>gears of war 3 launches
>super excited, get it on launch day to play campaign and horde with my pals
>move to another place literally 2 days later
>no internet to play my favourite game with my best friends for like 3 months
>once we get internet the game doesn't feel the same, literally missed the prime multiplayer time for my favourite game
Thousands of people were still playing, but all my buddies dropped it. Maybe if I was able to play it, they would have stuck to it since I got them into it.
>get the urge to play a game again
>have to start at the first game in the series because muh OCD
>make it past the first and second game but lose interest at the third.
>when you finally get that interest back you have to start all over again from the very start
One day i'll play Breath of Fire 3...one day...
>Don't feel like I can properly compare some games cause my memory is shit
I have little motivation to do well in life if I don't have delusions like being with that girl on my mind.
>get used to playing as nero
>now you need to play as dante
>get used to playing as dante
>now you need to play as nero
fucking hell
>new difficulty unlocked
>get used to playing as nero
>yoink now you need to play as dante
>start random games
>quit after ten minutes of gameplay
>realize I don't like vidya anymore
>spend day browsing aimlessly
>pick up Hollow Knight again after dropping it in march (Switch release)
>No idea what the fuck I was doing / where I was going
>inside DeepNest, pretty much the most horrible place in the game
pretty much the best place to run around confused as hell for an hour or so
>>dream about being with high school crush you never talked to to console yourself
Jesus christ. This sounds even more alarming the older I think you are
>Put game down
>Come back to it three years later
>Remember everything you were doing and able to do
>Don't feel like playing it after a few minutes
Oh man i feel ya. I picked up hollow knight shortly after release and at the same time figured to give dota2 a try. I got a little bit tired of dotes and recently came back to play my last save with 18 hours in.
Luckily i somewhat remeber some bosses so im not having trouble with that ( i think there was a point where i could get married with the motherfucking soul master). Its the map i cant remember. I NEED PALE ORE
This never happened to me.
>tfw old crush got fat and married a scrawny cletus with a neckbeard
>other chick I used to talk to back in high school was a 6'0" tall blonde chick that would have passed as Sup Forums's ideal woman as far as appearance is concerned
>she joined the military and looks like a fat sweaty bull dyke now despite the fact that she could have done literally anything else since she graduated near the top of the class
>Start a game
>Get a good amount of hours in
>Drop it
>Come back
>Restart it because it's been awhile
>Play for a little bit
>Drop it again
I've done this at least 3 times with TWEWY and Stardew Valley
I've done this at least 20 times with RuneScape
A friend does this pretty often. He must have installed New Vegas at least 5 times before giving up due to some mod incompatibilities.
He also always recommends me to get fixpacks/mods and shit for old games but I never do it, I play everything purely vanilla because if I start fixing stuff in games I'll never stop and actually get to play them.
I have a REALLY, REALLY hard time getting to playing a game. Once I start and it's good, then yeah, like the old times I can skip eating and play for 10 hours with only piss breaks. But the very next day... Eh, I'll start in 15 mins.... and I end up not playing anything for a week.
For fucks sake, what's wrong with me, I'm procastrinating like it's work and end up watching brain bleaching trash on youtube
I blame work though