>"I built my own rig"
"I built my own rig"
Oil rig?
>"I posted the bait again*
I wonder who could be behind that post. The only clue I have is this code: |>.
>"Something I don't like"
>"i cannot build a computer"
"Everyone who is more accomlished than me must be villified"
Why is Sup Forums so slow right now by the way?
Are you seriously asking why Sup Forums is retarded?
Burgers are sleeping.
Europeans are at school because almost everyone here is a teenager retard.
Only the 5% of Aussies know how to use a computer.
Pretty sure he's talking about the posting rate not mental quickness
Mods are deleting the interesting threads at light speed.
nothing gets by you
>Europeans are at school
>I do the work that chinese wage slaves that get paid .50 cents an hour do for corporations like Dell and HP.
They're atheists in Europe, I wouldn't be surprised.
I dont know about you but its 5 in the morning
Isnt that Jonathan Sudano or whatever?
Pretty sure he has an extremely successful youtube channel and makes stacks taller than you ever will see in your life
Just saying
West coast worst coast
If you took a custom rig somewhere to get put together you would be charged 50-100 USD
That individual or business would make 50-100 USD in less than an hour off of you for literally no other reason than your your complete incompetence, how does that make you feel?
>1000+ dollar computer malfunctions
>cant maintain or repair it because retarded
Good job
Better than believing in desert myths and thinking they're white tradition desu senpai
the most confusing thing about that picture is the camo print cargo pants.....
>I pick the parts and let it get built
I build so many PCs I'm over it desu
>building PC is too hard
>literal retard could do it just by following tutorial
I can also assemble a car. I can also assemble a PC. Some people value time and that is why you pay someone else to do it. Why go to a restaurant when you can just cook at home????
>Why go to a restaurant when you can just cook at home????
If i could master every skill in my lifetime then i would master cooking and never go to another restaurant again, but i dont have that kind of time so i have to pick the few skills i want to learn most before i die
That aside, if you have a custom rig and you want to pay someone to fix every little problem you encounter, it is your perogative to shit your money down the drain, it is no concern of mine
I don't know why someone calling their PC a rig pisses me off so much
I don't pay a mechanic to repair every car problem. The thing is when you have money and a career and are an older person it literally doesn't really matter to spend 100-200 dollars more for the same quality of a build on a prebuilt. I don't understand the elitism with assembling a PC. I did it all through my younger years cause it was the cheapest way to get the best bang for my buck. Prebuilds are way better today and every major corporation have stellar warranties with many companies having on demand calling for a technician to come to your home to repair a faulty component. I can just easily troubleshoot the problem, call the company and tell them exactly what is wrong, and a person is at my door at the latest the next day with a new part to place inside of it. Yes, I can open up and do it, but why waste my time when it's free for a guy with a new part to come and repair it with no extra costs? I've had bad RAM and bad PSUs before in my life with things I've assembled and I have to sit there and pay more money out of pocket plus wait a longer time for shipping just to repair. That extra couple hundred bucks you spend goes towards those moments.
>Least coast tryna smack talk
Keep dreaming boyo
So you buy prebuilts
Granted they are better than they used to be but you are limiting yourself
No school today. We´re posting now that mommy isn´t looking
You're not telling me anything I don't know. Sometimes in life the time isn't worth it when you have the money. You know and I know this is true for many things in life. Buying a prebuild does not equate to not being able to perform an assembly of a PC. I don't overclock anymore and I don't put enough stress on a system now to need top end parts. All I need is a computer to function well enough for the tasks at hand and I'll just pay the extra hundred bucks for the warranty so I don't have to do anything now.
Well if you are really okay settling for less, i cant complain about your ways further
pickle rig haha
I'm glad you understand my perspective. I appreciate it and am actually surprised to find a man of reason still on Sup Forums.
He's fat
Why the fuck do those autists call it a "rig". Can't you just call it a fucking system or computer?
>"I built my own rick"
>only intelligent people can understand Rick and Morty
It's not the same without the eagle.
Fucking retard, nobody goes to school on sunday
gtfo brainlet
To be fair...
>I know how to forward ports instead of setting everyone to DMZ
>Love the potential and power of a computer
>Don't really like playing video games on it
And that's why I never built or bought a gaming PC. My heart has always been on consoles.
skin too white
butt too large
too old
how long until she doesn't have ankles?
You're still a faggot