Are you going to buy it?

Are you going to buy it?

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car photography simulator, how cool

It's more than that silly!
It's Car Porn.
Fuck yeah those graphics.

is it true that it wont have a career mode?
Is it license grinding again?

Whoa, 2012.
Good job Forza trying to debunk! Are you liking the lootboxes T10 added?

I was until I learned it's neutered as fuck e-sports pandering. They took out the best part about GT games. Makes no sense. I also don't have PS Plus.

The "Career" mode is mostly a "Tutorial" to git gud for Online mostly.
But to be fucking honest, the Matchmaking was really, really Good at the end of Beta. We will see if in Demo it keeps holding up so the Online races keep being amazing asf

Project Cars 2 is better

>Having a PS4
>Not PS+
>Not knowing Kaz wanted to move to the esports scene ever since 2013
It's an unwelcome thing yeah, but mate... it was obvious it was going to happen.

>being a carfag
Hey gramps tell me the one about the war with the man with the funny 'stache.

With those Online glitches?
Holy shit no.
The old GTS beta had less issues than PC2 at the Online part, you know?

No, I'm just a sucker for Gran Turismo, user.
But this one is literally Car Porn.

I only have a PS4 for the SP Jap games. I feel like this could result in an SFV-like backlash since career mode is to GT what arcade mode is to fighting games. Very strange decision by Kaz. I will see what the reviews will say.

>Uses the term "Car Porn"
>Thinks he isn't a carfag
I'm so sorry, gramps, but the everyone under the age of 50 stopped giving a fuck about cars a few years ago. Car porn is like saying Washer porn or Stove porn or Fridge porn these days.

Go away neofag

>Not jacking off to vacuum cleaners

The community is quite divided between praising the Matchmaking and hating the fact of no Career mode.
But holy shit the Car porn levels are off-charts with GTS
>You aren't like me therefore I hate you
Gtfo then

I don't hate you gramps, I pity you.

Make me.

Way to go.
Let me guess, I have to play Cuphead?
Already done in Expert, faggot.
Now let me enjoy my Car Porn, yes Car Porn.

>cars matter
Good goyim

Then what does?

Sorry the guy with a mustang stole your girl but you're objectively retarded if you think this is correct.

Hey loser, don't reply to me ever again.

Will find out in half a day if it's any good

Fucking gt vacuum cleaner sounds

>Will find out in half a day if it's any good
A whole day

>waaaaaah why can I hear the transmission on this racing car

Waaaaah you don't know you actually hear the clutch in a racing car!?


>the clutch isn't part of the transmission


>less than half the cars of fm7

lmao japan btfo

>The quality of one single car is better than 15% of the Forza Roster.
Hahahaha T10 pls.

im a carfag and race for a hobby and also artist working for video games
even I don't give a fuck about staring at virtual pixels. I'd rather have 700 cars that are less detailed with a chance that I want to drive and build 20 of them vs 50 cars that are incredebly detailed out of which I want to drive and build 2 of them.
But FM7 doesn't have toyota and theres no reason to buy a ps4 for one game so I guess I won't play any simcades of this generation since AC has the cars I want and better driving

>everyone under the age of 50

I prefer 150 cars without Lootboxes AND an stunning Visual Quality.
The only real con of GTS is the lack of Career Mode.

>>The quality of one single car is better than 15% of the Forza Roster.

you're really going to push this angle when they had ps2 cars in gran turismo 6?

They will have PS2 cars in this new game, mark my words

They literally scraped EVERY car design they had and made them new.
Your post only shows how much do you know about the development of GTS.

LITERAL car porn would be cars LITERALLY fucking or porn made for cars?

Holy fuck that's hilarious.
Maybe a LaFerrari fucking with a Veneno?

Bus rider detected

I'm asking seriosly faggot

And I gave you a legit answer.
LaFerrari looks feminine and delicate while Veneno is sharp and masculine.
Insert exhaust port A in engine B and you got them fucking.

will the game have loot crates? will it be a "game as a service" if either of the answers are yes, I think I'll pass.

How's online play? Is it just non-stop bumper car shit like a lot of online racing games seem to be?

No lootboxes but game is mostly Online racing.
At least the Matchmaking is wonderful as far as the beta went, tomorrow when demo rolls out we will see if it still holds it's own.

In beta it had a weird contactless feature when you crashed a lot or got out of track. It also penalized your sportmanship rank of Matchmaking so if you are a clean driver you mostly meet clean racers as well.

>mostly Online racing.
Wonder how long the servers will last? remember when GT6 came out and they killed -everything- for GT5?

I mean, don't get me wrong online racing is fun but I'd much rather a good single player game.

> I am a poorfag manchild that can't afford a car and I don't have the intellectual capacity to understand and appreciate the wonderful and amazing engineering behind cars.

this. I still play fh1 and FM4 since they have sp.

Can I use stupid shitty cars? It's an instant buy if I can

Why would I care about the development of any GT game after GT6 had PS2 cars? At that point the developer and series were permanently blacklisted for the rest of their existence. Will never touch agian.

>Let's just insult our consumers over and over by reusing the same models for FIFTEEN YEARS FOR NO REASON, LOL!!!!!!

yeah the game has audis.
Rest are all GT cars.
Don't see the point of this game existing since sims do proper race cars way way way way better and taking a shitbox and tuning it to punch up is all forza/gt is good for

>Liking masturbatory car games where you jerk off to torque bands and a bunch of stupid overpriced gimmicks
embrace the janky rustbucket maintenance game master race

Is going to be the only GT game in PS4 so if we are lucky the Online support is going to last a loooooong time.

As long as I can take dumb cars and upgrade them to hell and back I'm happy. I know jack shit about cars, but I find racing games really fun.

Will it be? jeez that's grim. Anyway, here is a question... I don't pay for PSN I'm not too big into multyplayer and if i do play online I do it on PC. Will you have to pay a subscription fee to play a game you already bought?

You literally need PS+ to fully play GTS.
Lmao it's like people didn't read the news about the game or something.



>You literally need PS+ to fully play GTS.
>it's like people didn't read the news about the game or something.
Nope, I don't.

>go into thread expecting anthro car porn
>get nothing
Fuck you Sup Forums

I am gonna buy it and represent the US on the tournament and win it.
Plot twist: I am spic and have no legal papers so I will just be doing it to make white boys mad

OP here.
Maybe the problem of GTS is that is not our usual Gran Turismo.
It's literally something New.
It's a reboot focusing into online campaign instead of Singleplayer Gran Turismo 7.
That obviously has a clear shitstorm in it, because GT always was about Singleplayer.
But as one who played beta I am hyped about this online. Matchmaking is absolutely wonderful.

>no 80\s econoboxes to deliver tofu in
hope it is a great game and gets more people into racing and cars but it's not for me. Will never buy or play it.

>have no legal papers
I've already called the Police

Rad idea, but Spain, Germany or Japan will win the Global Nations cup

Give it time.
People is literally crying for Kei cars and the AE86.
Anyway first update will surely bring La Sarthe

>being THIS poor

>"car porn"
>only about 70 cars ignoring GT exclusive concept cars and different variations of the same car

There hasn't been a good Gran Turismo since the PS2. I'm sure this one will be terrible too.

Just try the demo, it's free.

doubt it, a good developer doesn't listen to the poor plebs at its gate.
The vision for this game is clearly giving people the experience of GT racing.
I don't want them to compromize it.

>but muh meme drifts
it has realistic driving physics with barely minimal assistance options for controller plebs. You'd need a full wheel and pedal set up to drift (and you can, in some of the other cars that you can drive)

I'd rather assetto corsa which is an actual sim but has shitboxes and doesn't need me to pay a monthly subscription.

>actual sim
>no driver swaps
pathetic desu

We already have a Daihatsu and the BMW i3 user.
The main focus is GT3 racing but that doesn't mean we will get fun shit.
By the way apparently the successor for the Lunar Rover is going to be an Ambulance or a Fire Truck. Kaz spoke about this in an interview

Fucking this
Dudes from those countries are fucking mad about Gran Turismo. Getting ready since little to become professional drivers. I will be surprised if anyone on the US makes the cut.

physics and accurate cars are way more important than graphics or driver swaps.
You can't make a sim of any thing ever on a console.

I hate the new Daihatsu Copen. The old ones looked so cute.

My EspaƱol-bro, it's a Vision GT of the Copen.
I wanna know how much horsepower has that little thing desu

So it wasn't a fake car. Way to waste resources on a Gran Turismo game, Mercedes.

The original copen was tiny, if you were over 5'10 your head stuck up above the windscreen


Is he done shaking hands with everyone in the car industry while never stepping foot in the Polyphony offices back in Japan? I guess fucking around with industry heads is his new job now. Who is actually in charge of Gran Turismo in 2017?

The original was a fake car. Just a design experiment. They made a scaled-up version for this movie that you could actually sit in since they had a product placement deal with WB for it.

Actually him.
No joke.

Hello Dobson

No reason for it to look angry all the time.

it's like the pot calling the kettle black
assetto lacks basic basic features like manual pit speed limiter
trully a hardcore racing simulator

>every interview

hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai hai

Not just a design experiment at all.
>Pic is from the LA car show

I always try to talk myself into buying a Gran Turismo, and then I remember that car simulations are boring as fuck.

What the fuck is the excitement?
Gran Turismo doesn't even have any good support collisions or crashing.

>Drive 1000 races in shitty euro sedans to unlock 1000 races in not shitty cars where nothing exciting happens.

I get the objective.
But what's the point of the simulation if I can't test its boundaries?
Give me a stupid ramp to take a minicooper off of, or a drifting course, or ideally some sort of advanced physically based crash simulation shit.

Forza outsources car modelling to GlassEgg
Project Cars outsources car modelling to GlassEgg
Driveclub outsourced car modelling to GlassEgg

Why didn't Polyphony? It saves time. Yes, all the car models look the same in all of those games but they all look good.

Because they wanted to look Different than the others maybe?

It influences the design of pic related. The head designer, the Asian guy whose name I forgot, went to the AMG GT project right after this one. It just has normal proportions.

The thing is that GTS isn't like that anymore.

And now they have hundreds less cars because of it.
Outsourcing works. They should use it.

Is it suddenly not boring ass races with no collision?

The original one from 2014 had no interior, just a mechanized raising dolly system stored inside to aid it in transport.

And like it has been said before.
>1 GTS car is like 15% of the FM7 roster in Quality.
Kaz wanted to make cars for the next 15years? Complete success