What was ya first console and vidya m8s?
What was ya first console and vidya m8s?
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Game Boy Advance SP
Idk, probably Pokemon Ruby or Pokemon Leaf Green
Crash Bandicoot Warped
good times
The gameboy was like my lover
I very vividly remember sucking cock at the bike sections
yep, they sucked ass, along with underwater levels and especially fucking jetski levels
still 10/10 game back than and solid 8/10 now
My dad had a Megadrive before I was born so I fell out of the womb and started playing Sonic, Streets of Rage 2, and Desert Strike
I thought (or used to think, i havent played warped in like, 4 years) that the water levels were great.
mario 64
i legit used to sit there for hours chucking the penguin off the cliff
NES and first game would have been either SMB/DH, TMNT, or Bart vs. The World.
The one that you were supposed to give back to its mother HAHAHAHAHA
I played remake and they weren't as bad as I remember, but the jetski levels were fucking bullshit and I don't recall them being problem back then, so who knows
>Marvel vs Xmen
>Vigilante 8
>Resident Evil 3
But my cousing had a snes and my friend had a megadrive so i played a lot of those before getting my first console
Maybe younger people are more accepting of bullshit?
Sega Megadrive. We bought it second hand and got a bunch of games with it.
Streets of Rage was the most memorable one.
I cant remember, maybe PS1 or gamecube
The first console that was mine was a gamecube
>Xmen vs Street fighter
SNES. I played on a PC when I was much younger, when my parents were looking to buy one, the guy who owned the shop showed them wolf 3D and pitched the game to my dad with "you can blow the balls off of nazis". Sold him like a motherfucker. Great guy too, helped me build my first rig a decade later. And overcharged the fuck out of me for it.
for SNES, I had 0 games when I got it. Literally nothing to play. Luckily my parents took me to blockbuster and I rented SMRPG. And that threw me down a path that lead me here.
Ditto m8, I was essentially hooked to sunshine and wind waker, all the fakin' way m8
And some fucking beyblade game or something
My parents used to be loaded and got me a fuckin awesome rig for the time and i just played the fuck out of halo and shit
There was a beyblade game for ps1? Really jumping on that hype train early there m8
My uncle's old NES. Only games i had on it were Mario/Duck Hunt, Mario 3, a TMNT game and i vaguely remember Circus Charlie but i can't tell if it was the game by itself or if it was part of one of those bootleg collections
Master System and Alex Kidd. Still never bloody finished that game.
it was really bad, I dont know if you could even control the beyblades.It felt like they just did stuff by themselves like in real life.
ha, might as well break out the deck of cards lol
Gameboy brick
Super Mario Land 1
Looking back it's a fucking terrible game, but I still love it
oh ye, btw if you were wondering im op and it was gamecube w/ windwaker and smash
NES european clone console with built in NES roms but could also play SNES games and wasn't region locked.
das some pretty cool shit
>Great guy too...
>... overcharged the fuck out of me...
You have strange values.
My father got a NES for me on my 1st birthday or some stupid excuse like that.
So, my first game was probably SMB, Tetris or Nintendo World Cup (which is way better than that shitty """football""" game which the west got on the NES classic)
I don't think I owned a SNES though. I have a faint memory of seeing one packaged at home I think. Anyways, later I had a GB, GBC and N64 and my cousin had a PS1.
Was the Gamesphere just some CD player they found?
yup. called the memorex sphere boomball. same one in my pic.
He was a great person outside of overcharging me for the rig. Taught me how to torrent, taught me how to repair pcs, how to build them, what parts go where, how to shop for parts properly. In the early 2000s before all those retard friendly guides were made, people had a tendency to overpay if they had no experience. I was a dumbass teenager.
GBAsp with pic related
It's funny in retrospect how I really never found myself with what now would be considered the uncontested classics; pokemon, super mario bros, zelda, etc
I mean I had superstar saga which I guess seems pretty popular. Never finished it though.
Is it bad that I want one for meme purposes?
no, not at all. Everybody needs a ninvento gamesphere. I mean well ITS SPHERICAL
i played a game called My Hero for the original sega master system at my neighbour's house. i was four years old. begged my dad to get me one for my birthday. we couldn't afford a game but alex kidd was built into the machine. i played that for ten months until christmas when i'd get my second game, ghostbusters. i remember crying because of how awful it was, and i was stuck with it. no refunds.
go look up ghostbusters for the master system. it is one of the worst games ever made.
Atari 2600 with Dig Dug
Nintendo DS playing Mario Warudo.
PS1 and Wargames. I always used to pick the walkers and dad always used to pick the tanks.
oh i know, the Nerd reviewed it.
jesus christ i did not know the thread was gonna be this popular
Wii. Obviously with Wii Sports.
The first console I played was the Nintendo 64 at my cousins. Goldeneye and Mario kart, and later The Lion King were all they had.
My neigbour meanwhile had a Playstation, which had Time Crisis: Project Titan and Medievil. I used to go over and play it whenever I could. One day, they sold it to my parents for me.
God fucking damn I loved that console. Pity all the series I played are dead.
Actually, I might have played rayman 2 or zapper on pc before I got my GBA, hard to tell really
k thread officially dead m8s
not as dead as csgog though lol
They didn't remake the jetski controls properly, so it's much more slippery.
First console: PS2
First game: Bugs & Taz: Time Busters
PS2 with Soul Calibur 2. Takiand Ivy gave me great faps.
PS1 and Crash 1. I had played a lot of NES and SNES by that time though, since my cousins had the consoles.
Those were some good times too with stuff like SMB3, SMW and DKC defining the first games I played extensively. Now most of those people play generic sports games every once in a blue moon.
Commodore 64
Aztec Challenge
Atari 2600 that my dad got from a garage sale around 1993, a little later I got a NES than when everyone had a n64 I just had gotten the SNES. It wasn't until PS2 that I was actually playing the current gen as it was happening.