Our guy Joseph Anderson will release a deep analysis of Nier Automata in few weeks

Our guy Joseph Anderson will release a deep analysis of Nier Automata in few weeks.

How will you survive him exposting your beloved Yoko Taro for the hack he is?

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Fuck off

Hasn't that been done already multiple times, also who?

who cares what ecelebs say

Will probably try to dissect the surface-level fucked up Taro love story, instead of the game's progress from nihilism to existentialism.
He hates trying to read between the lines after all.
Though I wonder how much effort he will put in regarding the content outside the game.

Could you have missed the point any harder?

You're cool.

I will be very happy because I fell for the memes and wasted 30 hours of my time completing it because everyone and their moms kept saying "m-muh deep lore!".

>garbage gameplay
>dumb pretentious plot
>annoying back-and-forth side quests
>not a single likeable character except maybe 2B
>additional bullshit playthrough for no reason
>no enemy variety
>same boss as in prologue used multiple times
>"villains" are literal faggots
>last part of the game was all about 9S being a piece of shit and only at the end it's revealed that he had a virus, and it was not actually his shitty personality

What a borefest.

Should I force myself to finish it guys? Is it really worth it? I fucking hate every single characters and peoples keep saying the story is character based
I hate the gameplay too

Nah, just give yourself another watch of Uncharted instead.

Play cuphead

At which point does a reviewer becomes an e-celeb and vice versa?
Should we ban reviews out of Sup Forums?

As well as playing other actually good games.

And this, it's an actual game.

Probably by still not giving a shit about some irrelevant youtube "personality".

Nuked Moot should seriously think of a containment board for eceleb trash.

I give zero shits about the plot, lore, characters, and story elements. Will he cover how the actual gameplay is awful and fucking casual as fuck even on Hard? I get that this is a game for Nier fans who may not necessarily have played a real action game but I expected more from Platinum. Those super lenient, almost buggy, hitboxes? That abusable infinite i frame dodge? What the fuck Platinum.

I don't know who that guy is, but he's a faggot

Nier didn't even have infinite ammo.
Yeah I also can't even about this awful combat system.
It's still vaguely enjoyable in general but then the game always seems to force you into 2D perspective for no fucking reasons during the game's set pieces and some bosses and that's where it completely fall apart

I'm glad the honeymoon period wore off. This game isn't even as interesting as Taro's other games.

It isn't, both Drakengard 1 and the first Nier were stronger games than their sequels.

>hurr durr gameplay is so casual you can dodge everything
>did you finish this easy game on very hard?
>n-no, it's too hard for me b-but that's not the p-point

Literally who

I form my own opinions about games so I don't give a shit

Taro games just arent good to begin with. Its like someone took philosophy 101 and wrote a story about his freshman year. Just because you kill people doesnt mean its worth anything.

Hey thanks for advertising me, but it's not needed. I know the truth seekers with an open mind will find my videos themselves.

I liked Automata, absolutely nothing will change that.

Shit. Now I have to play it before the people on Sup Forums who already hate it, but don't quite understand why, boil and hack an internet personality's well thought out criticisms into a meme for them to spam in every thread because they're too lazy to form their own criticisms. Thus discussion becomes impossible for the next 4 years.


Dae think that 2B's ass looks too soft and not firm enough?

Heh, I thought the same as you. And then I actually played the damn thing.



>he had a virus

Abusing the Infinite iframe dodge doesn't change with difficulty though

>he posted it again

Do you not have reading comprehension?

by not giving a shit? people can disagree with each other y'know. i can like stuff other people don't or vice versa. i 'like' his vids but he tends to say in an hour what you easily can in 15min.

>he had a virus, and it was not actually his shitty personality
So, this is the power of Automata haters

Good song

Why do you need a YouTuber's opinion to validate your own thoughts on the game?

Because he doesn't have any original thoughts, he just parrots others opinions without understanding them in an attempt to look smarter than he is.

Literally who?

Not viyda.

>the most important figure in the world of video games today
>not vidya
Oh, Sup Forums.

Yes, it's just like all the peoples parroting the Nier is good opinion.

>the most important figure in the world of video games today
how fucking delusional are you? it's some dude that talks about games. he adds nothing to the medium aside from an opinion.

He's the most influential critic alive today. His dark souls critique alone has arguably dictated the shape of gaming to come. Ask any designer working today who their biggest inspiration is, and they'll all have the same answer for you - Joseph Anderson.

>it's just like all the peoples parroting the Nier is good opinion

i'm actually scared that you believe that.

Shut up faggot he's just some loser that rambles about video games for hours, that you call his youtube shit "in depth" is fucking laughable and proof that none of you is ready for actual depth in an analysis.

Dumb wojak poster

He said on stream he won't be looking at the the outside material, expect him to praise the soundtrack but dislike the gameplay for being "shallow" and miss the point of the game entirely.

>the point of the game
Which is?

>Dumb wojak poster

It's completely legitimate to criticize the gameplay for being shallow (it's shit). What, are walking simulators okay now?

He's the finger down your spine when all the lights are out. He's the name on all the men's room walls. When he pouts, the whole world tries to make him smile. And everyone always wants to know.....who is that game analyst?

Kill yourself, you're not funny.


Not every game needs to have deep gameplay, that's why he didn't waste his breath criticizing edith finch, a literal walking sim, for having shallow game mechanics


Yeah because what one guy says is going to change my personal thoughts on the game, whether it be positive or negative


>who is that game analyst?
Oh, i know, the furious fatso

>angry imbeciles mad at successful game that was a result of genuine passion work are waiting for someone to spoonfeed them some shitpost fuel so they can waste even more time validating their shit opinions nobody cares about

This game was supposed to be Nier with good gameplay though.
It's a platinum game, yet it's less engaging to play than musous. That's how bad it is

>not every games need to be blahblahblah
Agreed, but then a good game know it's flaws and won't force the player to waste too much time on the on something that isn't the point of the entire game. Automata doesn't do that, and drag it's shit gameplay on and on and on.

>This game was supposed to be Nier with good gameplay though
Says who? It still a taro game. Platinum fags are delusional. Platinum did 1 (one) game with noteworthy gameplay, which is almost 10 years old.

It also drags much less than previous game.

>This game was supposed to be Nier with good gameplay though.
No, it's a Taro game so it's supposed to have bad gameplay

>Wonderful 101 is 10 year old
>Rising is 10 year old

You wish Autoshita was half as good as those 2 games.

>Friends tell me to play Nier: Automata
>Go on about how "deep" and "intellectual" it is
>Spend 25 hours getting endings A though E
>mfw I had just wasted 25 hours playing a game that gave me no enjoyment whatsoever

I can safely say that the game is extremely overrated. It's not terrible, but it isn't good either.
The gameplay is too simplistic to be an action game/spectacle fighter, and the RPG mechanics are too shallow to make up for the less engaging combat.
Story-wise it just dumps a bunch of references to existentialism in an attempt to be clever.

If 2B and 9S weren't generic Japanese pretty girl/boy stereotypes, I am almost convinced that nobody would like the game.
All it has going for it is 2B's fucking amazing ass & thighs.

Rising is shit

It's funny they you never actually elaborate

Are you upset or something? Go find a nice hugbox and hide this thread.

>Someone will take this bait

>2B's fucking amazing ass & thighs.
aaaand then she isn't the fucking main character anyway.

It's almost as bad as nier a

Taro knows he's a hack though.

>Joseph Anderson
The info wars guy?

I wish, for automata's sake.

>If 2B and 9S weren't generic Japanese pretty girl/boy stereotypes, I am almost convinced that nobody would like the game.
Well people like Nier Gestalt so there you go

>additional bullshit playthrough for no reason
>"villains" are literal faggots
>last part of the game was all about 9S being a piece of shit and only at the end it's revealed that he had a virus, and it was not actually his shitty personality
You missed the point so fucking hard it's not even funny.

No, he's pretty spot on about the "lel play the entire game again fuckface" bullshit