so out of all the LMGs why did they pick the fucking Stoner 63A
So out of all the LMGs why did they pick the fucking Stoner 63A
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lmao weed jokes
>was used in Vietnam
>Tripwire published Rising Storm 2, a game about the Vietnam war
Gee, I wonder why
starting to hate tripwire
wait a minute that clot...
Cross promotion with Rising Storm 2.
i mean i hated it since i learned of the crate keys but its gotten worse since
The real question is why does the LMG suck so much?
hurr durr i dont know what balancing is
What's the currently most OP class? Still Demo?
i dont think anything is OP but with an okay team, id say gunslinger is the closest.
i mean the rail gun has 750 un assisted damage so i would imagine that's also up there
>tfw there is guy on PS4 friendlist how plays KF2 24/7 since it came out
I seriously cannot comprehend it, he is always on and always playing KF2.
The LMG is awesome user
Honestly, not a fucking clue. KF1 was fun and unique enough that I spent 200 hours just mindlessly doing maps with a few friends, but I had my fill of KF2 after like 3 games. There's no nuance aside from trying to cheese the busted-ass AI, and even though they bragged about their DUDE 200FPS LMAO firing animations the guns just aren't as satisfying to shoot as they sued to be.
Railgun sharp is still completely OP, low effort hitscan weapon that can twoshot FPs
Slinger is the strongest but actually takes effort to play
Zerk is absolutely braindead EZ with the only skill requirement being "can you parry or not?"
KF2 is still actually pretty fucking fun. It's nice having a shooter that actually has some sort of depth again. Only question I have is how somebody can play the fucking PS4 for that long. PS4 version literally has aimbot levels of aim assist enabled, and you can't pull off any of the fun shit you can do in the PC version.
Didn't they nerf parry to ground sometimes back?
That's absolute crap. KF2 has many problems but saying the guns are less satisfying than in 1 just sounds like blatantly blind nostalgia. The animations for the guns in KF1 look like shit and every reload animation looks robotic as fuck in that game.
>Put 300 hours in during early access
>Played once or twice since it came out
How can people stand holding a single spot of every map all game? Does anyone seriously have fun standing by the trucks on Outpost?
Only knife parrying and offperk parrying has been nerfed slightly. Now parries aren't a guaranteed 100% damage mitigation, and the attack being parried can only be parried by weapons of certain tiers. It's just that zerk's skills are so strong that even if he takes 10 damage from parrying a fleshpound, he can heal 6 hp back before he even touches the ground. Then there's the parry skill which makes you even tankier for 10 seconds after landing a parry, and parrying with that parry buff active reduces damage even further. Currently the only way to die as a zerk is to either die to Patriarch's oneshot rocket attack, or by never parrying at all.
>medic is finally getting a new gun
Don't know if I should be glad that they're finally doing that or angry that it took them this long.
I don't see the appeal of this game. I just can't comprehend how anyone can play more than 50 hours of this and not go mad from the insanity inducing repetitiveness of it.
Sure the guns are satisfying and killing shit is *fun*, but there's literally NOTHING more to it. There's very little strategy involved, there's very little progression in game and outside of it, it's just pure, distilled: "shoot and dodge".
There's clearly an audience for it since it somehow maintains 2k+ ccu at all times, but fuck: I just don't get it.
Autism. It runs well on shitty hardware. It's cheap. It's fun with a friend. Those are basically the only things that got me to 200 hours.
ded thred
ded gaem
For me I really enjoy the gun play and the "feel" of killing zeds, It's satisfying to annihilate hordes of them in a bloody mess.
I feel that most "horde modes" are pretty bad too, there are a lot of gimmicks that fall flat. Killing Floor is relatively straight forward so it's nice to relax and pop some heads
To have the model ready for when they add it to RS2
for me its a better version of a clicker game to waste time with. I mostly play it when im listening to a podcast with the game sound lowered and music off.
There's strategy to it, but the strategies can be completely avoided by having one of the several braindead perks on the team. There's no reason to have an offperk katana for parries when sharp can twoshot fleshpounds and demo can 3-4 shot them. There's no reason to learn fleshpound's head patterns because railgun exists. Commando, Swat, Slinger and Support have tons of potential when it comes to speedkilling large zeds but sharp and demo can do it way faster with way less effort. Between Sharp and Demo, only Demo has some sort of downside to his insane killing potential.
Then fucking lmaozerk exists and counters every zed in the game, including the zed that was added specifically to fucking counter him. Firebug in KF1 had fun weapons like the husk launcher and mac10, but in KF2 he exists purely just to piss his teammates off.
>being such a lazy cunt that you can't check the community announcements
I think I've worked out why KF1 was better too.
In KF1 your team were slowly overwhelmed by the horde, you would be pushed back until you died or counter attacked.
In KF2 EVERYTHING is capable of moving at a high speed. If your team is about to get overwhelmed then there is a 90% chance of a wipe
I mean I'm not knowledgeable enough to have an opinion on the things you mentions, but what astounds me is the fact that somebody was compelled to "learn fleshpound's head patterns" in a game like KF2. It seems bizarre to me that people are taking this simple game, this seriously. Don't get me wrong: I've played the game for 60 hours, so I am, at least in part, familiar with it's nuances.
Not to mention i've yet to find a single real use for wielding doors in 2. It barely delays when it matters, and when it doesn't, then you do not need the door shut.
I haven't played since the summer clownshit, anything new since then?
That's because it's incredibly satisfying to do stuff chain headshots as a Gunslinger on a Fleshpound. KF2 is simple but there's still room for a lot of small things that have a very high skill ceiling and that makes it much more fun.
>Pushed back
You best be fucking joking. The only thing that caused failures in teams on HoE was a Scrake or Fleshpound, and given how they had insanely high damage, you'd die just as fast as you can in KF2. You weren't exactly pushed back either. Holding areas would often mean sandwiching yourself in places where only the Medic and Berserker could try to squeeze out of. And then the game turned into a boring mess because any perk that survived that wasn't one of the two mentioned above had absolutely no chance at kiting. At least KF2 does allow other perks to survive and kite, even if it requires a lot of skill from their part.
In KF1, the depth was all about learning new combos to take out big zeds like fire axe stunning, DBS uppercuts, things like that. KF2 has it too but also has perks that completely ruin that.
Look at fucking Commando, there are large parts of the community that think Commando is "shoot zeds: the class". They think all he's capable of is bodyshotting the most basic trash zeds for your team, but he has 3 different weapons that are capable of speedkilling scrakes even faster than a Support or Demo can. He can chain zed times and even speedkill scrakes while simultaneously chaining zed time for your team, and even take out 2 scrakes in one zed time.
If your team looks like it's about to get fucked, a single zed time can be extended for 6 more seconds and completely push the zeds back. Tripwire decided that instead of learning all of this crazy unique shit, they would just give Sharpshooter the .50 sniper from KF1 with massively reduced ammo costs, more damage, faster reload times, and completely hitscan. They wanted to appeal to casual players in hopes that it would increase the playercount, but instead just took all of the challenge from Hell on Earth and the community is now filled with players who don't care about learning how anything works, because you don't need to.
>implying bouncing around with the shotty as a support requires any skill.
Because it looks cool
> i've yet to find a single real use for wielding doors
Its only viable on afew maps. What you do is weld doors to re route the zeds. Some maps you have to weld a door on the other side of the map to reroute them the way you want. Its awkward and takes some time to learn, but its usefull when soloing HoE etc
Try to keep that ammo up. Also, I don't know why you cherrypick Support. What about kiting as a Commando? Or Demo? Or Gunslinger? Or fucking Sharpshooter if you went for the damage skills? Hell, I've had HoE games where I unironically had to go Survivalist because I constantly found myself being the only one left alive and needed to be somewhat effective with literally anything I could find. That's leagues better than just "Axe the FP, run back, rinse and repeat until dead lmao"
Support + Demo + welded door is almost as cheesy as zerkwalling. Demo's nuke or destroyer of worlds or whatever its called now can go through doors, so every zed time you can just spam all of your shit at a door and kill everything trapped behind it. When they finally break through, they take damage from the demo trap and the support can clean them up, then rebuild the destroyed door. Rinse and repeat, this cheeses every zed in the game besides maybe scrakes because of their high explosive resistance. If a scrake survives, the support can just melt their remaining health with the aa12/dbs.
>survivalist is now legitimately useful
I've found it to be only in the specific case the rest of the team is absolute shit. Seriously. If you find none of the other perks doing their jobs correctly, then you being the glue to fill in all the holes of all the other perks works wonders. Survivalist doesn't work in teams that actually know what they're doing.
Played 50 hours of early access and refunded it when it left EA. Too many shitty ideas.