Looking for something similar to RE4

There is just something right about this game. It has a great overall mechanics (which are kinda dated) and a gamemplay which is build around them. Are there any other games that fell so cohesive and wholesome? If you know what I mean.

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DS1/2, TEW.

later RE games kinda lost it's magic. Some level design in RE5 was still great but the game feels less polished than RE4.

Dead Space.

I don't know what they mean.
DS...Dragon Seige?

Derp Sperp

dead space 2

Dark Souls

tew is the evil within. it's not really like re4 though

dead space 1 and 2 are fucking great though

RE4 was the very definition of neutering the franchise to reach a wider audience. If it wasn't a part of your youth, you'd look at it the same way you look at Thi4f.

Yes! I forgot about this game! It also has a mechanic which has a gameplay build around it (shooting in the head NOT). And it also is a survival horror with the right amount of challenge.
I get what DS is now.

Dead Space 1 and 2, they're as close as you're gonna get.

The first half of Dead Space 3 is also good, but it falls through in the latter half.

dark sector

Nah, I actually really love REs before 4 and they are the ones I grow up with but still think that they are inferior. RE4 made a stale series exiting again.

>RE4 literally expanded the mechanics of the series to make them more complex
>Thi4f literally stripped down mechanics of the series to make them less complex
>it's the same

xD epic analogy !! upboated

RE4 is widely considered the best game in its category, so good luck finding something similar on that level.

That said, you can try Cold Fear. It's a RE4 clone on some old russian ship where something bad happened.

Cold Fear

RE4 is a different kind of a game than the RE1-3, that doesn't mean it was dumbed down.

>What do you mean puzzles? Just go to the blip on your map.
So expanded.

>the evil within
It's similar with RE4 (no shit it's Shinji Mikami) but it lacks the "polish" I was talking about.
Never heard of it. Will check out.
Nah, Cold Fear is very mediocre. I'm talking not about the survival horror genre itself (would be still nice to find a good game in this genre, though) but about the games that just clock in terms of how they structure their gameplay around core mechanics. The other example could me Max Payne with it's bullet time.

>find key
>put in keyhole
wow, so impressive, totally better than re4's puzzles

Dark Sector is just the original version of Warframe. It's pretty bad, just play Warframe if you want to play Warframe.

RE1 had some nice mindfuck with chemical plant room puzzle, though.

There are too many games to name based on that criteria, but you should look into Hideki Kamiya's games like Bayonetta, Viewtiful Joe, and W101.

cold fear was fucking garbage

>escort mission: the game
>horror replaced with action
>analog stick aiming
>brown, brown and more brown
Forgive me if I wasn't impressed.

yeah, you kinda get what I'm talking about. Played Bayonetta - not really my cup of tea but I can see why people like it. Heard good things about Viewtiful Joe. Thanks
>There are too many games to name based on that criteria
Come on, pretty sure there are not many good ones.

Half-Life 2, Uncharted 2, Gears of War 2.

The Evil Within is one of the most underrated games I've seen.
It's an insane mixed bag of varying styles of horror.
One part RE4, one part Silent Hill, one part RE5, one part REmake, one part Saw, one part Bloodborne; the list goes on.
It never gets comfortable in one style for too long.
There are some parts that don't work like Chapters 1 and 5, but the bulk of the game is great and I feel bad for anyone that missed out on this game because of a wonky demo.

I highly recommend it, just don't touch the demo.
Chapter 1 (which is in the demo and therefore you'd have to play twice) involves a very annoying stealth-peekaboo section not unlike Outlast, and is not at all indicative of the quality of the rest of the game.


>using a revolver on a puzzle

Shadows of the Damned is pretty much identical in terms of gameplay

The game is underrated because the story in convulted as fuck and the game runs like shit on everything. The hidemari sketch wide aspect ratio only makes things worse.

>analog stick aiming
Why didn't you play it on PC then you fucking autist?

The Dreadout series on steam 3rd person, not the greatest but fun enough.RE combined with Fatal frame

Well the PC optimization and Aspect Ratio are now not an issue thanks to patches.
Having the story be a confusing mess until you play the DLC is kind of shady though, I will admit.
It's very good DLC at least.

Cold Fear

I'm playing it right and I'm on chapter 10 and so far its okay.
I Think one of the biggest problems this game has is not giving a clear goal to the player. I'm just going trough these spooky levels with no real objective, they are fun but that's it.

>escort mission: the game

Just toss Ashley in a dumpster until you kill all the enemies retard.

Dead Rising

The proto-RE4 called Extermination

What? Where's that exactly?

There's a giant plant boss that you can poison if you make the right chemical mix.

In the log cabin/research facility outside the mansion. It is where you meet the plant bossfight.

The Evil Within if you want something more horror focused

Shadows of the Damned if you want something zanier

Resident Evil 5 is you want a slightly worse retread of RE4 you can play with a friend.

The Last of Us if you want a serious realistic take on the formula with a stealth focus

Dead Space for a sci-fi take with less of a sense of humor

Deadly Premonition if you want RE4 meets David Lynch meets an insane Japanese Man on a shoestring budget.

lurk more

Play the Revelations with the RE4 controls option, its a good mix of classic RE settings and RE4 gameplay but with a bit different twists to it

Story isn't convoluted so much as "not there" for most of the game and then has almost nothing to do with the main character, who is left with no motivation and no plans. Doesn't help that the characters are all incredibly boring except Ruvik.

I have hope for the sequel because it seems to be specifically tackling this issue by making it about Seb's family.

One thing that really helps RE4 is that it has a cast of weird, interesting, or funny characters, and no matter what crazy bullshit happens to side-track you, the fact that Leon is there to do a specific job (rescue Ashley) really anchors the story.

Coming back to RE4 last year really opened me eyes to the "not a real Resident Evil" argument. Holy shit is that game just a random cobbling of set pieces. Suddenly giant castle with indoor chaingun lift platforms and hidden rocket launcher painting guards. Suddenly giant clockwork statue which only sole purpose is to serve as a trap for the player in the most ludicrous display of physics in a videogame. Five platforms suspending in midair over a bottomless pit with triggers on each one to drop them into the abyss; for what purpose?

The lazy answer always given is; "yeah but the mansion isn't realistic with all its keys and traps. and hunters". Yeah, but at least it attempted to ground itself in reality and didn't two cave trolls with armor in a circular arena with a trapdoor in the middle concealing a giant pool of lava.

Still a fun game with okay pacing. But man is the level design jarring as fuck.

>isn't realistic
>attempted to ground itself in reality
The worst apologist excuse ever.

>why didn't you play it on PC

underage detected

>infinite ammo

every other space is reserved for merchant trash.

Some of the shit in RE1 is pretty questionable, but it gets a pass because it's just some eccentric asshole's mansion. The shit becomes ludicrous like 15 minutes into RE2 though, and never looks back.

Microsoft Windows

AU: March 1, 2007
EU: March 2, 2007
NA: May 15, 2007
JP: June 7, 2007

Good job faggot

>RE: gamecube
like he said, underage

I mean I don't think Re4 took itself too seriously and that was part of the fun. The dumb cheesy lines Leon would say and mustache twirling midget boss kind of proves it. It's just a dumb fun experience.

There is a reason I said it was a lazy answer.

The point I'm trying to make is; the first 3 Resident Evils were situated in plausible environments; and not giant death rooms with trapdoor triggers for lava pits; and giant clockwork statues whose only purpose seems to be to chase the player and crash through a giant door. So when playing the original trilogy and then playing 4 again you really notice how out of place and arcadey the level design and gameplay moments are most of the time. Just making the "not a Resident Evil" argument easier to swallow for people who don't understand where those people are coming from.

I personally don't care about the progression of the series. You can always go back and play the originals and Capcom has been decent about updating them and even made 0.


its an old ass spanish backwoods community will relics and structures dating as far back as the middle ages and i think it did it well

>Never mentioned Gamecube
>It came out 2005

Came out on Gamecube in 2005 you underage. Go ask Siri agian.

>Why didn't people wait 3 years to play a game they didn't would eventually come on PC!

The absolute state of neo-Sup Forums

>Yeah, but at least it attempted to ground itself in reality
Are you kidding me?

>the first 3 Resident Evils were situated in plausible environments
Please, stop. You are just deluding yourself. Yes, RE4 was ridiculous beyond belief once you are far enough into the game but no RE game has ever been set in a plausible environment outside the very first impression, including RE4 with the beginning areas. It's always been a spiral towards madness.

What is this, some kind of HL2 horror mod?

Can never have a pleasant debate with RE4 purists, the word "realistic" may as well be "nigger." Next thread.

Is this satire or genuine autism?

He mentioned analog stick aiming
when a PC release came < 3 years later
Nice try though

I don't think a police station that hides ammo clips in bushes specifically in case of terrorist attacks, or has pushable statue puzzles, or a fountain in the main lobby that spits out a key, or a painting that requires lighting a fireplace under it to burn a jewel out somehow, or massive brick tunnels to umbrella labs that was built completely unnoticed is a very plausible location.

>is a blatant REclassicfag
>calls other rational people who call his claims into question re4purists
if you can't handle a discussion, get out, shitlord

I see where he's coming from though. What you described is implausible occurrences in a very plausible location. Resi 4 is just batshit mental, but that's why I love it.

It was news to me that apparently resident evil fans hate this game.

Not gonna lie I actually really love that kind of level design in RE4. It's probably why I adore The Evil Within as well.

It's definitely a flaw but that's because RE4 put gameplay above everything else.

>horror replaced with action
Fuck you, that part where you face off with the Verdugo while waiting for the elevator is fucking terrifying

RE4 literally has the best escot mechanics of any game. You have a "bitch stay" and "bitch let's go button"
Ashley is right next to you constantly and obeys commands perfectly, she's only annoying in that she's an objective personified.

Not to mention the game let's you shove her in a fucking dumpster until you are done
>horror replaced with action
You mean they gave RE4 some good gameplay design

>t it attempted to ground itself in reality
you realize you are talking about a zombie survival game, right?

The actual settings in RE4 are really grounded as well. It's not really crazy to imagine a castle somewhere in non-descript Europe, along with the nearby village, lake, mines, catacombs, etc. You have pretty much the exact same situation as other REs, with Umbrella building stupid labs into some of those. The only really absurd locations are the two rooms with lava.

Some of the traps and things in those locations are over the top though. The biggest offender is probably the walking Salazar statue.

The village was perfectly grounded in reality. As was the island and labs. If anything it's the most grounded in reality. Only the castle is "unrealistic" and that's just because Americans aren't used to castles. Europe has castles fucking everywhere
didn't the game take place in spain?

>horror replaced with action
Horror is not a synonym for scary, you fucking mongoloid faggot. You are one of the reasons why the world is stupider than it should be.

you're a talking to fan whose entire genre revolves around a game mechanic of avoiding gameplay

1st fight with U3 in the cage and 1st Iron Maiden are pretty terrifying

>RE4 literally expanded the mechanics of the series to make them more complex
Fucking retard it dumbed everything down.

Take off your fucking goggles.


this is the shit that makes me alt+f4

Well god Hand and gothic 1/2 come to mind

Play Resident Evil 3.

No idea why it gets so much hate.

Elaborate how the combat mechanic in the previous games is more complex.

I'd honestly like to see more horror games where the player is made to feel helpless.

Closest game is TEW. Sequel coming out this week; there's no better time to hop in. If you're experienced with this type of game, you can beat it before it comes out, as well.

worse controls

those kind of horror games bore the shit out of me. Because most of them don't have any sort of fear to it, just "bleh! I am a monster raawr!" Now a game where you can kill enemies normally until one asshole shows up and your guns do nothing is actually a better mechanic.

what mod is this user-y?

True. I suppose what I would really like is more good, challenging stealth games where attacking your foes is difficult or impossible.

>Why didn't you play it on PC then

It is unplayable with mouse, the game was designed to be played with an analog stick.

I had to switch to a controller on PC when I always play shooters with mouse.

Now kys.

is that higurashi rin?

>broke up with fat girlfriend 6 months ago
>this image triggers flashbacks
I'd kill to have someone sit on my face again, dammit

Dino crisis 2 was re4 before re4 came out. Both are extremely fun, but I'm partial to DC2 and have very fond memories of it.

Stop posting your stupid fucking H-game.

Fuck you


why do u think it's a mod?