You have 10 seconds to prove you aren't his bitch

You have 10 seconds to prove you aren't his bitch

Isn't this the co-star of Pimp My Ride or whatever? Take it to where it belongs, not vidya.

Literally who?

>babies don't know one of the founding fathers of FPS gaming

I can't. I bought Daikatana.

I don't even know who that faggot is.

Never play a fps shooter without pic related, especially not Daikatana

I don't know who that is

t. 12 year olds

Jesus christ what's up with that hair don't tell me he's a tranny or something

After what Romero did to that kid a few years ago, I'm done with him and his games.

Implying id be the bitch of some poor gas station employee. I only give up my ass for rich bois like Cliffy B

I killed his dumbass in DOOM II

I don't know who he is.

Should have known...

I voted for Trump, that irrelevant bitch would be hopping mad lol

So I am new Here but wtf is the content of that guy I just know he is some worker at a gas station.

he made daikatana, a bad game with a popular marketing meme. this killed his career and he now is reduced to working in the mobile games ghetto.

Just looked him up, I'm sorry not everyone follows some nobody fucking developer from the 90's you faggot. Daikatana, the game everybody mentions in this thread, has a fucking 4.3 metacritic user score. Who gives a shit?

he likes brutal doom

In don't work in a gas station.

Where's the demo, john

so I guess BLACKROOM was just completely canned huh? That was his last hurrah and he aborted it before it even began.

Isn't that george romero's son? The fuck does he have to do with videogames

Me on the left

Where are the faggots that hyped blackroom now ?

who is he?

>It's another neckbeard is jealous of Romero's mane episode

And Dusk

mending their broke hearts

Some faggot working at some gas station

the richest faggot working at some gas station*

>That menu

If sound, video, mouse, keyboard, joystick and config are all on the main menu, then what the fuck is in options?

Are you retarded? Fucking nobody did Quake and Doom and Wolfenstein?

I never played Daikatana.

Why would I want to prove that?

This. Next time try posting someone we care about like Todd or JonTron.


console fag spotted

That's you user.


Because I bought Q4.

In reality you do have to admit he's aged pretty gracefully. Sure, he's gotten a bit chubbier, and has some gray stripes of hair, but he doesn't have the skin of a 50 year old, and still has all his hair...

>tfw not even 30, and hairline's already receding

Jesus wtf did happen to him , also where the fuck is Blackroom.

In a way I am happy at that he aged as shit after he wanted to scam people with his shitty new kickstarter game.

No way. Romero is /fa/ as fuck

How do I get my hair as lush and full as on the left?

What happened to that kickstarter he and Adrian pulled down? Are they still working on the demo?

I love this meme



pick one

I've never liked fps's. They are dumb.

I could beat you, Romero, and Carmack in a fistfight, no questions

whos the left one?

>mfw nappy haired spic
God should have just made me a vegetable

>implying Carmack wouldn't choke you in no time

Romeo failed clone that spector kept as his sex slave

Nope its dead in the water, the kickstarter campaign failed and people wanted him to put out at least a demo ... and look what a surprise again the biggest hack in the gaming industry did not deliver any demo or even a screenshoot of the game.

Bad taste famalam


>That fucking hair
Holy shit romero was beautiful

Tom "bullied" Hall. He deserved better

>his dress sense became even edgier as he got older

nappy hair > going bald, m8

At the rate I'm going, I'll never get married because I'll be in my 30s, noticeably balding, and women in their 20s will be disgusted, and 90% of women in their 30s are married or have had previous marriages and possibly children... Guess I'll have to end up a cuck raising someone else's child...

At least I'm not a virgin, so I will never become wizard, r-right?


>playing video games past the age of 19

i have faith in him, he will deliver

he is making children mobile phone games the last 10 years, he has no fucking ideaeven how to use modern engines or making 3D worlds.

I'd rather fund a FPS from Simon O'Callaghan than Blackroom. At least Simon WORKS

MFW I had one for mechwarrior

He wouldn't. I'm trained too, and on top of that a lot stronger then Carmack judging from his puny development; skinnyfat weakling.

I pirated Doom 1/2/3 and bought Bethesdoom

>Black nails
What's wrong with him?

he's edgy

Warren make best game

>Nothing personnel, John(s)

it was the 90s. Different times

Have you faggots thanked Romero for making Deus Ex possible today?

Thank you John even if you are the incarnation of the "wife's son" meme

Forever an edgy teenager. Human brain development sometimes fails like that.

None of the original devs who worked on those games is at id anymore. No one but ZeniJews care.

I like heretic more than Doom and Doom 2

he taught himself assembly, I'm sure he can figure out unreal engine's lego block style development.

>muh metacritic
this place has fallen so far

I literally never played any of his games, but enjoyed New Doom, which I can tell from video is better than anything he has ever done

>these people are old enough to post on Sup Forums now


>magnetic field that was emanating from the hair dryer.

What the hell happened? I thought they were gonna put out a demo?

I won't make him pay.

I beat Daikatana.

DX is one of my favorite games. But I didn't actually buy it until much later. What a shame.

I don't recall playing any of his games.

>John Carmack is a criminal that steals source code
>John Romero lives on Potato Island making his wife's son's game
>Tom Hall can't kickstart any games
>American McGee sails around the world to avoid the fact that his life is a disaster
>Adrien Carmack runs a hotel on Potato Island
>Shawn Green literally disappeared after he became a buddhist
What did id do to these people

that would actually be cool if the sides were reversed. and it wasn't madcatz ofc

they weren't made for these times. they were meant to be a handful of guys working in isolation in some tiny office park

Who is that fat man?

Tom "Ion Storm Dallas made an actually good game no one remembers" Hall
