Was this a bad game or a good one?

I personally thought it had a great storyline just that it sometimes felt repetitive

Great graphics with decent gameplay bogged down by very repetitive content. I would've enjoyed if they had a few more cars to unlock, with more varied mission types. Overall a decent game though. One of the few movie games to not suck, which is impressive in its own right.

An amazing $4 game
A mediocre $60 game

as far as movie tie-ins go, it was pretty damn good

Yeah, i wanted to 100% it, but after I got to around 90% i felt exhausted doing the same thing over and over. I liked the environment and atmosphere, even the story and gameplay, just the execution felt a little lacking. Definitely needed more variety but overall was an enjoyable experience.

Better than Fallout 4

Doesn't feel like Mad Max a lot of the time


Yes it did. All the time.

Yeah, I can agree with this, but for the most part it did feel like Mad Max.

Did they ever patch out the infinite scrap exploit?

I found it to be a necessary evil to avoid having to repeatedly grind for scrap so you could upgrade the strongholds. Shouldn't have to waste time doing the same things over and over for no real reason.

Also it was bullshit how "The Twelve" unique car had such low armor. You couldn't enjoy the speed because you were frequently having to repair it.

>Put a 240Z in the game
>Can't put upgrades or anything on it
Still mad

oh shit, i forgot about how you could collect their cars

It's like a ubisoft feature drinking game.

We've got your ubisoft towers, arkham combat, ubisoft unnecessary skill tree and upgrades, ubisoft fortresses.
It couldn't be any more GENERIC

What kept me from buying it was the odd numbers on the achievement gamerscores.

Last thing I need is to fuck up my gamerscore and have the number be uneven forever...

What's a good way of keeping upgrades happening for interest?

>learning melee combos

>arkham combat
You know this is what made me avoid the game but when I played it this year I found it to be better executed than any of the Batman games

>enemy attacks
>right-click somewhere within a 2 second gap
>left-click enemy

it's a pile of shit. I don't expect anythibg DMC-like, but if your entire game is based around melee combat at least give it some fucking variety

You've said everything. Towards the end, it felt tedious. But it was very pleasant to play, on the whole. It's one of these games that has a lot of flaws, but with a well-done world. It's very enjoyable to just drive around.

How does this game run on linux?

>denuvo still not patched out

Wow they really don't want me to buy their game.

I liked it. The storms were something I've never seen in a game before

It was a completely generic as fuck game that ticked all the bland open world checkboxes it could, that didn't stop it from being pretty damn enjoyable in its own right though.

Game could have used a 'permanent sandstorm' cheat or something.

That's pretty damn autistic m8
Besides, you can just get an even number of achievements in Mad Max and you overall number will still be even. Odd+odd=even

Just playing the game for the first time around, cleared all of Jeet's territory and when I saw that I would have to do the same shit all over again for Gutgash and one more dude, it put me off from playing any further.

Great fun but repetitive
Im glad i bought it on a sale though, dont buy it for more than 30 dollars i would say.

It's pretty boring, but it's also unironically one of the most beautiful games I played


I bought it for $5.