Be 12 in early 2000s

>be 12 in early 2000s

>best friend calls
>Hey user mom said I could I sleep over tonight. What systems/games should I bring?

What do you respond?

>bring your dreamcast
>lol that's for losers
>fuck yeah it is
>*high-five over the phone*

>"I don't want you in my house after what happened last time user"

Prolly more like mid 2000's but TimeSplitters Future Perfect for sure.

Gameboy Advance with Pokemon and Timesplitters 2 with your Gamecube.

"I'm not 12 yet"

Everything you got hombre!
Those were simpler times

Pokémon Trading card game, failing that Yu-Gi-Oh

We used to play all kinds of pc games.
Vice city, gba emulated pokemon. Simpler times. The best thing ever was MTV back then. God damn, that was quality television for the young teens who wanted to be like the 18 year olds, admiring all the stupid nonsense that they do.

controller and memory card for some PSO gaming

we'll play little fighter 2 on pc, single keyboard bro

t. slav

I fapped together with two other friends once in one of these sleepovers, one of them even sucked me off, it was cool, we didn't have sex though

inb4 gay shit

Bring your PC we're playing Diablo 2.

A pack of cigarettes and SNES

That's gay user

PC of course, and don't forget that 19 inch LG Flatron monitor, which weights 30 kilograms.

it's not gay if you don't kiss though

here we go with the usual gay posts

>bring your gamecube controllers
>bring your N64 controllers
>bring your yugioh decks
>tfw I was the friend with all the games

and then we ordered papa johns for dinner

bring the ps1 with the resident evil, silent hill, parasite eve and dino crisis games

wonder why I'm 12 when I was 17 in 2000

>What do you respond?
Respond? I'd be gobsmacked into silence over this asshole's audacity to not even talk to me before asking his mom.
He may be my best friend but holy shit, ask me so I can talk it over with my parents first before just assuming I'd be on board.

>brought single player games

i wanna sniff off her socks

Bring the fucking ps1, you double nigger. We're beating Legaia in one sitting tonight.

>call friend to see if he wants to come over for pizza and play vidya
>he says okay
>when he comes over, we play some games on my SNES
>mom calls for a pizza
>play vidya for an hour or so
>pizza finally comes
>mom brings the pizza to the dining room table
>friend looks confused when she brings two plates to the table
>asks me why he doesn't get a plate
>tell him that he was only coming over for pizza and not coming over to eat pizza
>he looks even more confused
>says he has to go to the bathroom
>mom tells him where it is and he goes
>close to finishing our pizza
>wonder where my friend is
>think he's having stomach problems
>finish pizza and go to my SNES to wait for him
>see that my SNES is gone along with a couple games
>the faggot stole them
>never talk to him ever again

I probably would have burned your faggot family's house down cuntface

>>tell him that he was only coming over for pizza and not coming over to eat pizza

I tell him to fuck off and that I never invited him

you got what was coming to you nigger

>taking game systems to friends house

I want my system to last .

Your mother is a piece of shit, and you are too.

If my friend was a grill I would just bring the spaghetti and the dry hymp shenanigans

>tell him that he was only coming over for pizza and not coming over to eat pizza

In the early 00s?
MTV was shit at that point.


Fake as fuck, but I'm still mad.

I don't understand. Why would you even do that to him? You deserved what you got, little faggot autistic piece of shit. And your mother is an idiot for not offering a guest food, or offering for him to eat with you, it's basic manners. I hope your family has rectal cancer.

>early 2000s, be 18
>still living with parents for a little shile
>get 2 mates to bring their pcs
>takes a fukken hour to lug all those crt monitors and whatnot
>get crisps, pizza, coke and whatever we can get, along with some beers or vodka
>shoot the shit all night, great timess
>if there's more people, we get one dad's car to drive to a dude with a bigass house and have 6+pc lanparty there
>mfw there are no lanparties anymore

>Playing SSBM with my friends
>unlocking Marth
>"wow, another zelda character!"

>GC controller
>N64 controller
>PS2 controller
>Gameboy with [whatever Pokemon game was out at the time]
>Yugioh cards
Those were the days.

I was lucky enough to be born in a family of software engineer, so i had nice PC since birth, plus internet access before my peers. Guess what, i hated those LAN, or even worse, splitscreen gaming meetups. Playing at home on a great PC, without having to suffer with those faggots was a bliss.

Years passed, and now when nobody even leaves their house for anything, people are barely even speaking IRL, wasting all the time chatting on their phones or randomly scrolling the web. Now i miss all those LAN parties, internet cafe meetups and even those multiplayer PS1 sessions with an old shitty tv. I miss it dearly.