Redpill me on this guy

Redpill me on this guy

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He stole all my best gear.

oh lmao i remember that as well. he was my main mage in the party thanks to his insane aoe and crowd control. i was the only other mage, so all the best gear i crafted i gave to him after i made new gear for myself. and then he up and leaves with no warning and i got 3 dlc to do with no gear for dorian


>he was my main mage in the party thanks to his insane aoe and crowd control
He was also the only mage not to be an insufferable cunt.

>redpill me

He's a dick.

It's sad to see Wojack collapsing as fast as that fucking frog did.

I like this guy when he sings for the band T00L

dorian was the best male character to ever grace the dragon age games

Was this meme ever funny before or has it been once since the first time "b-bido gam!" got posted?

I guess I was just disappointed. The first time you meet a non-hostile Tevinter mage and he condemns the situation in Tevinter like everybody else. Instead of getting some real conflict between Iron Bull and him their banter starts being about them having sex. I just wish they would've given him more controversial view like when you talk to him about slavery.
Also while his sassy attitude is quite nice in the beginning, it gets old rather fast.

>he condemns the situation in Tevinter like everybody else.
It was pretty ballsy to have him be A-Okay with defending his country's system of slavery.

Shame it doesn't really culminate in any sort of conflict or quest decisions like you say. Just kind of sets him apart for a private conversation or two.

I think the biggest shame about DA4 already is that we probably won't be playing as the Inquisitor at all, so any emotional investment or personal rivalry our character had with Solas as an antagonist will have to be built from the ground up again.

He's an absolute cuck

if you have to use the word "cuck" in your argument it's automatically invalid

>protecting this cuck
Yeah I bet you're a beta boy irl too just like him

Dragon Age IIII when??

Yeah as much as I hate Solas I have to agree
No wonder templars hate mages so much theyre all so fucking dramatic

Actual experiment by cuck devs to see how ugly a main party member could be to ensure the process of vidya avatars are completely dysgenic by 2025.

How do I get this outfit for my slutty elf? Is it a mod?


>tfw inquis is the only DA that i finished
playing with a controller most likely helped and not having internet because fuck MMO style hotbars for this

i am not a piece of meat

yes, on nexus

>there are people who play nu-bioware games and look forward to new ones.

It wouldn't really make sense. You only have one arm left, so you're not the amazing fighter like in DAI. There's also the problem that there are far too many variables story wise.
Not that I'm unhappy about it. I didn't like DAI, but I'm sure that current Bioware would ruin any character they bring back in DA4 even more.

DAI was my least favorite of the series, but I feel like the Inquisitor's story was the most open-ended of the protagonists, so I think it's a shame that their involvement will probably be minimal after all the build-up in Trespasser.

Plus I have a soft spot for the idea of a lyrium infused prosthetic or some-such.

He’s an awkwardly written character in a shitty game

Sweet. Also has mods to make Lel and Josie not ugly


You guys are alright. Don't come to Vegas tomorrow


Too soon

>Plus I have a soft spot for the idea of a lyrium infused prosthetic or some-such.
Now that you mention it I remember that the Inquisitor got a prosthetic in one of the Trespasser epilogue slides. It's only shown if you become a member of Red Jenny, the rest of the slides show you without one.

>Also has mods to make Lel and Josie not ugly
This modder ( also has some good mods for that. They're more subtle than most others.

as long as they don't pay for it, i's fine by me

>DA2 better than DAI

REALLY subtle

I had a lot of issues with DA2. Especially after going down the same street, cave system, and empty beach to fight the same group of bandits fifty or sixty times.

But I still remember the character dynamic and how their individual stories turned out better than I remember most of Inquisition.

Oh baby

>better combat
>not as much useless side content
Yeah, there are also a lot of fetch quests in DA2, but you don't need to run around for hours on far too large maps to do them
>friendship/rivalery system instead of normal approval
>dialogue options influence your personality and unlock additional choices
>unlocking ressources by thoroughly exploring all maps
DAI looks prettier and both are a disgrace as sequels, but I rather replay DA2 than DAI.

You need a sledgehammer for Sera.

Turned out to be an actual wolf/elf God that tried to do something not so good because of muh oppressed elves but, fucked up and had to help the inquisition to fix it right?

>dialogue options influence your personality and unlock additional choices
I thought that was an underrated development on the dialogue wheel.

Snarky Hawke was an ass, but I thought it was hilarious how it could unlock additional dialogue options in duping your enemies.

The elven gods were really powerful mages. They soon became corrupted by their influence and power and turned into abusive rulers with their own slaves. Solas aka Fen'harel was against them for that very reason. Once they killed his friend Mythal he created the Veil to separate the physical world from the Fade. He also tricked the elven gods so that they got stuck in the Fade. Since the elven empire was built upon magic requiring the Fade everything started to fall apart and while Solas was taking a nap the elves became what we know from the DA series. After he woke up he saw how fucked the elves were and decided to reverse everything he has done (i.e. combine the physical with the Fade once more). In order to do this he needed his orb to focus his energy, but it had accumulated so much power over the centuries that he was too weak to unlock it right away. So he let Corypheus troops find the orb in order for him to unlock it and get killed in the blast. Unfortunately Corypheus knew how to become effectively immortal and survived the whole thing. So Solas helped the Inquisition to stop Corypheus and is currently gathering power to fulfil his original plan.

literally elf hitler

How does one refuse such a daring smile?

Sera looks allright in game, the one in your screenshot is nexustier