This a thousand times

This a thousand times

Other urls found in this thread:


>Fallout 4
>great story
Whoever made this image wasn't paying very much attention

>we don't need videogames, we need movies

came here to post this, have my upvote :)

>The Witcher
>Great stories

Yes , fuck challenge and competition, play some forced perspective, railroaded, subtly political trash on your own.

Fuck outta here

>"trigger Sup Forums" threads this late

haha ledditor btw here have sum gold haha the cake is a lie upvotes normies references

No, we need great gameplay. Story and multiplayer are optional.

cuckhead faggot or a bloodbourne machine user

This has to be bait

>focus-grouped HBOshit
>great stories

Go outside if you want that shit you basement dwelling loser

We don't need great posts.
We need the same copy pasta and stale images.

>he's so weak he doesn't have to energy to challenge himself and compete in his downtime as well

You're not fooling anyone, beta .



why not both?

Why the fuck would I use video games to do that? What a waste of my goddamn time

None of those games use a lives system, though.

Modding game is a de facto social multiplayer game.

u mad beta boi

this is just sad... do you think it's real or ironic:?

have you ever read a book? They do storytelling 100 times better than games. Try it.

Not one of those games has a great story though.


t. shy 14 year old




greatest stories are emergent gameplay with multiple people

EVE online has stories no writer could have come up with



Never played TLoU, didn't finish TW3, finished and disliked the story of TESV Skyrim, didn't finish Fallout 4.

Am I missing great stories?

witcher storyline is the GOAT


the witcher 3 story is good until you find ciri


Ill never get this TLOU meme, its a 6/10 at most and was just as average as Spec Ops (which had a better story)

TLOU is a shit rip off of The Road

You know he can play all those games on his Bloodborne machine, you're pretty much admitting he's right.


this is why I no longer pay for games

honestly annoyed me how after you finish the story all the main characters disappear from the map







>massive fucking blue background
>meme isn't even centre in the middle properly

> asked a reasonable question
> over reacts by making an obscene gesture

what's wrong with holding them like that?


Yeah, better to just sit choosing dialogue options on a telltale game instead right? God what a loser.

how is it a reasonable question?

pic related
its you bub

they are precious haha timeless masterpiece mw3 and ac should be revered not held with monkeys paws

congratulations moron you failed to see that he's joking

you're as stupid as the person who made the comic

how are these people so unself-aware

f u mum

back in the cavemen days before your time, disc could get scratched or somehow damaged if you put your fingers on them too much. They bugged out even easier on consoles

All she had to do was say "actually, faggot, I just beat X and got the Y ending" instead of dodging the question.

Upvote for visibilty

Why is Faith pregnant?

quite funny

Replace 'great stories' with 'great singleplayer'

I dont need multiplayer nor great stories, i need good gameplay.

Truly dark souls of video game comics.

why would you ask someone if he has finished a game just to judge if he's a "true" gamer or not. That's retard logic.

>Baby's first "good" story was from a video game
Now I know you don't read books at all.

No video game in history (besides possibly FF7 defecting to PS1 and effectiively killing the N64) has triggered nintendo fanboys harder than The Last Of Us.

The Last Of Us is a genuine 10/10 legendary game that Nintendo fans are simply unable to appreciate or comprehend because it doesn't have cartoony graphics, wacky "WAHOO" sound effects or simple gameplay.

TLOU is the kryptonite of childish gamers.


Co-op > story

It's a stupid question, but that's not the point, it's easy to answer. It's like being accused of being a faggot and deciding to go on a tirade about how that's even relevant or any of their business instead of just pointing your finger at your girlfriend and saying "nope".

if you want competition, go to sports, or other real life activities other than video games.

these posts are from 20010

Funny enough both those games have a better story than the game in the OP.

Video games, any games at all, started as a multiplayer competition.

Yeah, I don't have infinite stamina so when I hit the couch after the gym I'll continue to challenge myself thanks kid.

Wubba lubba dub dub!

Edit: thanks for the gold kind gentlesir xD


Sadly most PS4 gamers are too stupid to appreciate TLOU as well.


is this a cringe thread?

Spoken like exactly the type of person who gave TW3 a 100/100 score.
The Witcher 3 was literally the second RPG you ever finished, after Skyrim.

just confirmed my point, thank you

Videogames have shit stories.
For example people often cite Legacy of Kain as "a great story", but it's absolute garbage full of holes even if some of the dialogue lands and the VA is superb.
People often site SH2 as "a great story", but the twist is pretty apparent and the dialogue is qute bad even if some of metaphors it uses are quite interesting.
People often site MGS2 as a "great story", but it's told in such a jumbled and hamfisted way that it's quite bad frankly, even of it has some great themes.

Videogame stories are shit, unilaterally.

haha i have you tagged as dank ledditor.

pd: the cake is a lie

We don't need open worlds
We need competent level design

You are treading on some mighty thin ice here.

The salt in this image is palpable

Bait aside, I pretty much agree.

Indies in particular. People don't play your local co-op only multiplayer games, indie devs, apart from you, your buddies, and bored assholes at PAX or whatever. Nobody.

>absolute garbage full of holes
There's only two retcons.

>all the women mention undertones, themes and story
>the guys mentions in his game you can actually do stupid fun stuff

i mean i get the point but id choose the dudes game too

this, but unironically

Sup Forums has become what it despised the most.

That doesn't stop the plot from shitting itself with holes half the time, and absolutely retarded character motivations.

>Things I like.
>>>ThNGz i d0Nt'