Playing this at 144fps really makes me want to see 144fps cartoons/animations, do any exist? Or even 60fps?
Playing this at 144fps really makes me want to see 144fps cartoons/animations, do any exist? Or even 60fps?
Oh hey there, cuckhead shill thread #63
I'm not shilling but ok, are you really surprised there are lots of threads about a brand new and interesting game
Thank you for proving that 144hz "superiority" is a placebo effect. Cuphead's animation is hand drawn and capped at 24fps just like all cartoons.
I love fuckin fish fillets. That other one looks gross.
>144 fps cartoon
you best be joking
You know that does literally nothing right
except reduce input lag by a minuscule amount I guess
When the fuck is rayman legends $5?!!
The power of placebo.
You're retarded.
Yea but the actual model moves at 144fps
Steam sales
multiple times between steam sales and humble bumble
>144fps cartoon
Kill me
rayman is sooooo overated
Computer animated tho
>144FPS cartoon
I think that would physically kill the animators.
>Americans have to equate everything to fucking hamburgers
>The hamburgers they use as an example of "good" is a fucking obesity bun
Would it really take anything more than extra processing power/time for computer animated work though?
Yeah, it's a reddit level game.
Computer animated? Like 3D? That'd be just as hard as 2D you brainlet
Just use smooth video player and watch your shitty cartoons in 60/120/144/250 fps.
The game is locked at 60 fps retard.
no it isn't
No thanks
McFish is obviously superior to that obese piece of burger
You could probably have a computer guess at the inbetween image after you've drawn enough images for a 60fps game
Does damage take over to next phases? If I hit a super right before the end of a phase, do I essentially waste bar?
So if Cuphead was in any other engine it would be ok?
bro, you callin me a hipster?
>difficulty tuned for millennials
>game instantly shat on from all angles for being too difficult
that rayman and mario game on the switch is pretty cool
GOG when
>"real artist"
Rayman is just Mario with flash graphics and physics. Literally all you do is run and jump, except everything is loose, bouncy and slippery.
Then shut the fuck up you dumb faggot gbtr.
fucking what
>Comparing launch price to price after 4 years
That Jake Clark post is faker than a nigger's ass.
>Copy/Paste Bosses
If Cuphead has flaws, that isn't one of them.
I'm not 100% certain but I've heard people mention doing enough damage to skip a phase, so I assume that they take damage anytime the boss appears to be being hit.
> He don't know about smooth video player svp
>created by hipsters/Tumblrinas
Literally created by Chad.
Nobody posted
>reddit art style
>Sup Forums in charge of understanding technology
Obviously the animations don't run at 144, but the rest of the game can run at just about any framerate. So while it wont add extra frames of animation it will make player and camera movement feel smoother, which is the point of 144 FPS in the first place.
it's not a video player
Running Steamboat Willie at 144 FPS would make it last like, a minute.
>comparing a platformer with a shoot'em up on foot
every fucking time
Mate, most western animation is 12 frames per second. Eastern animation is even worse, at 8 frames per second.
Ironman mode when? (3 health for whole game)