Meme game

>shit health system
>poor balance even on hard
>shit enemy variety
>gears of war 2 tier final boss
>boring empty world
>predictable puzzles
>bad bosses
>copy and pasted interiors
>shitty quests

virtually all the trapings of a bad open world game

meme post
meme thread
meme board

too hard for you?

In the end shitposters called it a Zelda killer (lol) and shitposted about it for a year and they all shut the fuck up when BotW shat on the entire PS4 library on its own. It was hilarious to see shitposters so blown the fuck out they couldn't even criticize the game without looking like complete retards. Seeing neogaf get hyped up into a frenzy because of the extremely high scores, receiving the most perfect scores in history, everybody doubting the game and saying it's just "Zelda tax" and then people received the game and it really is that GOAT. Over 100% attach rate and on top of that it'll win all the game of the year awards. Never forget all the shitposting it caused. The only critics that gave it lesser scores were SJW faggots. THAT'S how great BotW is.

Man, the salt is amazing, still coming in

glad you enjoy the "salt" cause the game is always gonna be mediocre.

>t-the game is mediocre bcuz I said it!

you wont refute the points i made in the OP

im totally vindicated

get raped, stabed, gutted and hung to dry

>implying you made any points
Saying "it's shit" is not a point, boyo

I agree.

I know people say Dragon's Dogma is better...

But they only say that because it's TRUE.

>predictable puzzles
As opposed to what, the previous zelda games?
>GoW2 tier final boss
Do people ignore the first form of ganon for some reason?
>bad bosses
How? They're on the easy side if you go in overprepared but otherwise they are totally okay
>poor balance
How? You can't get overpowered really fast, the game is an inverse curve but it is meant to be that way
>copy and pasted interiors
That's objectively false. Interiors aren't just shrines and beasts
>shitty quests
What do you mean? The quests all have some charming little story tied to them. They're simple but I wouldn't call them shit

All the points above apply to dragon's dogma too, wut, actually even more so as the end boss of dragon's dogma has a literal, literal unskippable QTE section

I can't wait for BotW 2.0, so maybe Nintendo fanboys will finally admit the game isn't some masterpiece. Its just above tech demo tier.

Yes it's a meme game. But what's wrong with memes? I would argue memes only improve the product. Yes climbing is a meme and so is the weapon durability system. But these memes were fine with me (someone who is fluent in meme speak) and I enjoyed getting meme'd by this game. It's the only thing that justifies my Memetendo Switch.

>it's a tech demo meme
I bet you think crysis is a tech demo too

I mean when you falseflag at least falseflag elegantly


And I forgot
>boring empty world
In what sense? It's packed full of stuff even if you take away shit, you might not like said stuff but it's still packed

you also forgot the health system

the most painful flaw of botw

Good sir what do you meme? I don't have time to argue such unintelligible drivel. I quite enjoyed this meme game, finding meme shrines, collecting wojak seeds, and most of all fighting stone talus 40 times. Ah yes such great mememories of my time with this meme game. I cherish it like I do my amiibo collection.

Oh yeah, the health system. Personally I didn't mind it as I never stopped to cook at any point in the game besides the one elixer or gathered food specifically

>shit health system
>poor balance even on hard
>shit enemy variety
I would say shit but I definitely would've liked a few more enemy types. Honestly, it only became an issue for me when I was exploring every corner of the map trying to find the last dozen shrines, and by that point I was well over the hundred hour mark and had already finished the main story.
>gears of war 2 tier final boss
I would've preferred Dark Beast Ganon to actually be challenging, but I wouldn't say it was a terrible fight overall. Calamity Ganon was still pretty cool and using the bow of light with that kick ass music felt pretty special. I personally thought Ganon would turn into a huge monster that you would climb up Shadow Of The Colossus style but I'm not going to shit on it just because I set my expectations too high.
>boring empty world
I loved exploring the world. The game gives you enough options to traverse the world to make it fun to explore.
>predictable puzzles
Subjective but I disagree. Some of the shrine puzzles genuinely gave me some trouble and navigating the Divine Beasts was a lot of fun.
>bad bosses
Contextually they made sense but variety would've been nice.
>copy and pasted interiors
Again, they made sense contextually. I'm not sure what you were expecting.
>shitty quests
A lot of them were a little dull but some of the shrine quests, Tarrey Town, Kass' questline and other's were fun to complete.

its a fucking boring wall of hp

its total brain dead shit, even regenerating hp is better

>damage control activated

Most people who have played BotW agrees that it could be improved upon though. Which is why most are very excited for the next Zelda game.

That doesn't make BotW any less of a masterpiece though.

It's only ever a problem if you choose to break it by climbing every durian tree you see or cooking whenever you get the chance to

>the absolute assblasted state of anti-botw shitposters

7 months of pure autistic rage, i believe that's a new record

I don't get what you mean here, at all


I thought it was a mediocre open world game, but for having a handful of interesting mechanics it was more interesting than the typical mediocre game. The first 4 hours where you don't breathe any poor expectations into it were promising and felt full of potential, and when a game is promising it's also showing you a good time (until the promise breaks or becomes old news).
What open world games really need are more open world mechanics in general, otherwise they're just typical games in a giant level one.

You seem mad... Are you mad?

So you mean it's above average?

I thought it was fun. I enjoyed it. OP can just well... not play it? Nobody is forcing you to play it user.


the health system is just an equipment check

its not emgaging at all. no push or pull like a tradtional or modern hp system its just "farm 10000 apples and eat anytime during trouble"

Nah, but you seem mad that people seem to bother refuting your post. If you want a safe space you can go off back to rebbit, it seems to fit you better

Which health system is not an equipment check? Since the dawn of time it has been used to check armour and HP replenishment items especially in RPGs. Any game with some sort of RPG element has health as an equipment check

Pretty much, but at the same time it put such a good feeling in me for that first 4 hours and continued on as an above average open world game (still notable when most are junk). It's more accurate for me to say that I loved a good swath of it and at least didn't mind everything else.


i dunno man, the ones where you kill the enemy and the hearts drop out from them

the ones where you cant stack 99 of everything that heals you.


>being this saulty

>the ones where you kill the enemy and hearts drop
You mean the ones with nowhere near as much RPG elements as botw?


>muh "rpg"


Name 1 game with visible damage and armour values that do not have health as an equipment check. Just one. Remember, armour is a form of equipment check as well

Wow you really are worked up, did someone offend your opinion?

>no argument

What's your opinion on BOTW lads?

I'd say the first ten hours or so are genuinely 10/10 when you are just fucking around and realizing how deep the rabbit hole goes as far as physics, combat and exploration are concerned. The fact that the game doesn't give you any heavy-handed tutorials or breathes down your neck on what to do does wonders for immersion as you start branching out from the great plateau.

Somewhere after the second dungeon is where the game starts running out of steam since you've seen most of the games tricks by now and you fall into a fairly predictible gameplay loop. By then the game settles neatly into 8/10 territory.

Replace second dungeon with end game. I thoroughly enjoyed the beasts and the castle

the least engaging ones have 99 stacks of heal items that can be used at pretty much any time

Which is pretty much all of them. Like dragon's dogma, dark souls etc. Wouldn't call them not engaging

Not even that poster, but the health system being shit is absolutely true.
A sword that does 20 points of damage does 4 hearts worth of damage (1/4 heart per point) and an armor 20 points of defense, blocks 4 hearts worth of damage. It's a simple system but not very good because once you have really good armor, you're only going to be taking like 1/4 heart worth of damage from every monster.
Also the perfect dodge is kind of broken for some enemies.
And the copy/pasted dungeons is just a fucking fact. Theres like 20 dungeons that are genuinely the same thing repeated. And none of them are that memorable.

Before you say "wow get gud" i liked the game. But it's not a fucking 10/10

As far as open world games are concerned it's a 10. Definitely the best I've ever played in terms of freedom and being respected as a player to figure things out by myself. Really respect this game a lot and my enthusiasm for the series has been the highest it's been since I was a kid.

>meme game
A meme is an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture - often with the aim of conveying a particular phenomenon, theme or meaning represented by the meme. A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme. Supporters of the concept regard memes as cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate, and respond to selective pressures.
ie: not zelda

>boring empty world

>m-muh SJW

>is a fact
Actually even the 20 dungeons aren't the same thing repeated. They have environmental differences in their arena

I personally don't find a problem with the game getting easier as you get stronger as it is a sign that you are ready to finish the game

If there is going to be some type of DLC expansion, I'd like DLC to include some type of procedurally generated thing.

how about chalice dungeons BOTW edition but like the trial rooms. Would b cool

>They have environmental differences in their arena

being this delutional

have to be trolling

"the ones with the chest in middle all had diffrent loot! totally diffrent too"

Oh you mean the blessing ones. Yeah they are connected to puzzles outside though, so I think it's a little unfair to ignore that and say that they are all identical

This one always amuses me. You can criticize any open-ended game you don't like by listing a couple of major recurring mechanics and be like "THE WORLD IS EMPTY EXCEPT FOR THESE". Let's just forgot about that time you fought on a sandworm while shield surfing in the desert, or when you stumbled upon a tropical village. No mention of the games brilliant use of geohraphical, hint-based puzzles of course. Or all the minigames. Or fantastic locations like Mount Lanaryu, Eventide island, the mazes, or the dark forest. Etc etc etc
I guess it doesn't matter that all the game gameplay inside is compeltely different and that shrines are often just the end result of an outdoor quest/challenge? Would you prefer it to be like a bethesda game with it's precious "caves" that apparently make a open world game way better that look the same AND have the same content?
BOTW is the current king of the open world game, deal with it