Maximizing attack is always the way to go and defensive playstyle is boring as shit

>maximizing attack is always the way to go and defensive playstyle is boring as shit
Name one fucking game where defense is better than offense

Better is easy, more fun is impossible.

Monster Rancher. I always pumped up Def on monsters.

who would want to play a game defensively? imagine how much of a turbovirgin you would have to be to do that.

Defense isn't really too much fun unless it includes a gimmick. The type of defensive stuff that I can find really fun is stacking evasiveness and just dodging every single attack.

I think those Way of the Samurai games had some op techniques based around countering enemy attacks.

>parry/riposte damage scales with defense, not attack

done ez

For Honor and it's the reason the game is so shit.

Final Fantasy XIII makes it useful to switch to a defensive style on occasion. But it also kinda sucks in general, so I don't know if you should play that.

SMT games do a better job than other RPGs of making stat buffs and debuffs useful, if that interests you.

Supreme Commander, turtling is so much funner

Playing a tanky character in multiplayer games can be fun.

Dark Souls 1

By far the easiest playstye was gouging Vitality and Endurance and using a weapon that doesn't require scaling stats for damage. Poise was game breakingly overpowered.

Ultra Street fighter 4

That isn't defense, that's health and stamina. If you're talking about the real defensive stat you'd go with resistance, but we know how bad that is.

Defense has a fucking huge advantage over offense to the point where rulesets have to be modified specifically to help avoid that imbalance in tons of competitive multiplayer FPS games. But I guess your thread was about JRPGs or something.

Dungeon Keeper
Evil Genius
Soul-clones where parry is the ultimate attack

problem is all bosses are quick encounters rather than long engagements, so what you should lock for is games with fights that take a long time

>Play Divinity OS 2
>Raise Fire Defence to 110%
>Set entire battlefield ablaze
>Enjoy Free Health regen while everyone else burns to death

>play dota 2
>turn Bristleback into a defensive monster and ignore increasing attack power.
Have all 5 enemies fail to take you down.
>Quill spray to victory

spotted the turbo virgin trash playing legendary MUH EXTREME ATTACK STAT pokemons

get fucked by stallers like muk and skarmory faggggoottttttttt KYS

>Soul-clones where parry is the ultimate attack
So, Dark Souls?

OP said defensive playstyle, not specifically raising DEF.

Physical defense is one of the most important stats in all Souls games though, helps survivability much more than straight health. Resistance is just useless because you gain it anyway by naturally levelling up whatever stat you like. Or having soft humanity.

playing a souls game are you homo

Dragon's Dogma Mystic Knight
You can kill anything by countering with the shield

metal gear rising but only on revengeance difficulty


and rolling helps survivability the most LMFAO

DMC 3/4, Royal Guard style

evasion and flat reductions near the threshold are both incredibly powerful defensive mechanics that subvert offense completely

furthermore, percentile defensive measures are often just as bad, completely changing the nature of combat, because it takes so much longer to kill things (you become a bullet sponge)

you can't name any examples, because defense being too strong in competitive games renders them unplayably boring

Most games I know have defensive playstyle as the "better" way, just infinitely more boring. Any competitive scene is defensive too, fucking lame.
It's just that most games are easy, so offensive playstyle is still viable, although inferior.

If anything, I miss offensive playstyle a lot. Everything nowadays is dodging, blocking and running away like a pussy. There's little in terms of going at it. I guess programming a creative offensive playstyle is harder than copypasting rolling away like a faggot.

add stuff so you can slowly grind your foe to death like a return damage passive effect or a damage over time aura. The fun then becomes minimizing damage taken so you can outlive the opponent.

>Name one fucking game where defense is better than offense
>install vindictus
>pick fiona
>perfect block and return double bitchslaps

This is the damage difference between wearing full Havel's vs a dress. The defense that armor provides is weak across the entire series, or under such diminishing returns that once you get out of novelty armor like dresses, there's no benefit to going any heavier except for the poise.

Company of heroes 1. Something fun about creating such a perfect defence that you can leave for 10 minutes and come back to an intact force.

Defensive Wehrmacht doctrine in the Europe at war mod is fun
>tfw friends need alot of convincing to even play 1 match

Pleb spotted. defensive play in dota is always bad. All good players play aggressive while newbie babies sit in jungle and hope enemy doesn't out farm them.
Bristleback especially is supposed to be played very aggressive early as his W stacks and E reduces damage take. You are supposed to dive towers and shit.

This is why you have a containment board, /vp/.

Came here to post this. A great Royal Guard player can out damage everyone.

I beat half of Red's team with a level ~50 forretress using toxic/protect stall in Pokemon Gold.

>implying sneaking around isnĀ“t fun

This. Mmorps, mainly.


MUH DEEPS is the worst thing to happen to any video game with rpg elements
>dude you have to use the one ARMOR that gives OFFENSIVE BONUSES

Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3

If you master the defensive techniques you can't lose. Playing versus with another player of the same defensive skill turns into an epic battle.

Shadow of Mirror
Tap space or whatever the dodge button is to dodge repeatedly and literally never die.

Dark Souls games:
Pump Vit and walk through the game with a shield unabated.

>switched from offensive roles to defensive in video games because life keeps throwing curveballs at you and at least in a game you can take it


>game has hundreds of weapons
>only 5~6 are actually good

Any base building RTS against NPCs


>spiritual sequel solves that problem by focusing on quality over quantity
>as a result all weapons are different and just as fun to use
>people complain about it having less weapons
There's no winning.