>play GTAV on PC at constant and steady 120fps
>decide to play RDR on my PS3
>yfw RDR will never run in glorious 120fps even on emulators
>tfw you have to settle for GTA V's shit physics
Play GTAV on PC at constant and steady 120fps
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The code of RDR was an absolute mess, so it'll most likely never get re-released.
They always said this, but never went into detail.
Literally, what did they mean by this?
RDR has even worse physics though
Don't start..
Just got done playing both for a few hours, and I completely disagree. If you think V has better physics then you need to stop playing video games.
>jump in water
>jump in water
lack of physics is the opposite of good physics.
Is that the best you've got?
gunplay in GTAV was so boring
enemies just go limp and fall over - there was no impact
RDR's gunplay was so fun because of it's unique physics and how brutal it made the gunplay feel
Yeah, they don't like to speak out publicly about stuff that goes on internally, so we'll probably never know the truth.
more like because the development of RDR was such a mess that the developers straight up left and sued Rockstar after the game came out.
>yfw RDR2 has even shittier physics
better than nothing, which is what you've got.
It'll be sad, that's for sure. Even though the game runs at sub 20 fps, I couldn't stop playing it, and shooting in GTA V @ 120fps bored me after an hour.
because R* san diego developed the RAGE engine, RDR used it's own broken and unstable version of RAGE.
what the fuck is that
>have fun in RDR shooting people
>have fun in GTAV jumping into people
>play red dead redemption for the first time last year, never got around to playing it
>shit graphics, stiff gameplay, game runs like dogshit
Should I give it another chance? It's honestly just such a chore to play.
DLC Horse
If you can't get over those then don't bother, go play CoD or something.
If I could move from a 120+ fps game and still enjoy it on it's worst system, then so can you.
You'd have to have no knowledge about vidya to believe this.
>going from 120fps to 20
Must be suffering
>someone complaining that people go flying too much in a previous thread
What an absolute idiot. It's the spirit of westerns. Better than GTAV's physics where people just slump over and sometimes just get up like nothing happened.
fuck I forgot how brutal this game is
what's the diff between 120 and 60 fps?
60 frames per second
>shit physics
>not installing the euphoria mod that fixes it
>fixes it
It really doesn't though.
which one are you using? Its fucking hilarious seeing them try and hold onto my car and fly off just like GTA IV
If PS3 emulation continues advancing at the current rate you'll be able to run it a silky smooth 60fps with no drops in about 1-2 years as long as you have a top of the line PC.
I hope it comes soon.
Yeah no.
1070 would be more that enough, stop being retarded.
1070 is perfectly fine for emulation.
In your dreams, also, a 8700K or a 1900X would be better for RPCS3
good goy
You're seriously retarded.
I'll see you in two years.
Obviously it would be better, but no necessary. A deleid 7700K is seriously more than enough.
It won't even take that long to get RDR going. P5 already works fine.
I believe there's a few of them out there but this is the one I'm using
I'd have upgraded by then anyway so cya
neato thanks
>thinking you need to go that overboard for FUCKING PS3 EMULATION
Anyone who buys or has bought a 1080/1080ti is legitimately retarded.
You need a 1080ti for dat 720p-900p emulation
RDR greatest physics of any rockstar game
>thinking you don't
there's no such thing as overboard when trying to emulate the power of da cell
You know you will need to.
MP3 is better
Provide evidence.
I love how interactive the gunplay is.
you can shoot both of someones legs and they'll get on their knees and still try to shoot you. by the time they get on their knees though you can move in for an execution
Going by frametimes (framerates don't scale linearly) the jump from 60 to 120 is about the same as the jump from 40 to 60fps. As you can see higher framerates have diminishing returns but it's definitely noticeable.
GTA IV is pretty good with this, shooting guns from NPCs.
..Guns firing when hitting the ground.