Why is she a loli?
Why is she a loli?
Just look at her dude
She's tiny, but that doesn't explain anything.
I want to creampie Totori
Is that a real question
How can questions be real if our posts arent real?
>neotards bitched so much that Gust stopped putting lolis in their games
>Gust stopped putting lolis in their games
I guess that explains loli escha in atelier firis.
Can't play as her.
Why are you moving the goalpost?
>Gust stopped putting lolis in their games
>Gust stopped putting lolis in their games
>Gust stopped putting lolis in their games
Non-playable lolis are irrelevant. Firis is cowtits only in term of playable character.
Okay, you won't stop moving the goalpost.
>lo loli na
its even right there in her name
Because she must ride my cock.
Stop with your shitty meme. I just btfo'd you. There hasn't been a single PLAYABLE LOLI since Sophie.
Fuck you, making Rorona into loli was retarded. I wanted to see milf Rorona.
Because the design is cute. The only reason loli Rorona was shit was because they reverted her personality and mental age too. At that point she's not really Rorona anymore, just some kid.
Because lolis are adorable and sweet! Like playful little kittens. You don't hate kittens, do you?
????? Those aren't lolis, they're teenagers. Thanks for proving me right yet again.
>There hasn't been a single PLAYABLE LOLI since Sophie.
You'd have a point if that wasn't the previous released game. And lolis on level of Rorona in Meruru are exception rather than rule in the series, it looks like Lydie & Suelle is going to have traditional DFC Atelier characters again.
Astrid is such a fucking cunt, I hate her.
Got some examples? I kinda dropped all interests when they made the protag into old women instead of little girls.
Is Mana Khemia fun?
>build up romantic tension with girl for two whole games
>massive bitch turns her into a loli in the third game before you have a chance to actually capitalize on your feelings for each other
Being Sterk is suffering.
Why is meruru so gigantic?
>literally all of them are taller than me
What the fuck? Why are they giants?
I don't know how to tell you this but you might be a midget.
You're just tiny.
>not loving your waifu reguardless of her form
>japanese company caring about irrelevant american forum
keep telling yourself that
She's a big girl.
>i don't know what moving the goalpost means
you're literally doing exactly what he said you're doing: you said something, he proved you wrong, and then you changed your position as a result
you said
>Gust stopped putting lolis in their games
you didn't say
>Gust stopped putting playable lolis in their games
until after he proved you wrong
Japan hated it too. That's why Gust patched in the extra ending where you can fix her. They wouldn't have done that if there was no demand.
Why did Gust went moeshit/yuri way?
Earlier Ateliers/Mana Khemia were normal games.
That patch didn't make it in the west PS3 Meruru, right?
Because she hasn't grown up yet.
Don't worry Cordelia, you're still the cutest.
Right. The Vita port has it though, since it was built in there.
Atelier really isn't that yuri.
>please turn me into a woman again, onii-chan
You should check out Firis's growth spur, she's 159 now, I think the tallest any protag has been, not including the boys.
Pretty sure they always had implied yuri bits to them in one way or another.
I remember a friend telling me about one that let your chick run away with a gypsie woman or something. I wanna say gameboy color since we were talking about that game at one point, but I could be misremembering that.
I don't give a fuck about your shitty meme. You've been blown the fuck out.
>if i keep repeating it it'll become true
Jesus christ user, you can't just ask someone why they're a loli
true dat
I want to feed her my creampie.
>play rorona totori and meruru when it first came out
>get trolled all day with other anons
>weebshit they said
>7 years later
>you fags come around and play it
Do I miss much if I go for the PS3 versions instead of he Vita ones? It's the only one I have.
Are the Dusk games better or worse than Arland?
Ayesha is good, the others not so much
Because she's cuter like this.
Depends on the game. Vita Meruru has a new ending. Vita Ayesha has dual audio instead of dub only. Vita Shallie has a lot more content. The other games are either identical or only have very minor changes.
Well, I guess technically PS3 Rorona and Vita Rorona are extremely different too. But that's only because the Vita version is a remake, and the remake's on PS3 as well, so it's all good. Just don't get the original version.
Why not?
EschaLogy Plus and Shallie Plus are absolute musts.
The original Shallie was so barebones that Gust had to apologise for it.