Your image doesn't make much sense considering the Xbox controller stick placement fits your hand better.
The PS4 controller is chiseled to perfection. The xbox one controller is a round and disproportional mess
>thumbs are in the same place on each hand
>sticks in different places makes sense
>considering the Xbox controller stick placement fits your hand better.
Elaborate, the PS4 pad is completely even so how is it more awkward to use?
>Human hands are symmetrical
>A mirror image of each other
>Controller is asymmetrical
last I checked, by hands were not asymmetrical
basically this
Sorry about your deformed hands, bro.
You actually have to be an autistic sony fag to believe the xbox controller is worse. Bait/10
>some asshole
>cool guy who helps kids to find the long-lost treasury and save their homes
Seems about right.
>the Xbox controller stick placement fits your hand better.
I've never understood this.
Want to know how I can tell you're American?
the resting position on each hand should be thunbs up. left hand on the stick and right on the buttons shooterfags fuck off
>expecting children on Sup Forums to know the goonies
Since your thumbs normally need to be resting on the left control stick and the face buttons, I like the Xbox controller more.
>not choosing sloth over literally anything
But majority of people have one hand dominant so it makes sense that they need different placements.
Dualshock looks great and all but that wont change the fact that its still a dogshit controller
But Sloth is a hero in spite of his unorthodox apperance
both create shitty games with terrible, slow gameplay
Not it doesn't. Games aren't made to be one handed
> the rest of the family when that fat fuck said he was going to take home and care for that deformed freak
Name three games that does this on modern consoles. The majority of games will have you use the right stick to move with the left for camera control and action buttons for the shoulder buttons, with you have to o my touch the face buttons occasionally. The PS4 controller is the modern controller of choice.
>chiseled to perfection
>Has a permanently on light bar that reflects off the TV and makes the battery last literally 45 minutes
Another win for us sonybros amirite?
The DS4 is better, let's put aside the whole asymmetrical/form factor shit aside (as in both controllers are comfortable and work fine) but the DS4 has the trackpad and speakers which are neat. I never understood why Nintendo scrapped the speakers after the Wii, it's really nice. The trackpad is barely used in games, sadly. Using the DS4 made me appreciate it a lot more.
The light is nice (way too bright on standard) but it's just some optical shit but I like it when games play with it (eg GTA V mimicking a siren when you're wanted)
>ps3 controller
>both thumbs are in resting position
>xbone controller
>left thumb is strained and moving forward puts more strain on it
used to play a lot of skyrim etc and would feel it in my thumb after a while, never had that with ps3
Any game that doesn't have guns
Basically any game that isn't a shooter. You shouldn't be using a controller for shooters anyways.
>tiny hands
The ds4 is the best controller ever made.
That's a retarded analogy, right up with food comparisons.
I prefer dualshock but that's just a personal preference, I'd use any controller and not give a shit. Even the Duke.
>then they realize how much they owe to Sloth
> Dur dur SYMETRY
>Controller literally designed for d-pad and buttons
>2 sticks added later in life
>Sub optimal placement because of the thumb sticks being an after thought
>Besides shooters, the emphasis on most games will be left stick and buttons
>Xbox and switch controller reflect that
Wrong. Ps2 controller was better by miles. Ps2 controller was even better than DS3.
The WiiU pro controller is the best controller ever made.
they dont owe his ass SHIT
How so? They'd be homeless without him.
>face buttons on the bottom
>sticks with deadzones roughly the size of a small canyon
>Competing for second
Thanks for the laugh at least
he's retarded and doesnt even realize wtf he's doing
he'll forget the whole ordeal in like a day
And if you play a game that uses the d-pad and face buttons you'll be holding your hands crooked like an asshole anyway.
DS is the best design since even when you're using both sticks you can claw on both sides for access to all buttons at all times.
You can even use it upside down.
>Besides shooters, the emphasis on most games will be left stick and buttons
Nope, fighting games also make you use the right analogue
So what? It doesn't change the fact that he basically saved them from getting evicted.
>dark souls requires two stick and shoulder buttons
>fighters requires d-pad and face button
>driving games uses back shoulders and two sticks
Say what?
for a controller to be perfectly ergonomic, it would have to be a reversed C shape and nobody but some shitty 3rd party company is going to do that
So you use the controller asymmetrically for most games, and then the one benefit the controller has is done better by a controller with no sticks at all?
The mainstream controls are leftstick + rightbtns so you hold it dead straight comparing to the ps controllers
Otherwise those statements make sense
>this entire thread
>fighting games with a pad
When you play you use the left stick and the buttons on the right most of the time. On the ps-controller you have to bend your left thumb awkwardly most of the time, while your right thumb rests. Thus the ps-controller is the one requiring a deformed hand.
I can guarantee in literally every sense of the word, you are wrong.
Reminder the DS4 is bigger than the Xbone Controller
would you take a million dollars if there was stipulation in the agreement that said you had to take care of and be responsible for a deformed and retarded ogre for the rest of it's natural life?
The ps4 controller looks like it has floppy circumcised dicks.
It makes more sense when most of your game time is you pressing the jump/crouch/reload/interact/etc while moving. How come PS fags don't understand this? If I want to play CoD exclusively then maybe I'd get a PS controller.
Dark souls does not require two sticks. Just quickly press the right stick to target and move your thumb back over to the face buttons
Why does Microsoft CONSISTENTLY fail to get the D-Pad right when its a common complaint?
I'm literally 1 hour away from buy me a new controller for PC.
Which should I buy?
t. never used the bone controller
What about fighting games? I use the D-pad and the right analogue stick
Analog sticks on the xbox are objectively superior. Whoever thought mushroom tip sticks was a good idea needs to be fired.
Xbox Controller
>Better for games that use left analog stick and face buttons
DS Controller
>Better for games that use d-pad and face buttons
>Better for games that use both analog sticks
>Better for games that use analog sticks and face buttons frequently
How is having only one setup being symmetrical as opposed to three make the Xbox layout objectively better in any way?
Nintendo layout is good too but it makes using both analog sticks and face buttons together very difficult.
Because the D-Pad is mostly relegated to quick inventory management these days and is low priority.
>Just quickly press the right stick to target
Lock on bosses is a huge fuck over see nameless king first phase with the dragon
Xbox one
Dualshock 4
I think the xbox one controller have better support than the ps4 in tons of game...
The ps4 support could not be as bad so that matter...
not sure.
>DS Controller
>>Better for games that use d-pad and face buttons
I have a Saturn pad for that.
The Xbox one controller is possibly the greatest controller of all time. The DS4 is really good as well. It improved on the flimsy/weak feeling of previous PS controllers. It just doesn't fit my hands as naturally as the Xbox one controller.
Xbox one controllers are built like shit though. Some part of them dies on me and I have to buy a new one every 9 months or so
>playstation fags only argument is muh symmetry
>The ps4 support could not be as bad so that matter...
>use DS4windows
>pc thinks its a 360 pad
>get a touchpad to use as well
DS4 is bigger though
steam controller
>plug xbone controller into PC
>it is recognized immediately and installs drivers
>it just works
Rate my bad boy
Again, name three modern games where the main controller scheme is one stick and face buttons.
Literally not an argument
Nope. Camera control is always required in an action game.
I can absolutely respect that.
We are, however discussing the virtues of the Xbox controller vs. the DS controller.
If you only had to choose only one to play all games with, the DS layout would offer you a superior experience with a larger number of input layouts.
You can also bind the touchpad to emulator functions which is very handy when you're playing without immediate access to a keyboard.
thread over boys
>if the right stick is ever used that means you always have to use it
>samefagging this and still get BTFO
You have some fucked up hands.
the joysticks are in the wrong place
>HORI quality
>anything but subhumans
The Xbox controller would offer a better experience for games requiring analog movement.
The Playstation controller would offer a better experience for games requiring digital movement, while keeping the sticks unused.
As someone who owns both, I still feel the XBone controller is vastly superior.
I'll never underatand this meme, are you guys talking about functionality or ergonomics? Because is it's the latter the DS2 is pretty mediocre. The DS3 is basically just a DS2 with poorly designed triggers.and the DS 4 is just a DS3 With useless features and shit triggers (thouh they are better than the DS3's).
PS4 controller does make the best emulator controller though, for SNES/SMS/PS1 etc and for modern sidescrollers
The Xbone controller has better build quality, battery life, ergonomics, and it works natively on a PC while the DS4 needs ird party support which acts oddly sometimes. Get an Xbone controller.
How so? Both the DS4 and XBoner have decent D-pads.
Again, name three modern games where the control scheme is primarily left stick and face buttons.
The offset triggers of the xbox controller always felt better to me.
DS4 feels like holding two dildos.
I mean former.