>Game has the MC and his squad from the first game as your allies in the sequel
Game has the MC and his squad from the first game as your allies in the sequel
Other urls found in this thread:
Suikoden 2 is the best
Sauce unless it's female
>MC from the first game is the undisputed strongest character
>Bonus points if they show up and kick your ass
>Previous games MC comes and saves your ass in the sequel
>OP posts a mindbreaked loli(futa?) with opened mouth and spit without giving sauce
Fucking hated that you had to go through the fucking banner forest back and forth everytime just to get him into your party though.
Golden Sun 2
>yet another cropped porn thread with OP being a massive faggot and mods not supplying with sauce
Extra points for them being exactly the same as you left them if you transfer your save
She's clearly at least highschool/teen body type.
Holy shit this is my favorite fucking trope. Any other games that do this? I hear Suikoden 1-2 pulls this, worth checking out?
>people don't know the artist from the art alone
Fucking hell.
They are products of their time. Gameplay stands up as well as any RPG of their era. Cutscenes and text scrolling are as slow and unskippable as any RPG of thier era.
end our suffering please
Found it, exhentai.org
Page 8
As for thisSame artist.
>protagonist from the first game is the final boss of the sequel
the only game I have played that has done this is pokemon gold
>your party meets another party
I think we had that thread yesterday.
tales of symphonia 2
I went Massacre in IV:A but having the Samurai squad help you out in the final boss on the other route is too good. I love that cast.
Treasure of the Rudras
Actually, your party meets 3 other parties in that one, and you eventually play as all of them.
I loved the send off Walter and Jonathan get.
>greentext accompanied by a cropped hentai image
kill yourself if you post like this
Bravely second
>Game has characters from the 1st to 7th games appearing and taking active roles
I love the Kiseki series for this, great to have Liberl and Crossbell characters in Sen III.
Atelier games
Why is this something worth noting? If it's a sequel, then it should have returning characters, usually the same exact ones. This is not interesting or unique in any way.
Borderlands 2
Too bad Dawn of a New World was shit compared to Symphonia.
Thanks for the fap, guy
I'm not your guy, buddy
I'm not your buddy, pal
I'm not your pal, friend
I'm not your friend, mate
I'm not your mate, amigo
Kotor 2
I'm not your amigo, compadre
>your 4-man party gangs up on bosses
>bosses realize they are being retarded by fighting solo
>bosses form their own 4-man parties to counter your party
Bravely Default is such a neat game.
I've heard it was supposed to happen with Pokemon Colosseum and its sequel.
Shame it didn't.
I'm not your compadre, comrade
>protagonist from previous games is a boss
>he's hard as fuck
go back to /weg/ jackass
I'm not your comrade, habib.
>game has a bodyslider
>MC has to kill the protagonist of the previous game
Mafia II. Absolutely kino mission