Do you ever feel bad about wasting your life on video games?
Do you ever feel bad about wasting your life on video games?
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You're going to have regrets no matter what you do. Why not just try and enjoy life the way you want to enjoy it?
bido gaem
lol fucking epic meme dude
what else should i be doing? I already got a good job, hookers are cheap in my country i work out three times a week
All the time. Spergs on Sup Forums will all lie to you though like and
yeah im depressed af every day
Fuck no, video games are fun. Besides I'm too busy feeling bad about having no friends.
Is this a good show?
Not really. Even normies waste their lives watching tv and shit which is just as bad
If video games didnt exist Id probably spend that time reading books anyway and people would still be insecure about me.
I used to but now I don't since it's so easy to get pussy
Doing something you like considered wasting life? What a retarded question
thenk uu
no, its ok
If you think scoring a good job and reserving 6 hours a week for basic workout is a unobtainable goal then you are the one with the problem
Video games are your surrogate activity
No, everyone is going to die sooner or later no matter what, so I prefer to waste my vain existance doing something I enjoy rather than being forced to study/work just to spend the money won at a late age
I guess reading, watching films, doing exercise, going to parties is also wasting time, right? fuck off jew, I'm not working as a slave for you
I don't even know what that means, Weird Beard.
My what?
no but i feel bad for needing weed to enjoy most games these days
No because I do other things too
i had a kid but her bitch of a mother cheated on me and ended up getting full custody and moved to the other side of the country
But the time spent playing could also be used for better things
No. I waste my life on trying to help people with mental illness. At least I get achievement points in video games!
kek they even gave him a little neckbeard
Nothing Jaden smith does is good
I'd feel like I'm wasting my life regardless. I already think I've wasted half of my life for being a coward, I don't think videogames were a factor in that, if anything they made my life more tolerable. I don't even play that much, they just dont feel the void or entertain me.
Kill me, Diego
What did friendless shut ins do all day before the internet?
>be me
>spend childhood going through the motions playing video games (eventually getting good)
>minimum wage slave
>be someone else now
>spend childhood going through the motions drawing instead (eventually getting good)
>open a Patreon
>make $10,000 per month
Who else fell for the video game meme
They didn't exist until the internet.
invent shit
Okay... What else am I supposed to be doing then?
party and drink
I don't think about it anymore. but I would never let my child touch video games. I won't be having children so don't worry Sup Forums, my shitty opinions will never effect anything.
no because despite what people think I did accomplish a lot and still do.
slut it up
it’s not
How about...this?
*take off pants, bends over and spreads*
Internet came along and inserted itself into what you would normal be doing. Reading a book, practicing an instrument, tackling a problem, etc. Before the internet was as useful as it is today, I spent most of my days playing guitar and painting.
How old are you
Second episode has the toblerone gag and the best jokes in the entire show. Just watch that if at all and be done with it.
Remember back in the day when retards were shot on sight or horribly abused?
I miss those days.
Boredom is a modern concept. In primitive societies, people were content to sit and do nothing for hours on end.
HE'S 34, user
Anal masturbation.
Serial killing
sounds boring
Read books about sci-fi/fantasy stuff.
Maybe search for friends in newspaper ads to play Pen&Paper RPGs.
Getting a degree in electric engineering and neurology so you can be the man to digitize the human brain and live forever. That way you have more than one human lifetime to play video games and watch anime.
>tfw we may have been born a single generation too early to achieve immortality
If video games are your entire identity and you literally can't live without playing them, then yeah, you probably (and should) have a lot of regrets
fuck no just watch totally spies
Already studing neurology, I can do both that and be a gamer
godspeed, user
*Hurts my hands
Watching film is a waste.
The other 3 aren't and give you tangible benefits.
my life is empty. Doesn't matter.
I feel bad about wasting my life. Playing video games is just one way of filling that wasted time so I don't feel bad about that specifically.
Do fun things along without some sperg recording you on their iphone instagraming you and posting it everywhere with some gay cute face like "OwO whats this guy doing lul"
There's a scene where a guy wearing a George washington wig voiced by Steve Buscemi smokes a vape.
No i feel bad about wasting my life wageslaving
Noting you do will be remembered, you are an infinitesimally small spec in the vastness of time and space
You can't trust women, they are all the same.
No, I don't feel bad about enjoying my life.
Plus I barely play them anymore, just get stuck deciding what to play for hours and then realise it's too late and I need to cook/go to work/go to bed.
Realized that a couple years ago. Whenever that Gravity movie came, The medium is shit outside of webm's and gifs. I may never watch a tv show or movie again in the traditional sense.
Full brutal honesty here she'll do everything in her power to turn the kid against you. Don't forget about him but you might as well have another one with a better woman.
She will most likely succeed in making the kid hate you.
>hollywood trash makes up the entirety of the medium
What do you mean?
my name is dale
is this me?
The immersed themselves in books, art, and science.
leftists will eventually ruin your life by taking your job or steling your savings or by outright murdering ou and you will have lived your life as a slave
At least she isnt making you pay child support, haha right?
That'll never fucking happen, and even if it does, you yourself won't live to see it, nor will your children or their children, so you might as well give up the idea of immortality.
even if you knew that your actions were going to be remembered by someone else, why would you care?
Oh it's not just that, you got film festival trash, introspective trash, trash from different nations and cultures. It's just a shit medium for stories and I don't think I can 'into' it anymore.
>assuming he isn't getting drained dry
nah, that user is probably fucked for the next 20 years.
I hate Sup Forums so much
If you play video game RIGHT NOW, you have one lifetime of playing video games. If you pull that shit and fail, you would get 0 lifetime of playing video games.
Damn, imagine underpinning your entire existential worth on the fact that you need some continued existence or relevance after you die.
Good luck, my real body's behind 7 layers of concrete.
A good arthouse movie like Funeral Parade Of Roses is as good as reading a book or attend to art museum.
>vidya is my only hobby
>one day will lost interest in games
>will be work-bed slave with no interests
QUICK! recommend patrician hobbys
I get it, it keeps a lot of dumb fuckers from slaying folk. I'd prefer people like that existed verses everyone believing in the irrelevancy of life. It's less painful for my day to day existence. Pretty sure most of us wouldn't be able to chill in a society like that.
Like i said.
Psyop. Get the fuck off of my board you cunts.
Well the obvious answer is to get into other forms of media
Model Building
You are god now.
Musical Instrument, not mixing/sampling, or making tracks. Just learn to play the instrument to the best of you ability. Learn about musical notation and theory. You don't have to be an expert or even good, but having a base knowledge allows you to look at stuff differently.
I always feel a tiny bit bad
Then I think about how much worse I could be off
Video games, depending on what you play, are at least stimulating, interactive, and require you to use your noggin.
Consider how many people go to work, come home and watch tv, rinse and repeat until the day they die. If you live in the US, you probably know a few people like that.
>all those white peepo
There is no value in it, as there is no value in anything
It is the only thing most people have, a fleeting hope that their actions affected the future