Ace Attorney thread

Will she ever comes back in a future game?

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As long as her armpits return, I'm all for it.

came here to post this

She could be Apollo's sidekick

Where is my Rayfa doujin?

As long as she keeps blushing, yes please.



If Apollo is doing stuff in Khurain in future games, absolutely

I'd rather have Armie return

Is he done with AA?

Forgot image

monkey's paw, she'll return but as an old hag!

More importantly, will Maya return?

With Apollo in Khuran probably.

Of course although she contributes nothing to the plot.

Will she ever gets any real character development?

Satora imaoman domosamashi detashinuke taregasayo sonoka!

This will not stop me from enjoying her armpits at all whatsoever.

What do you guys want out of AA7?

Which girls are most likely lesbian besides Aura?

Will Armie ever come back?

Stop bringing back old characters and moving forward.

I would actually be super down for a direct sequel to SoJ, showing Apollo and Sahdmahdi reshape the Khura'inese legal system. But history shows the AA team is averse to such a thing, so if it's ever referenced again it'll be brief and offscreen probably.

A game where you play as Athena more than once.

Grape Juice

either of these not this sorry

more feet

Which real life country should they base the next game?

America. Just to see the localizers really shit their pants.


Athena game. Lots of Basedquill screentime. Apollo returns for a visit. All this while Phoenix fucks Maya in the background

Pass Phoenix, Maya & Pearls back to Takumi for the Ghost Trick crossover.

Tying up loose ends in regards to Apollo/Trucy and their mother. That said I'm probably the only one in this shithole who doesn't want Phoenix or Edgey gone yet.

how are these 2 supposed to cross over? one is about solving murders and the other is about going back in time to make the murder never happen in the first place


I don't mind bringing back old characters but goddamn it's obvious that the writers have no idea what to do with most of them, so on that basis yeah I want them to stop bringing them back too. 6-5 was painful in that one regard, with Phoenix becoming immensely incompetent all of a sudden and basically only being there to tell everyone that he's played 999 so he recognises the tweest and Maya almost getting Phoenix & Apollo fucking killed.

You play as Phoenix and Maya for the first half, and Maya keeps getting possessed. You lose the trial, time rewinds, and Maya and Phoenix remember everything for reasons.

There you go.

I think that little aside at the end of SoJ was supposed to serve that purpose. I don't think AA team likes to include revelations from previous games as major/explicit plot points in new ones.

Killing Lamiroir just feels predictable. How about Lamiroir's actually the final killer?

Plot would probably be shit but the banter would be top tier.

So basically every AA game really.

>Phoenix becoming immensely incompetent all of a sudden and basically only being there to tell everyone that he's played 999 so he recognises the tweest
Phoenix was on-point that entire case, what are you talking about? Also I thought Apollo figured out the 999 twist by himself.


Hopefully not

>I think that little aside at the end of SoJ was supposed to serve that purpose
Are you retarded?
>"It's about time we told them".
It was purposefully a cliffhanger.

>I don't think AA team likes to include revelations from previous games as major/explicit plot points in new ones.
I wish they didn't do this.

>That said I'm probably the only one in this shithole who doesn't want Phoenix or Edgey gone yet.
It's a more appealing alternative to more of what's been happening to them for the past couple games, in my opinion anyway.

>I don't think AA team likes to include revelations from previous games as major/explicit plot points in new ones.
AA1 & AA5 are the only games that don't do that though. I'm not entirely sure AA5 was supposed to be like that either, but rather they just decided to do nothing more with it's plot.

It was purposefully a cliffhanger in AJ too. Nothing ever came of the set-up international plot with the phantom at the end of DD either. This seemed to me more like it was supposed to be implied closure to acknowledge that dangling plot thread. Would be happy to be wrong though, I like the whole Apollo crew.

Young Mia game. Or a young Gregory game though cases weren't only 3-days long back then so I dunno what would happen there. Writers clearly have no idea what to do with Phoenix or Athena, and Apollo turns the plot and all other characters involved to shit for some unexplained reason, I'd like a break from all three of them.

total cast and setting refresh BUT not something goofily different like old timey england, just another normal modern city with a somewhat different culture etc

i still think ace attorney would be great as an anthology-type series with each game being total refreshes and only occasional direct sequels but whatever

>i still think ace attorney would be great as an anthology-type series with each game being total refreshes and only occasional direct sequels but whatever
I wish they would've followed through with AA4's soft reboot. AA4-6 should've been an original Apollo trilogy, keep AA4's style of only seldom bringing back old characters.

Nigga, if anything Edgeworth was there just for the sake of Steel Samurai jokes.

I kept trying to look up her skirt during the dancing scenes and I came to the conclusion that her in-game model just has a black void.

>play PLvAA, want Maya to come back
>play AA6, want Maya to never come back
Maybe this writing team just doesn't get her character or something. Which is weird because they handle best daughter Pearl okay, lazy design aside.

What didn't you like about AA6 Maya? I thought they did a decent job of having her be more mature while also not losing her old self.

I don't think they get any of the old characters.

here's your (you) you retard

She wasn't more mature outside of that one scene with Rayfa though. She was more childish than she was in the trilogy outside of that scene even, saying this as someone who marathoned the mainline series just before playing AA5

I don't think their handling of the others is as bad.

Will she ever come back in a future game?


Ideally, it should be something like:

>Focus on Athena, it only makes sense at this point. Give Apollo his token Khur'ain case to keep the Seance gimmick and tie into the main plot.
>Give Phoenix a case where he actually interacts with his daughteru as an assistant
>More Blackquill for dat bantz

As for the overall plot idk, the series still gets competent entries even though it was basically "done" as of AA3 and that Takumi left it, so as long as the games don't suffer, AA doesn't really have a reason to stop.

I really like Franziska


I can dig that structure actually even though I said no to an Athena game earlier ITT


Phoenix was a different sort of person back when he & 'Dahlia' dated. Sucks for Iris but it'd be weirder if they did just get back together in my opinion.

Now pic related, there's your OTP my man.

I really liked that dropped idea for AA6 about Phoenix getting caught up in the criminal underground and some sort of shady court. Have that as the setting, have Viola be his assistant, and have Athena handle cases on the other side of things, with the finale being the two tackling something from both ends.

What system will AA7 be on?
PS4 and XBO with PC at a later date?

Main series games definitely get translated. Spin-offs on the other hand...

Viola's an old woman now.

HQ version when?

ill never understand games that forgive so easily for past mistakes some characters have
this little girl felt no remorse as she willingly put people on the chopping block and yet all is forgiven because she feels a little bad about it later

No one ages in AA, it's fine.

rip pearl

>Phoenix and Apollo in the front and center
>Athena sort of randomly in there
They really do not give a shit about her huh

I want to see an Interpol game starring Fran and Lang as they travel to several countries busting down international crime.

She's only a few years older than Maya is she not

It was 99% due to Ga'ran, not herself

Takumi talked about wanting to do one, for what it's worth.

I don't think it'd be that difficult to do, think Ghost Trick with a couple more supporting characters from AA and some trial sequences thrown in there featuring Ghost Trick characters as supporting characters.

I'm more interested in another investigations game, but since that probably won't happen I just want a cameo with one of the characters.

Almost made me shipperfag. Phoenix and Maya's bants with each other were top tier in that game.

I think Eshiro wants to do that even before AA6 but possibly got forced to continue the main series by the suits.

Who's the best one case only character?

Captain Cosmos
>My honor! My glory! Everything is slipping away! Time to deploy my ultimate weapon!
>Segway goes out of control
Uendo is pretty cute

I's like for them to use AA7 to finish Phoenix's story completely. They wrote Apollo out of the series, with a decent way to get him back if they need him, and Athena (Though I don't find her that interesting) can take over or at least have more to do if Phoenix is out.

I'd like to see Phoenix:
-Have a case with Trucy for actual interactions
-Get married
-Tell Trucy and Apollo about their heritage

I'd also like to see Gumshoe back, but that's less of a series direction. A Gumshoe investigation game would be cool but literally will never happen.

Just make my boy Sebastian a major character

i want a poster of this

Case with Athena fighting against Franziska Von Karma. If Gumshoe doesn't come back they should at least mention what the fuck happened to him?Is he still retarded? Did he finally become competent? Is he straight up dead? We don't know.

Viola works best as a one time character, don't delude yourself. Also making an entire game built around that idea would get stupid fast.

They would never willingly hang out with each other.

>Uendo is pretty cute
A man has no right to be this pretty.

I want to give Rayfa a royal foot massage

His theme is pretty fucking lit

6-4 honestly gives 3-2 a run for it's money as the most fun filler case

>Filler case
Don't you mean 3-3? 3-2 was important for introducing Godot.

>Viola works best as a one time character, don't delude yourself.
Doesn't have to be her specifically, but nah I don't see why she couldn't function in a different role. I get that Sup Forums has this idea that unless x character acts in a specific way they shouldn't be there, but pretty much no one outside of Sup Forums agrees and neither do I to be honest.

>Also making an entire game built around that idea would get stupid fast.
What, a different setting? Also I outright said that Athena would be handling 'normal' cases in the mean time so it wouldn't even be the entire game in that one setting.

I like you. You can stay.

Fair enough, although I'm not too fond of 3-3 so fuck that

This card was meant for SBPR

>Doesn't have to be her specifically, but nah I don't see why she couldn't function in a different role.
She's literally a random one off character from a filler case, and it's not like Phoenix even likes her enough to stick around her, and nor does Viola. They have almost zero chemistry, and not to mention I see no reason what Viola would be doing in that kind of setting.
>I get that Sup Forums has this idea that unless x character acts in a specific way they shouldn't be there, but pretty much no one outside of Sup Forums agrees and neither do I to be honest.
Stop projecting.
>What, a different setting?
Just that one in particular.
>Also I outright said that Athena would be handling 'normal' cases in the mean time so it wouldn't even be the entire game in that one setting.
I mean the game is built around the idea that Phoenix is in this underground criminal court (which is honestly just a silly concept altogether) and I don't really see how the fuck you would make it work past a single case. It might work as a filler case at best.

>So basically every AA game really.
People basically only care about the final cases in these games despite being the dumbest ones by far. Even AAI2-5 which gets praised endlessly had so much coincidental bullshit all happening at the same time conveniently, that would be criticized if it wasn't in a final case.

>Even AAI2-5 which gets praised endlessly had so much coincidental bullshit all happening at the same time conveniently, that would be criticized if it wasn't in a final case.
Personally I would like to point out that Simon was a really weak opponent. He acted smug and confident and threatened your life bar but really he was so fucking easy to counter and his final showdown wasn't even all that long.